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Fps Issues (Windows 8)





Until very recently, I used to play on windows XP where I didn't have any FPS issues.


I decided to upgrade to Windows 8, but I somehow managed to lose some RAM in the process (I only have 2G now),

in crowded area (mostly Towers actually) I suffer large FPS loss, going from 60+ to 30 and even 25. It truely affect my latron's fire rate as said on the wikia, I thought it was a myth, haha.


Well, I'd like to hear some suggestions about which GFX options I should turn down to greatly increase my FPS while keeping the game sexy as a pair of $*; here is my actual config:




Thanks guys!

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GTX 650

4 * 2,5 Ghz

And like said above 2g of RAM.


On XP I had no FPS issues at all, but that was 2-3 months ago during which I haven't played warframe, so a combination of windows 8 + losing ram and tons of  Warframe updates probably justify the large loss, I'm going to try with those options turned off.

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I gave it a shot on Pluto's interception, after getting ingame I remember this is where my FPS drop is the most noticeable.


Well it didn't appear to change much, topping at 40 and often staying around 30, I even tuned pretty much every GFX option down and my FPS never rised. The game now looks like dog poo and my FPS is still S#&$. I'm tempted to say the problem doesn't come from me as I play many other games in highest settings. 

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I doubt this is a graphical problem for you.

You don't just "lose" RAM. Crack it open and see if you have a dead stick.

Did you check to see if the windows 8 BIOS/drivers are out there from the manufacturer of your motherboard?

What are your actual specs?

Operating System? 8, 8.1, 32bit, 64bit?

Proceesor? Number of cores/threads?

RAM type DDR1, 2, 3?

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You upgraded from XP to Win8 ? When did you get that computer? Was the motherboard designed for XP or was it more recent?



I wouldn't jump that far in between systems without at least getting compatible hardware, last time I jumped from Vista to 7, all hell broke lose on my motherboard.

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