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Tired Of Getting A Taxi To Alerts? Looking For People To Finish As Much Of The Solar Map As Possible.


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I'm about 50 hours into the game and I'm sick and tired of having to ask people for a taxi to do the alerts.


I have Earth, Mars, Mercury and Venus finished up already, but we can do any missions you need :)


Think of this like a keyshare: we'll do a mission one person needs, then we'll move on to the next person and so on. Hopefully in a good session we can finish up a planet or two.


If my position in the game is too far behind or in front of you, please feel free to hijack the topic and recruit others for your missions.


Also: thanks to all the higher-ranked players who hang out in the recruit chat and help out the newer players. Especially the guy who helped me farm neurodes and got me all the blueprints for Nekros in the process!

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This sounds like a great idea!  Some planets like Sedna/Phobos are pretty dead and each have about 20 something missions.  Playing solo is incredibly boring for me and it's always hard to find people who have the exact same missions that need to be completed.


Feel free to add me.

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You can add me as well to the list of looking to clear planets, get them all unlocked so I can pick and choose where I want to play in any given moment.


So far I've cleared Earth, Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter (minus the Archwing missions)


Phobos I've unlocked but not started in on yet.


Saturn I have just 2 nodes to go, Anthe, and Numa (those pesky Rescue missions).


Sedna is unlocked as well but like Phobos I've not started in on it.


Ideally I'd love to clear off the lower places and move on up to the higher and progress through.  I'm on most days trying to hit up randoms clearing a zone now and then.


I don't mind going back to clear lower planets to help others get up there with some of us on the mid range worlds.  Long as we're having fun its all good.


Currently playing my 30 Excalibur till a couple frames I have in the Foundry are done, so once those pop out I'll be even more willing to help folks on the lower planets again to level up those frames till we get up to those mid to high level planets.



(edited to update planets cleared)

Edited by Zorak_Malor
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Also keen to do this. 
IGN: kchay. Not too sure where I'm at, anymore. I just play randomly, so I've got some places on random planets unlocked hah
I'm a tad nooby when I play though. Warning!

Edited by kchay
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Anyone down to tackle Uranus missions feel free to add me.  I really want those Ash blueprints!


I am also more than happy to party with anyone else who needs to complete missions before Uranus as well.  I have a few weapons and frames I wouldn't mind leveling.

Edited by DayInTheSun
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Figured I would repost here, now that there are some more names floating below mine.


Feel free to add me to help clear lower planets out as well as work on the end/top tier planets.


I have cleared and access to all of the following (minus Archwing missions in many cases) :


Earth, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter


Plants I still need to clear that I've started in on are :


Phobos, Sedna, Uranus and Europa.


I have Neptune and Eris unlocked, but have not started in on these planets.  I also still have to unlock Pluto and Ceres (which I gather you unlock once you beat the Pack on Neptune).


Trying to do some of the Archwing missions as well to unlock the nightmare modes on planets, if folks wish to run them as well for the rewards.


IGN - Zorak_Malor

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Excellent idea!  I'm also trying to open up the solar map but, yeah, like people said, there aren't that many groups running around at higher levels.


I have cleared Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn (archwing missions included) so I can help people at those levels.  I've opened Sedna and Phobos but haven't done much on those yet so some help would be greatly appreciated.


Feel free to add me (xiaodenden). :)

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Checking in and updating things again.


Planets I have cleared up are Earth, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Phobos.


I still have left..


Sedna - 5 nodes

Europa - 7 nodes

Uranus - 1 node

Neptune - 5 nodes

Pluto - All of it

Eris - practically all of it, think I've done 2

Ceres - All of it


I have a slew of frames to use to clear these out, most being at 30 now, most having reactors, so they're a tad more survivable in things.


I'm hoping to work on clearing Ceres pretty soon, or at least a path to the boss to farm up the Frost BP's so I can crank out one of those frames next seeing as he's a popular choice when it comes to Defense missions.

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you guys can add me too i am more of a stealth player but im still good in the heat. Rank 3 going on 4. I need Ash bp's so if anyone can help me with that.


Planets Unlocked and Completed:

-Earth, Mercury, Venus


Planets have but not finished:

-Jupiter (about 12 nodes)

-Sedna (all of it)


IGN: Infinite_TE

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