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Return Of The Braton Vandal?


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MAYBE at the end of open betathe devs gift the complete set : Braton, Skana and Lato.


I hope not.


Braton Vandal was one time only for OB-Weekend within CB.


Lato Vandal a reward for all the closed Beta participants.


To give them to anybody again would screw CB-Players and OB-Weekend participants.

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I hope not.


Braton Vandal was one time only for OB-Weekend within CB.


Lato Vandal a reward for all the closed Beta participants.


To give them to anybody again would screw CB-Players and OB-Weekend participants.

How on earth would me getting a Vandal screw you?

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It wouldn't "screw" us, but it would ruin the intended uniqueness and rareness of that particular weapon.


It's a sign that says "I played the beta test weekend", not a sign that says "I *@##$ed and whined at DE until they caved and gave me a shiny, now I'll be a good little boy". Same goes for the lato vandal and closed beta.


P.S. It's almost certain that there will be other unique event rewards given out in time, you won't be entitled to have those either. But you can certainly play when they're being given out to get one for yourself.


P.P.S. It's interesting no one complains about missing the 2 free color pallets we've been given, considering there is nothing else comparable (better or worse) that can be gotten in the game just by playing.

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Ah... now I get it.  I needed to be the "look at me I'm the little whiney brat with no life and has to play every closed beta game that pops up on steam" kid and not the "hey, I heard great things about this new Warframe game think I'll give it a try" guy.

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Ah... now I get it.  I needed to be the "look at me I'm the little whiney brat with no life and has to play every closed beta game that pops up on steam" kid and not the "hey, I heard great things about this new Warframe game think I'll give it a try" guy.


It's amazing how you came to that conclusion, it really is. I have been playing the game for around 4 months now and I have just over 100 hours played. That comes down to less than 1 hour played per day on average. But yeah *I* have no life.


And what does any of that have to do with an exclusive reward given out during a 1 time event that is meant to be unique?


Your account was registered on April 14th. You probably didn't even know the game existed when the open beta event took place. So again, why do you think they owe you anything?

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Ah... now I get it.  I needed to be the "look at me I'm the little whiney brat with no life and has to play every closed beta game that pops up on steam" kid and not the "hey, I heard great things about this new Warframe game think I'll give it a try" guy.


It's more like: Hey it is really nice of you DE to give us Closed Beta tester a "thank you" in form of a special weapon only we are allowed to wield for all the feedback we provided you on the way to a Open Beta release where everyone will be able to play a game that is well designed at that point.. part thanks to the CB community. You really held your promise you gave at the start of CB that every participant... and only them would receive something special...the Lato Vandal.


The Braton Vandal on the other hand is more or less an "i was there" item and not as rare as the Lato Vandal since every new account created on the OB Weekend and the CB accounts that logged in at that Weekend could buy it for 1 credit. If you missed it... bad luck.


TL;DR: If you are a Closed Beta tester you have and deserve the Lato Vandal. If not don't whine and live with it! If you participated in the OB Weekend you have and deserve the Braton Vandal. If not don't whine and live with it!


P.s.: Imho right now you're the "little whiney brat" that can't reach the cookies because mommy put them on the shelf and out of reach. Thank's for buying Master Founders Pack to "give Warframe a try" though... but you should work on your attitude.

Edited by Namacyst
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I wasn't there for the CB, or OB weekend. I knew about the game for a long time, just didn't get around to it until month and half ago or so. I feel that the Vandal weapons should stay as they are. It makes them unique to those who were here before me and others, and I respect that.

If they decide to give a different limited addition before game goes off out of beta, I would be pleased, but I rather have them keep the Vandals as it is, regardless of me not being able to get it.

EDIT: actually I think I was here for the OB weekend, I just didn't play it. Installed it but because I was on the road i didn't get a chance to sit down and play. Plus I prefer playing on my desktop. It still doesn't change my mind though.

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The Lato Vandal is,as somebody already pointed out,a special thanks to the cb tester an therefor should stay as a sign of participation(and its not like you dont an alternative in the form of the Lex).

As for the Braton....eh I wasnt around at that weekend but I cant say Im feeling like missing out.It would just be a weapon occupying a item slot that I couldnt get myself to sell no matter what.

I can kinda understand Braton main users beeing a bit peeved vut tbh I still have to see one.

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I think he should have a chance to get Vandal too, I know about the uniqueness but I don´t care.. true happiness is when we share things and not keep for ourselves. They do not owe anything to anyone but I agree they should give you a oportunity. It´s still on the Beta so why not?

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true happiness is when we share things and not keep for ourselves.

But you will never go far in life without greed. Though let's not turn this into a discussion on matters philosophical, shall we?


I wouldn't really care if everyone got the Vandal again but what's the point of that? Promotional items are promotional. There will be more in the future..

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I think he should have a chance to get Vandal too, I know about the uniqueness but I don´t care.. true happiness is when we share things and not keep for ourselves. They do not owe anything to anyone but I agree they should give you a oportunity. It´s still on the Beta so why not?

Because the point of an "exclusive" item is that it is, in fact, exclusive.

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Ah... now I get it.  I needed to be the "look at me I'm the little whiney brat with no life and has to play every closed beta game that pops up on steam" kid and not the "hey, I heard great things about this new Warframe game think I'll give it a try" guy.


This is some weird meta complaining. Whining about people being whiny brats while also being a whiny brat.

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I undestand the point made, but the problem i have is that the braton vandal is not a skin, ist a different weapon altogether, with different stats altogether,
And i didnt know the game exsisted until last week, so i was not able to buy that weapon until ist was to late,
So that content is lost to me beacose i was not there when i should have, it is not fair, there is nothig i can do  about it (or could have done, not knowing)
Again this problem appear only beacose this is a difeerent weapon, with different ("better") stats, and not a skin

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