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[Suggestion] Dating Sim Mode


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Technically, this is a pretty interesting idea. The nomenclature however, could be different. A mechanic which rewards players for playing together with contacts a lot could be interesting, much like one which rewards using Online Public Games as opposed to Private.

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You can't just add positives; there have to be some drawbacks too (the game is easy enough as it is).  


Like if you invite a player you are in a relationship with, and they ignore your invite you take a penalty.  At the beginning of your next mission, Lotus chimes in and says:


"Warning.  [PlayerName] is giving you the cold shoulder.  This icy response is having a negative effect on your shields."  


-25% shields until you play together again or you change your synergies.  

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My only real technical gripe with it is that DE probably wont give a crap.


I acctually think its a fun idea.

But romance between utterly emotionless Space Ninjas that are uber bad &#! is silly. I cant take it seriously. Unless youre RPing.


Inwhich case please disregard me in my entirety.


And contrived as in it wont feel natural in the game; as it has zero themes of romance and no romantic tone and the Tenno are utterly blank, emotionless warriors, unless you give them a personality.



Actually considering what I've seen of DE, I wouldn't be surprised if they give each and every suggestion some in depth thought as to whether or not it would actually add some depth to the game.


The problem with this idea is, while it does encourage having a more tightly knit community, it'd also be extremely complicated to code. They may have a lot on their plate as is.


I like the idea. I honestly wish more games would incorporate a romance/teamwork oriented development for characters. I know some couples who play specific games because those games allow them to express their love for each other through game play. Is it odd? I don't think so. I remember occasions where I gave gifts to others to demonstrate affection for them. Even a digital rose can carry a lot of weight for some people.


I think it'd be awesome if we, as Tenno, could form bonds with fellow Tenno in such a way that our characters actually perform stronger when group with those particular Tenno. Can you imagine? This game would actually turn into a team game and not four rampant ninja running around and killing anything that pokes its head out. It'd compliment the idea of 'clans' as well.


The closest thing the game has to actual teamwork at the moment is artifacts. Mixing and matching artifacts to balance out the needs of the team is awesome, but I'd love to see more done for this. And, hey, it's not like people would be forced into doing it. They'd still be just as deadly being a super ninja.

Edited by Dancingfirefly
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well, i would be critical in the romance aspect, especially because we dont even know what the Tenno are really like in privat and if it would fit into the story of the game - but well, the players will do so anyways if they want. just remembering teh 4th livestream as Steve mentioned a couple that met trough Warframe =) so why not add something like this? could get cool, i guess.


but i think the "friendship-points" you are mentioning with little bonuses for playing together with the friends you are linked with, creating a real social system between the tenno ... sounds pretty awesome, i have to admit.


has to be done carefully, but - i think it would be awesome. +1 from me!

Edited by Eddy0815
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Like everyone, I looked at this and laughed..until I read it. Then I laughed -again-.


The idea should be toned down a whole lot. And just revolve around a Trust system.


When you play with a player, and you benefit from their powers, or you revive them, or shoot an enemy that is targeting them. That earns trust points.


-ANY- rewards earned through trust have to be extremely tiny and carries over.


Or the trust points reset to zero after every mission ends, and the bonuses you earn are larger and instant.

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Like everyone, I looked at this and laughed..until I read it. Then I laughed -again-.


The idea should be toned down a whole lot. And just revolve around a Trust system.


When you play with a player, and you benefit from their powers, or you revive them, or shoot an enemy that is targeting them. That earns trust points.


-ANY- rewards earned through trust have to be extremely tiny and carries over.


Or the trust points reset to zero after every mission ends, and the bonuses you earn are larger and instant.


that would go completely against that what the idea is for. It goes for trust and long-time teamplayers. Would you intrust someone you know for 5 minutes with your life, in a - lets say - very hard mission with lv. 60 Grineer troopers? ( I know such missions doesnt exist at the moment, but i hope for epic hard endcontent ;-) )

the bonuses of the friendship / brother / whatever relationship-bonuses shouldn't be to big, with that i would agree. But it should be a feelable bonus of - lets say - 5% more armor thanks to the relationship called ...whatever... Iron brothers? you know what i mean^^


5% is not much, but it is a feelable and countling bonus, not giving the "lone wolves" a too big disadvantage.


and the system itself ... well, if you break it down to your friendlist / clan, it would save the Dev's a lot of time, and easier to program.

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I cant believe you guys actually are taking this seriously. Look, if you're that lonely, dont force it on other people. The idea only sounded good by means of having interaction between cooperative play, but obsessive play with other people and getting massive boosts from it, not to mention "romantic cutscenes." Thats where i flipped the table. I'm really sick of the obsession over e-dating non existing characters. (yes, warframes do not exist.) However if you're interested in another player on a serious level, whatever, sky is the limit. But please cut the lame love S#&$ out of my action games. This doesnt need to be some pivotal facet of the game. Its not even a single player game. Dont turn warframe literally, into a dating sim. I want warframe, not The Sims. Its seriously like a bad fanfiction  If something like this happens, Warframe's reputation will go in the toilet and become the laughing stock of modern games, which paints a huge target on it for griefing as well.


I take this thread about as serious as this:




Or this



Edited by Onite
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I cant believe you guys actually are taking this seriously. Look, if you're that lonely, dont force it on other people. The idea only sounded good by means of having interaction between cooperative play, but obsessive play with other people and getting massive boosts from it, not to mention "romantic cutscenes." Thats where i flipped the table. I'm really sick of the obsession over e-dating non existing characters. (yes, warframes do not exist.) However if you're interested in another player on a serious level, whatever, sky is the limit. But please cut the lame love S#&$ out of my action games. This doesnt need to be some pivotal facet of the game. Its not even a single player game. Dont turn warframe literally, into a dating sim. I want warframe, not The Sims. Its seriously like a bad fanfiction  If something like this happens, Warframe's reputation will go in the toilet and become the laughing stock of modern games, which paints a huge target on it for griefing as well.


So much this. Of course they aren't going to respond well. Luckily I don't think the devs are going to implement this. You know, maybe when pigs fly and Rollers turn triangle.

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sorry for the caps, but really this is a great way for players to want to bring their real life friends into the game, maybe the whole thing about lovey dovey cut scenes is a tiny bit much but think about it. Getting a bonus for playing with your friend? getting a bigger bonus the more you play together? HELL YES! The tenno currently work in cells for 4, so getting a bonus for your friends because you learn to work better together just makes sense in my head, and yes I read this because I was hoping for something else, but the idea behind this is brilliant. 
It would be kinda like a free mod/artifact/ability slot for your friend because you play together which encourages more team play. I know it also kinda makes large clans a little less wanting but this would be a great tool for new players who start the game with a friend or two who just want a good time. 

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sorry for the caps, but really this is a great way for players to want to bring their real life friends into the game, maybe the whole thing about lovey dovey cut scenes is a tiny bit much but think about it. Getting a bonus for playing with your friend? getting a bigger bonus the more you play together? HELL YES! The tenno currently work in cells for 4, so getting a bonus for your friends because you learn to work better together just makes sense in my head, and yes I read this because I was hoping for something else, but the idea behind this is brilliant. 

It would be kinda like a free mod/artifact/ability slot for your friend because you play together which encourages more team play. I know it also kinda makes large clans a little less wanting but this would be a great tool for new players who start the game with a friend or two who just want a good time. 


completely agree to that.

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This is the best suggestion ever.


I'm MJ12 and this is my favorite topic on the forums.


Other than "playing the game as its mean to be i.e. by not using covers" right MJ?

God knows i will never forget that phrase from you till im alive.


In regards of the OP: +1

Sounds like an interesting design with more than enough depth to it.

Edited by Aerensiniac
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I like the idea of some form of boost given when you play with the same people over a long time, since it does seem logical for a cell's performance to be better if the members have been working together for a long time just like how it would be in real life.


I however do not want the idea of making it into a love love kind of feature though. Perhaps it would attract a larger fanbase of girls but it just feels wierd.


Above is just my opinion. This thread and suggestion is definitely worth a look by developers.

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I kinda hope this thread was started as a lighthearted joke.


I don't really get how people even think of romance in this game. It's the same with seeing threads about increasing the "sex appeal" of warframes, or this thread i once saw about which female warframe is hottest. IT'S FACELESS SETS OF BODY ARMOR! I can get it in some fanfic where the Tenno are more humanized, for example actually talking, having personalities etc., but in-game they are essentially shells for players to step into. Game-wise, they are less of a character than Gordon Freeman.


Not hating on the OP or any of the supporters of the idea, but still, people are weird :/

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Good one OP. It's like last night when Rebecca asked about Rule 63 and everyone was like "um... er... okay, I guess?..."



$#*(@ please, ever taken a look at Rhino's package?

It's rule 34.


@OP Not bad. Thought this was troll bait at first, I'm pleasantly surprised.

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Honestly, I can't see this being a thing for romantic purposes between accounts, considering one can switch from a male frame to a female frame on a whim (and no gender swapping of frames yet).  This on top of the whole creeper factor (The Guild had a perfect song for this issue).  But certainly I approve of a social link aspect where if you run missions with and support the same person often, you would develop a friendly relationship with them and confer some sort of bonus when working together.

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I really, really like the concept.


However, I would not name the trees like that. I honestly don't know how I would name them, propably "Squad Mates" for the weaker abilitys or bonuses and "Siblings" for the hardcore skills (Would make sense, I mean, Rhino and Frost are the Tank Brothers.)


Hoenstly, I wouldnt use the whole romantic stuff and everything. You shouldnt forget that this game attracts a lot of younger people (also from the fps community) which wouldnt take that serious.

I think, some more "Path of the Tenno-Warrior" naming would fit better in the whole Warframe universe.

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