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Balance, Challenge, Viver, And Other Thoughts.


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This is just reflections. So you know. Since everyone keeps starting wars on recent issues, I guess I wanted to vent as well.


Viver: That node was not "challenging" to play. People have to stop saying that. The "challenge" was working it out and perfecting the procedure. Kudos to the pioneers. Once that was done, anything past that, that was not a new "tactical rewrite" was just going through the motions.


The latest Tactical alerts: People still complain about fun/balance. What I was doing was going with new groups all the time. To me THAT was the challenge, and also the fun. Will this random PUG have enough synergy to finish? Do I take an aggressive role, or tag behind the Loki? Stay with the weaker member to provide backup? Regardless of how hard or easy the enemy is, playing as a group is fun in itself, and anything that falls outside "vanilla Warframe" is always fun to at least try out.


On the matter of Balance: what is optimal? Do we need to have CoD4 level balance, in order not to make players feel like targets rather then players? Do we need to keep players constrained into a range, to prevent Level 1 and Level 50 players entering a map like in Borderlands and ruining the experience for the new players? We actually don't have to care much about that here because we don't stay "new players" long, our "game curve" starts steep and flattens out fast.




For anyone here who considers themselves a "long term WF player", no matter what new content DE puts out, they will more or less be able, in their heads, to assemble a team with the right mods, right guns, correct abilities combos, etc to basically trivialize it from the get go. If DE was to go on and mangle that, they would have a new way 15 minutes later. Maybe now they will only get to wave 80 rather them 100, but DE probably just wanted them to struggle at wave 25, well to get these people to struggle at wave 25, you would probably have to turn off their screens after wave 24.


So how do we stop people yelling?


Well, fact is, you can't. Since we can basically equip anything we like, go anywhere we want, power level at will, and swap with others to get practically any gear, we invalidate most of the concepts that are in other games. I think this is why we seem to carry on and shout so much. We get our way so much that when the lollies are withheld, or the "lollies acquisition mechanic" is changed, and no matter how much pecking we do on the food dispenser, the Skinner box fails to drop bird seeds, there is an uproar.


I've watched the EvE forums already for longer than this game has even been running. You should see the threads just on the subject of AFK stealth camping, or the changes to mining barges to make them harder to kill. And those were small topics.


For once, I'm going to put my (not so short) TL;DR at the bottom, so here goes:


Find your own fun. If you can't, take a break, play something else and come back. If an issue is close to your heart in this game, then by all means raise your hand and say something, but this is not "your house", you are just a guest, and if you overstep your mark, DE can even kick you out.


I'm here to break things, and report back to DE. I never went to Viver because I already knew "it was broken". I knew rep gains would be tweaked, and I know that when a new thing comes out, it always gets added to and fleshed out more, so diving head first for anything other then testing just means smacking your hear in the rocks. You wait, make suggestions, and slowly shape it into something you want. You don't make statues with explosive, you use a chisel.


You all know this. It happens every time.


Why does it have to be a major land war every single time? Next time this happens, if you have read this far, think back to it. Maybe start half way and only escalate to DEFCON 1 if DE openly states "This right here? It's permanent. Deal with it or get out.

Edited by DSpite
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Back when we said void drops were bugged, DE said they were fine. Datamining revealed they weren't fine at all actually. 
And after that diving head first and insisting tweaks even if they are 'guaranteed' has been the standard. Some things die hard. Vivergate is going to leave a lasting memory that will assuredly alter how we act and debate for years to come. 
DE's word is by no means permanent, this has been proven multiple times over the course of the game. If we're not a check for when they screw up the game would be much worse off. Also, this is a forum, of course we're starting wars with strong opinions, as long as they don't resort to mudslinging wars are the exact purpose. We wouldn't be here otherwise.  

And if they are rampantly slinging mud, they're probably not going to change or listen to reason any ways.  

Edited by LukeAura
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From my point of view, there were many, many well documented and composed feedback threads on the Viver thing, explaining the issue and even suggesting solutions - basically doing for free what the devs are paid for - but it was pretty much ignored til that update thread hit the 50th page of protesting replies... so I guess some fire is needed in order to change the world from time to time?


Of course there will be rant posts, that's just the world we live in.

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