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Volts Overload Could Use Some Love


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First off, I am relatively OK with volts first three skills, the chain lightning is a good stun but has low damage, his speed is useful for melee builds, flying with the speed of light and quickly capturing targets and his electric shield makes even potatoes deadly shock orbs while establishing indestructible cover.


His fourth skill, Overload, however, could use some love in my opinion, it generally feels quite underpowered, as you cant even handle enemies over level 20 from certain factions, while the cast time is not satisfying, as are the utility and damage for a 100 energy "ultimate" (gosh how I hate this description for a skill).



Here are some problems and possible solutions:


1. Electric devices dont grow on trees: The idea of having electric devices (basially only lights) explode and deal more damage is actually quite good, but the problem with it is that they dont regenerate, which would be ridiculous of course, but on infinite missions volt gets heavy problems later on.


Solution: I think it would be a good idea to make ospreys, grineer combat drones and mutalist ospreys count as electric device and let them further spread the overload effect just like lights, I think this alone could make Overload a viable skill again. Maybe even let enemeis that are shielded by ospreys take more damage as they get a heavy shock instead of shields.


2. Armor and the damage portions: As Overload deals small amounts of damage over time, armored enemies are basically impervious to it; even if you explode a 100 lightbulbs a level 20 napalm will still stand after an Overload.


Solution: I think increasing either the base damage per tick and/or giving it a base portion of damage that ignores armor (how can you suffer less electricity damage with thicker armor anyway?) can solve this.


3: Procs while casting and vulnerability: About this I can only say that I find the slash and other DoT procs on players ridiculous anyway, because you basically cant do anything about it and have to watch your Tenno die. Volt is highly vulnerable while casting and an easy target becasue overload doesnt strike instantly, this is the smallest problem of the three I listed here for me.


Solution: Give Volt a shield while casting that absorbs a certain amount of damage, a bit like a one second sanctuary.



As already said, Volt first three skills are quite nice and have their use, but I think all skills on a Warframe should be viable and have a use against enemies of every level.







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well....since volt generates electricity (while using his 1st ability and in his animations) I think that he should just deal damage on his own and that any electronics will just increase that damage rather than making it...and it'll still have it's name since he will "overload" himself 

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I play a volt nearly 100% of the time, and I have to say, as is, the overload power is a very nice field wiper on infestation defense missions. Works wonders here. I have, however, always been disappointed by what it can jump to. Only lights seems a bit odd, since, on spaceship missions especially, there should be lots of electronic devices that overload can jump to (I'm thinking of the security consoles everywhere, the corpus laser cams and security guns, and yes, any sort of robot or robot enhanced enemy). I agree with upping the base damage: having tried to use it as a failsafe against a group of mid-level grineer failed spectacularly. Perhaps a wider radius would help as well.

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Well devices should definitely show up more for sure but


Grineer have high armor and arent really the weakest to electricity


On top of that Napalms specifically can survive saryns ult even with high power STR builds so its no surprise they survive Volts


Volts ult does AoE damage so its actually better than saryns against clusters but the range is so small that it isnt rewarding enough and electronics almost dont exist so theres no way to take advantage of that either


As for the shield cast thing


he kinda already has a shield you could cast


Or you could hide


All in all it could use love

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On top of that Napalms specifically can survive saryns ult even with high power STR builds so its no surprise they survive Volts


Volts ult does AoE damage so its actually better than saryns against clusters but the range is so small that it isnt rewarding enough and electronics almost dont exist so theres no way to take advantage of that either

Well, napalms generally have too high armor, they are basically invincible at high levels, shooting on a level 20 one with my burston prime that does 500 damage per shot on a grineer does only 200 to him, DE promised long time ago to fix the armor scaling and we still HAVE to use corrosive projection to survive armored units.


"theoretically" volts damage COULD be superior to saryns, but only if you had like 40 enemies clustered each 20 cm to each other, saryn deals corrosive damage, it only deals less damage to boss shields and deals increased or same damage to every other enemy, electricity however gets reduced by armor AND, additionally to that deals less base damage against some grineer units. If you hit a napalm with a hit that would deal normally 300 damage get gets like 20. Quite underwhelming.

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