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Limbo Theorem Archwing Interception Difficulty And Bugs


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I'm a long-time Warframe player and huge fan. I love the art style; I love the gameplay; I love the combination of all the best elements of an RPG, shooter, and action game. I wasn't super-thrilled with the concept of Archwing, but I'm a completionist, and I want to like 3D aerial combat, so I'm trying.


But friggin' Limbo Theorem Archwing Interception! And friggin' proof theorems! Look, I know there's tons of players who group up with their fully ranked and modded archwing loadouts who just own the interception missions and laugh at the rest of us. But as a long-term player who loves the game, please listen to my rational plea for some sort of change.


First of all, protecting four interception points with anything less than four players is well-nigh impossible. I don't know what it is about the spawning and AI for the enemy, but it's insane. I can't kill enemies fast enough to make any sort of dent in their sheer numbers, with the distances between groups and the number of times I have to whack them with my level 9 sword (let's not even talk about the effectiveness of a low-level, unmodded Imperator). Do players really need to level all their archwing gear to near 30 before they should be able to get Limbo? Especially the solo players, or those of us who are trying to get Limbo now, after all the rest of the players have moved on and aren't in the public matches anymore? I've been hounding recruitment chat for weeks, and no one's interested. I'm lucky if I can find one other player online anymore, and the two of us are totally swamped with spawns, spawns who have no problem breaking up into four groups to capture all the points while the two of us whittle away futilely at a cluster of enemies.


Plus, the melee mechanic is working against Interception mode. You fly to the enemy, which means away from the interception point, and while you're spending several seconds getting farther and farther away to kill one enemy, his 4 or 5 buddies swing around and recapture the point.


After weeks and weeks of trying to complete a single interception mission for those stupid proof fragments (which, why should we be worrying about picking up drops while trying to maintain the interception points if Ordis is scanning for the proof fragments anyway? Shouldn't they be an end-of-mission reward?), I was finally able to complete one single mission. Tenno, 100%. Now go mop up the rest of the enemy. OK, finally! Got my proof fragments! I can start to build Limbo... except for those enemies 3000 meters away, out behind the asteroid! And when I try to get close enough to kill them, Ordis friggin extracts me and I lose everything!


TL;DR - The level, the spawning, the game mechanics- everything is stacked against players who aren't in a full team of fully leveled and modded gear. Is Limbo intended for only the hardcore clan players who can get a bunch of high tier buddies together?

Edited by JackBeloved
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  • 2 months later...

EXACTLY same problem.


I did finally get into a squad with enough people to gather all the proof fragments I'd need to make all the keys to get all Limbo's parts. I ran into another Limbo problem, as per https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/379748-limbo-theorem-quest-sequencing-bug/#entry4185531


However, I have acquired Limbo and leveled him to 30, and have also managed to improve my archwing and aw weapons to a point where I might have a chance now. If you still need some help, let me know. I'll run the missions with you. I've got the same handle in-game.

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Actually, AW intercept has some quirks which you can exploit. The vast majority (~99%) of enemies will only go for the first point which you capture. Your ideal team is 2 people. Both of them capture one of the points, then one stays to keep the enemies busy while the other flies around and captures the other 3.

The defending player should focus on enemies with the red ball around them while making very good use of their #1 ability (I'm assuming that you're an Odonata and as such have the shield), popping #2 occasionally if you get missile lock. When the capturing player is done with the other 3 towers, they can return to assist the defender. Since AW melee is stronger than guns for the starter loadout, the defender should draw aggro by hitting everything with his Imperator and hiding from retribution behind the shield while the capturer takes the dangerous ones out with his sword.

Towards the end of the round, one of the other points might get flipped, but you can safely ignore it, since you're still 3:1.

EDIT: forgot to mention: due to the host-client enemy accuracy discrepancy, the client should stay as the defender, since they'll be subjected to the most enemy fire.

Edited by DoomFruit
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