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Automatic Ban


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This Thread is hopefully gonna get locked soon anyway.


Its not going anywhere and only because some people got banned and now have to let everybody know it, doesnt mean that your Winamp player will get you banned...the loudest voice isnt allways the voice of the people.

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Well, there is everything written down and everybody that has ever played only a minute of the game, agreed with that.


But I doubt a lot of people that are now complaining have ever read that and now just ignore it for the sake of their argument.


In the words of de, "the EULA is like that to cover our asses"


Yes, we all agreed. They have the right to do whatever and we just have to deal with it. However, they want to actually listen to the community, so that point is irrelevant. Of course, most people don't seem to want this change anyway.

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This Thread is hopefully gonna get locked soon anyway.


Its not going anywhere and only because some people got banned and now have to let everybody know it, doesnt mean that your Winamp player will get you banned...the loudest voice isnt allways the voice of the people.

And then there is a little quote I enjoy "Those who protest the loudest carry the most guilt."

The people who'll throw the biggest tantrum over the bans/potential bans are those who are guilty of bannable offenses most of the time.

And honestly, are you going to trust someone who says "I would never cheat.  I just forgot to turn it off and was using it for other purposes."

Also, if they cheat in one game they are more likely to cheat in others, including this one.

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Why don't we IP ban people for typing in the wrong password? Nobody could possibly forget their password or mistype something!


If someone proposed that, we would all jump on it because it's $&*&*#(%&. However, if you typed your password incorrectly, it's possible that you were actually trying to get into somebody else's account, right? Programs that get you banned can have legitimate uses, and forgetting to close one isn't that much harder to do than mistyping your password every now and then.


I enter my password via keepass, I never mistype my 32 random character password.  >V

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SlyBoots, on 26 Apr 2013 - 06:34 AM, said:

so we are supposed to take these claims about not having done anything to deserve a ban at face value? because... why exactly? because they chose to post in general discussion instead of trying to resolve it directly with support/DE and sticking to that? what?

To be fair, you have absolutely no way of knowing whether or not they contacted DE support about their ban. This is general discussion and if they would like to discuss their issue with the communtiy that is their choice, nobody forced you to click the thread and post or even read it.

I find it hard to believe how high and mighty people get, as though they have never made a mistake and forgotten something before. I've locked my keys in my car and grabbed hot things barehanded from the microwave before, does that mean I should be banned from driving and cooking? Accidents/mistakes happen and whether or not you believe the guy is of no consequence. If you dont want to discuss it then avoid the thread, don't just come in and degrade them for addressing a sensitive and new system that may or may not have screwed them over.

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I've locked my keys in my car and grabbed hot things barehanded from the microwave before, does that mean I should be banned from driving and cooking?

If you do it more frequently than "once in a blue moon" yes.  >)

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You need to start taking responsability for your actions. Even when it comes to gaming.


Warframe is not a single player game. Hence if you attempt to mess with it via hacks of any sorts, you know the punishment you're receiving. 

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I've locked my keys in my car and grabbed hot things barehanded from the microwave before, does that mean I should be banned from driving and cooking?


Mistakes and accidents happen, sure. But you learn from them. A cheater will get banned, and learn from it.


And did you really compare cheating to an accident?

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Mistakes and accidents happen, sure. But you learn from them. A cheater will get banned, and learn from it.


And did you really compare cheating to an accident?



No, I believe I compared the possibility that a flagged program could accidentally be left running or forgotten about to an accident. I did not say that hacking/cheating in warframe is an accident, and since I am not keen on judging the choices individuals make in their spare time in regards to how they play other games I don't jump to the conclusion that "They cheat in one game, they cheat in all games."


Since my opinion has zero impact on whether DE removes the bans that have been put in place I'm willing to give the benefit of doubt and not hassle people who are trying to discuss a newly implemented auto-ban system by calling them liars and cheaters in what I thought to be an upstanding and reasonable gaming community.

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Only the most rotten, low-life, villainous scumbag of a person would even have cheatengine installed. Do you really want those people polluting your co-op experience?


this made me lol for quite a bit....


I think we've found the internet gaming equivalent of "masturbation is the devil's domain" hahaha


But please, do tell me more about how you think using cheat engine (a tool that works almost exclusively with single player games) is evil and for low lifes hahahaha.


Oh man, I better stop using texmod to change colors into things I like or I'll go to gaming hell! *drops down and starts praying for absolution from Nintendo*


hahaha Please tell me you were trolling *wipes tears from eyes* haha

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I cant believe that people are complaining about getting banned in Warframe, because they had cheatengine or a "single player hack" running.

Seriously, is it so difficult to just close that stuff?


Sorry but so much idiocy deserves a ban. Turn your illegal S#&$ off!




You change the game with a mod, that means you break the User agreement which means you are running something illegal, and if its changing the color of the sky, it doesnt matter, you are changing the game which is illegal UNLESS the User Agreement says that modding is allowed.

Cheat engines are not illegal and idiocy is not a crime punishable by law, nor does it deserve punishment in and of itself.

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At the risk of sounding blunt to all of you got banned "Sucks to be you".

"use any unauthorized third-party software that intercepts, “mines”, or otherwise collects information from, within or through the Software or Service, including without limitation, any software that reads areas of RAM used by the Software to store information about a character, in-game items or the Software environment; provided, however, that Digital Extremes may, in its sole discretion, allow the use of specified third party user interfaces"

As stated in EULA using anything that r/w areas of RAM used by Warframe will result in termination of your account.

If you're using any software that does these sort of things, for gods sake, kill the process before starting the game.



I rather not have DE dev team waste time programming the anticheat program to tell the difference between a multiplayer hack and a single player hack. They have more important issues to content with. Its just common sense that hacking programs come with a risk, and this will be one of them

22 years may be a harsh(maybe 2 years at the very least imo), and you can vent all you want on how "Its not fair" to make you feel better, but I seriously doubt anything going to be done about it.

Edited by Spinner187
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I personally think that there should be at least 1 strike before you're out kinda thing. The problem with automated banning/cheat detection systems is that they can never be perfect. Thats a fact. Its just like your anti-virus, how many anti-viruses give you false positives? The point is that anything automated is running on a rule set. its looking for specific code running in memory or trying to get into warframes memory in this case. If by chance you have a program running, potentially one you've made your self, which is in no way a hacking program, something like this could be detected by this system and considered a hack.

This is however extremely unlikely but still very possible. which is why at least one warning would make sense, or at the very least online play gets disabled for a limited period and if it happens again then there is the ban.

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