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Let's Find A New Way For Raw Damage Multiplier Mods, Please


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One thing that really bugs me whenever I want to try out a new weapon, is that I have to drag it along for the first fourteen levels, before I can actually find out how well it does against two digit level enemies. The reason for this is, that each and every weapons damage stats are designed with Serration / Hornet Strike / Pressure Point in mind. So without those mods, your weapon merely tickles the enemy, but doesn't really damage them.

Personally, I don't think this is good. I'd like to see those mods completely gone from the game and instead either have the weapons' base damage increased accordingly or the enemies' health/shields/armor decreased. Not only would this make new weapons viable right from the start, but it would also free up a mod slot that can be used for something different. And if this is a little "too much", we could have weapons start with 70% of their base damage and gain an additional percent for each level, just like frames increase their stats while leveling up.

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You would still have to level your stuff so i cant really see any difference here other than not having to upgrade and obtain mods such as serration.

He is saying that weapons should have highter damage right from the start (lvl 0). Which is absolutely legit since it is going to get its damage buff mod later anyway.


There is just no good reason for mods like Serration to exist other than being an expensive platinum trade item. All they add to weapon system is an illusion of choice since they are going to be a part of your build in any case.


I also against elemental mods adding damage. Right now the only valiable way of modding your guns is to slap as many damage increasing mods as you can (unless it's a crit weapon).

Elemental mods should instead change present damage types. Or better "multiply" them. In example your gun has only puncture damage wich deals 85% damage to shields, when you add cold it becomes 85%*150%=127.5% against shields. And ranking up elemental mod increases proc power/duration/range/chance. This would make zero or single element builds less useless.

Edited by Repligon
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You would still have to level your stuff so i cant really see any difference here other than not having to upgrade and obtain mods such as serration.

The difference would be, that your weapon deals way more damage even at level 0, so you wouldn't be just tickling the enemy and didn't have to rely on your teammates to actually damage and kill them.

As it is now, you have to drag along new weapons for a few missions as dead weight before you can slap Serration / Hornet Strike / ... in and actually judge how good they are. And this is something I want to get rid of. I want to try and get an opinion on weapons right from the start, not halfway down the road.

Edited by Bibliothekar
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I have to agree that Serration, Hornet Strike, Point Blank and Pressure Point are required mods, which is not a good thing. If you are using a weapon any where outside of Earth and you don't have those mods, you may have a really tough time. There are a handful of weapons that can clear the solar system without them, though. Having your weapons gain damage as they rank up is very nice idea.


I wish I could find the screenshots to prove this, but I recently replaced one of my hard drives and I think those images were on that disk. A while back, a forum member posted a challenge to design builds for weapons without these required mods. I fooled around with it and I was surprised to find that most of my favorite weapons can just about handle anything that the game has to offer. I tried it with Latron Prime and found that even though I wasn't one shotting everything, the status effects were doing the job just fine. The only place I really had trouble was in the Void, specifically with Fusion Moas level 30 or higher. I couldn't kill them before they released their drones most of the time.

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If you happen to find them (or are able to recreate your loadouts), I'd be happy to see them. However, I guess you used all four elements plus I/P/S then? Because I'm usually going for just one (pure or combined) element which makes things a little more difficult.

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If you happen to find them (or are able to recreate your loadouts), I'd be happy to see them. However, I guess you used all four elements plus I/P/S then? Because I'm usually going for just one (pure or combined) element which makes things a little more difficult.

I recreated builds for Latron Prime and Vectis. I used all of the latest and greatest mods. I did use Split Chamber in both builds because even though it does increase base damage, the status chance increase is more important.


Latron Prime





You could argue that using Charged Chamber is breaking the rules, but it can only be used on sniper rifles. It's a specialty mod and if I can't use that, then Firestorm, Thunderbolt and a host of other mods should be excluded as well.

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