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Update 7.9.0: The Glaive


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- New melee weapon: The Glaive.*

- Added new damage deformers for enemies, meaning more ways to dismember your foes.

- Added Dual Dagger stealth attack (was sharing dual sword stealth attack).

- Added new Grineer death/fall sounds.




- Frost power mods moved to common pool, increased chance for drops.

- Increased base Crit Chance and Damage on Grakata.

- Trinity and Mag's helmet effect now works with "energy" palette color changes.

- Moved Objectives to later part of missions so the route to extraction is shorter after objective is complete.

- Toned down lighting/flare on most melee weapons.

- Added damage fall-off to all shotguns--no more shotgun sniping.

- Revised sounds for security cameras.

- Revised sound for Trinity's Link power.

- Multiple improvements to various sounds events (mixing, attenuation, surface materials).

- Removed pit under Jackal spawn to prevent any accidents.

- Gorgon accuracy adjustments while aimed.

- Fire rate adjustments to Akimbo and Semi-Auto Pistols.




- Fixed Saryn's Miasma power not awarding XP or kills.

- Fixed Saryn's Miasma power not being affected by Continuity or Focus mods.

- Fixed Saryn's Venom power not being affected by Continuity mod.

- Fixed the linking of Loki's Decoy and Switch Teleport powers that was causing avatars to sometimes fall outside the level.

- Fixed Trinity's link ability that was affecting/destroying her Sentinel.

- Fixed Rhino Charge and Slash Dash powers framerate dependencies, powers now consistently work as intended.

- Fixed Banshee Soundquake power that was causing visibility issues for other players (not the caster).

- Fixed Ember's Fire Blast power that was causing visibility issues for other players (not the caster).

- Fixed Apex particles that would remain on ragdolls after using Nyx's Mind Control power.

- Fixed Mag's Shield Polarize power playing sound twice.

- Fixed Frost's Freeze power not being affected by Continuity mod.

- Fixed Frost's Snow Globe power not being affected by Continuity and Range mods.

- Fixed Ancient Healer power that was not healing surrounding Infested.

- Fixed Nyx's armband FX showing up with projectors.

- Fixed some Defense mission issues with enemies spawning in areas they can't get down from.

- Fixed host migration during Spy missions where objectives would reset for clients after a host migration.

- Fixed Slash Dash not dealing appropriate damage on clients.

- Fixed login rewards clobbering your current loadout.

- Fixed Long Range weapons not consistently hitting targets at 50m or greater.

- Fixed visibility of "BACK" button on color customization screen.

- Fixed various bugs and nav mesh issues in reported levels.

- Fixed common matchmaking issue where users would receive a “Disconnected” error.

- Fixed Sentinel death affect that was causing frame rate issues.

- Fixed Ash’s Bladestorm power, it will no longer target turrets or security cameras.

- Fixed Login reward handing out "0 Shotgun Ammo" boxes.



*Glaive blueprints are part of the Alert system.

I knew the Glaive would come back to us! Muauhwahuhwauw

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Read the changes, thought "i hope the shotgun nerf isn't extreme" logged in and loaded a mission with a hek equipped, fired some shots at enemies at 5 to 20y and the damage was just insanely low, also I felt like the multishot wasnt working at all as I used to see alot of numbers pop and now i had like 5-6 numbers popping.


We all knew that shotguns were reaching too far specially the hek because of its low spread, but at the moment the nerf just seems too severe. I'm hoping that this was just some problem with the patch and something isn't working as intended with the shotgun nerf because from what I saw shotguns at the moment are doing less damage compared to any other primary weapon when it comes to total damage per magazine.


Maybe rethink the total yards required for the bulled dropoff to affect the damage? Because the power of a shotgun goes way beyond 20y and I think my hek is doing less than 50% the damage it was doing pre patch even at close range.

Edited by kerri
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oh this is so sweet


- Added damage fall-off to all shotguns--no more shotgun sniping.


:D feed me your tears

jajaja yeah, i have the hek with all the right mods maxed, and i agreed several times, it was BS OP weapon, now it force players to get to an decent range if you want all your pellets to hit, as sayd "NO MORE SNIPING"

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"Moved Objectives to later part of missions so the route to extraction is shorter after objective is complete."


Many thanks! That makes me a happy person!

I'm not, variety is nice and having it show up early sometimes with a giant long map afterwards was interesting in its own right and changed nothing really other then when you got the objective.

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It doesn't act like a real shotgun at all. A real shotgun doesn't require you to be super close to have kill power. The Hek needed a bit of reduction to help lower it's OPness but they went to far (also lets not forget this update hurts the other shotguns as well and the Boar was not OP). This isn't a huge deal, they will more than likely fix it and eventually balance it. This is beta after all. But I will not stand people saying the shotguns are now accurate interpretations of real shotguns, because actually they are not.


You don't have to be super close to kill with HEK. The only time I really noticed low damage output was when I should've been using my Lex at that moment anyway.

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You don't have to be super close to kill with HEK. The only time I really noticed low damage output was when I should've been using my Lex at that moment anyway.

Nope. Also it has made the other shotguns worse too (which already lacked range). Simple fact is, it's a bad nerf. They'll eventually come out with a better way to balance the Hek and other shotguns anyways. I haven't been using my Hek as of late much anyways so it's not a huge deal to me but I just dislike how people keep acting like shotguns don't have any range irl.

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Here is what I am worried about.


All speculative:

In any empirical calibration data points need to be collected at extremes. So they add in a distance/damage scaling function and start it off at a high rate of damage decay. Subsequent hotfixes will adjust the scaling to more appropriate values.


But my problem isn't that the scaling is too extreme, my problem is that scaling exists in the first place. If I see my bullets land, I expect to do my damage. That is intuitive. A scaling function is simply weird.


I am worried that they will readjust the scaling parameters, and most people will be happier with the new values, and I and a few others will be left behind.


This team is creative artistically. Lets see some creative solutions to the game play problems.



This changes the gameplay of a shotgun dramatically. Now there is a cost/gain factor in player decision making when using a shotgun, *at all times*. An optimal player must now evaluate the distance they are from the target, the rate at which the distance can be closed (which means incorporating relative velocities of the player's frame and varying enemies), the time cost of repositioning, and the cost of being at certain distances from those enemies.


What it used to be was very discrete. If the enemy was within your projected cone of fire, then the shot was always valuable. If they were outside of the cone, then an optimal player had to evaluate the cost/gain factor of repositioning as I stated above.


I hope the difference in gameplay is clear. Oftentimes I'm not clear and don't realize it =\

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Nope. Also it has made the other shotguns worse too (which already lacked range). Simple fact is, it's a bad nerf. They'll eventually come out with a better way to balance the Hek and other shotguns anyways. I haven't been using my Hek as of late much anyways so it's not a huge deal to me but I just dislike how people keep acting like shotguns don't have any range irl.


I have never said shotguns don't have any range in real life. I stated shotguns become incredibly inaccurate in real life, since their pellets spread. The way most developers balance shotguns in video games while keeping other weapons viable is to make them extremely powerful short range, average strength mid range, and extremely weak long range. What part of this simple way of balancing a weapon do you not get? Either way, I'm fine with this "nerf", but the majority isn't, so more than likely DE will change it. Hopefully just raise the fall off range a few meters, so people can still happily blast their way through the game while not also just using a shotgun to do it.

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Great job DE. So many changes and fixes.

I have problem with Grakata. I can't build it and it showed as unknown error. Got everything ready for it.


Edit: Will upgrade my founder package if you fix this quick as well. :P

Edited by Silversray
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All they had to do was lower Hek's base damage a little.  That way you'd had a balanced choice between a low capacity, longer range, lower damage shotgun(Hek) and a higher-cap, shorter range, higher damage shotgun(Strun).  But these changes are just too much. Now all the shotguns are just varying levels of the same thing.

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"- Added damage fall-off to all shotguns--no more shotgun sniping."


This nerf seems to be too big currently as even Strun feels very low powered at spitting range (i used to be able to down lvl 30-35 ancients with ~5 shots, now it takes ~7 within their punching range).

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I'd just asked for more gore and hit decals and stuff! It's like Christmas up in here :D


Any ETA on the optional reset though? I love this game to death but it's a little unfilling when you know you're planning on having to redo everything again from scratch :/

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