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Update 7.9.0: The Glaive


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ok i'm not sure if anyone is experiencing the same problem, but suddenly i can't seem to join online games properly.


I'm currently levelling my Saryn. And what happens is that usually upon starting up the game i can join public hosted games fine. However, subsequent tries to join other games after that are met with a frozen screen, my artifact disappears from its position on the UI, and i can't back out nor click on anything.


The only thing i can do is to click "Play Now" but it attempts to load (fades to black) and immediately goes back to the frozen screen. I have had to terminate the game via Task manager every single time now.


On a few (like 2 or 3) occasions i did get past the frozen UI screen but i entered the game as a host i.e. i practically ended up hosting a game which was NOT the intention.

I'm not sure if anyone else is having problems like me, but if so i hope it's a UI problem and not a problem with our coms. My com has been running the game pretty well ever since i started playing, save for the random party disconnects and such. but this problem is starting to get on my nerves because i have to quit and relog for every subsequent mission...

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Found what appears to be another bug, When I try to build the Grakata I get "Unknown Error" and nothing happens. As for the Gorgon, they fixed the spooling after bursts but took away its really good Semi-Auto ability. Fair trade I guess.

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No way for closed beta players to pay with steam wallet still. Im not even gonna bother with this game anymore. 



How about you actually try and help be productive? Send in a ticket; see what's going on. And if that doesn't work, you can still buy plat from the website itself.

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Woke up to update 7.9.0.


Frost's Freeze and Snow Globe now affected by mods.

Nice, I must try them out again!


Shotguns now have damage dropoff over distance.

Okay, I'll just have to get in close and jam their face with pellets. No problem, it's still a good shotgun.


Glaive BP is Alert or plat.

Now I'll just stalk the twitter-fields, and wait for the vaunted "Glaive BP Alert" to appear! *puts on stomrchaser hat*

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You guys should be happy that Glaive is not plat-only, they put it in ? alert only means you can still get it without buying plat. But seriously, if you play and love this game, just buy founders and support them. They can't produce content if no one is paying anything.


This is honestly good enough of a patch to be a major update. Can't wait to see what U8 has to offer.

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Goodbye dear Hek.. and all the time spent leveling and all the money spent modding.. i never really got to see its full potential.. It is indeed a sad day for those who are used to the Hek. a time for change and a time to spend more money making another potential all-round weapon. I hope there will be weapons somewhat close to how the Hek was in future updates.


aside from that, great work DE!

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Correct me if I am wrong, HEK was presented as a shotgun that is good for mid range engage, now that:

- Added damage fall-off to all shotguns--no more shotgun sniping.


It kind of becomes useless, because of the small magazine ( not that is was not useless before ) ) but still now it will be used even rarer.

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You really nerfed the god damn Hek? I'm gonna stay calm here, but you realize you gave the HEK a tighter spread, and with this nerf, took the point of that. I stepped maybe 15 feet away from a Grineer while testing damage, I went from 30 per pellet to 13-15, are you kidding me? That isn't falloff, that's damage getting split in half when you aren't standing next to them. Someone want to name another Ancient murdering weapon, because they sort of broke the Gorgon as well. They aimed these nerfs at both of the boss killing weapons, that's ridiculous. Took my ancient killer, so now to use it, I have to jump up in the furnace full of gas with a lit match and get slapped to the ground stunlocked with 0 energy because of your c*ckblocking insta 0 energy hitting ancients? Gtfo... End of rant, keep up the good work.

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Woke up to update 7.9.0.


Frost's Freeze and Snow Globe now affected by mods.

Nice, I must try them out again!


Shotguns now have damage dropoff over distance.

Okay, I'll just have to get in close and jam their face with pellets. No problem, it's still a good shotgun.


Glaive BP is Alert or plat.

Now I'll just stalk the twitter-fields, and wait for the vaunted "Glaive BP Alert" to appear! *puts on stomrchaser hat*

I like your attitude bro,  we are kind of the same. Hek is still devastates anything  in close range.

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Is anyone else's glaive glichy? My glaive bounces of of enemies 80 percent of the time and I have max charge damage mod on so it should do over 1000 damage. well 80 percent might be an exaggeration but it does bounce off some enemies

Edited by Philosopher
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I'm also getting the issues with all my color customization being reset for everything other than the warframe/weapons/sentinel that I had active/equipped prior to installing 7.9.0.


Can we get some notification on whether this is something that could possibly be fixed, that way I know whether I have to go back and recustomize like three dozen things from memory or not? :) Not terribly upset or anything, just would like to save the effort if possible.

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i can see the damage fall off of penetrating shots but not the first target hit, how else can you take out the horde of ancients and other infected that wipe you out at close range and stunlock you when they get there? rifles can't evenly damage a group, since they seem to be more intended for use as a DMR type of weapon with their accuracy, the shotgun spread is what evenly coats the enemies and weakens them before they get up close to be killed by the point blank blast. 


overall, awesome update good job but if there is going to be shotgun fall off it shouldn't be as severe as it is now.

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