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No Glaive Blueprint? Fine, No Support From Me.


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Not if you can just buy it if you want. It's like making an orange in wow available if you pay 10 dollars. Takes away a ton of the "rareness" effect if some person who just joined can get it on a whim.

I didn't see this post until just now but I'll respond now. This is nothing like making an orange item in WoW available for $10. WoW requires you to pay them a monthly fee to play so if they did as you suggest there would be massive backlash because, you know, EVERYONE PAYS. F2P is a different beast entirely because there is no monthly fee so not everyone pays. The only way for them to make money is through micro-transactions and there has to be something actually worth paying for (right now DE has practically nothing worth paying real money for in the market.)

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You have a decision before you, therefore: would you prefer DE never spoke to us, or would you rather them run the risk of having hype+backlash on occasion?




Everyone loves hype, but let's face it we have too much hype nowadays for games that when we get them aren't worth the hype. EA is a prime example. Hype is fine if you don't turn it into a marketing gimmick, aka deliver a product that noones likes after getting everyone hyped up for it.


Obviously, a massive amount of players do not like the plat only or alert part of the Glaive. Imagine how bad it would be if it were plat only period. You have to draw a line in the sand somewhere when it comes to F2P developers, on how much you're willing to tolerate. It's totally possible for DE to be funded purely on people voluntarily buying Founder's packs, just look at the forums, they only represent a small amount of the community and almost every other poster has bought a founder pack. A good amount of which paid $50, a price of any regular game, but it seems just as many have paid $100 to $250 which is more than most people spend on WoW for a year. Sure, supporting is completely voluntary and not everyone does it but it doesn't seem to me like DE is having financial problems. If they just came out and said they were having problems (like companies who use kickstarter do) then I'm sure more of the community would step up and support them, they don't have to hype something up only to try to force us to pay for something when it's released if they're having financial problems.

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Everyone loves hype, but let's face it we have too much hype nowadays for games that when we get them aren't worth the hype. EA is a prime example. Hype is fine if you don't turn it into a marketing gimmick, aka deliver a product that noones likes after getting everyone hyped up for it.


Obviously, a massive amount of players do not like the plat only or alert part of the Glaive. Imagine how bad it would be if it were plat only period. You have to draw a line in the sand somewhere when it comes to F2P developers, on how much you're willing to tolerate. It's totally possible for DE to be funded purely on people voluntarily buying Founder's packs, just look at the forums, they only represent a small amount of the community and almost every other poster has bought a founder pack. A good amount of which paid $50, a price of any regular game, but it seems just as many have paid $100 to $250 which is more than most people spend on WoW for a year. Sure, supporting is completely voluntary and not everyone does it but it doesn't seem to me like DE is having financial problems. If they just came out and said they were having problems (like companies who use kickstarter do) then I'm sure more of the community would step up and support them, they don't have to hype something up only to try to force us to pay for something when it's released if they're having financial problems.


Except -- as I said before -- THEY DIDN'T HYPE IT UP.


The hype was ENTIRELY community built, meaning the only way they can control it is by NEVER TELLING US ANYTHING.


Take your pick. Never hear ANYTHING about what's coming in the next patch, or deal with the COMMUNITY (NOT THE DEVS) making a huge deal out of it and getting disappointed.

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Except -- as I said before -- THEY DIDN'T HYPE IT UP.


The hype was ENTIRELY community built, meaning the only way they can control it is by NEVER TELLING US ANYTHING.


Take your pick. Never hear ANYTHING about what's coming in the next patch, or deal with the COMMUNITY (NOT THE DEVS) making a huge deal out of it and getting disappointed.

You may as well give up, they won't listen to anything. DE is the evil evil bad man and nothing is going to change their warped opinion.

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And that's how it should be. THAT is the ideal balance for Free 2 Play games, but so many developers and publishers screw it up, or don't even bother to try.


That is the ideal balance for who? The players, right?

Do you think that's right balance for them? Dont think so. This is why so many developers "screw it up."

You cant think like that.

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You may as well give up, they won't listen to anything. DE is the evil evil bad man and nothing is going to change their warped opinion.


Being rude will do nothing for either side. I'm applying what I get paid to do 5 days a week to this place. It will pay off, slowly but surely. Until it does, acting superior or demeaning towards the side you disagree with will only raise hackles and break the community apart.

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Being rude will do nothing for either side. I'm applying what I get paid to do 5 days a week to this place. It will pay off, slowly but surely. Until it does, acting superior or demeaning towards the side you disagree with will only raise hackles and break the community apart.

I'm just pointing out how stupid they are being. They're acting like the servers and Devs run off of goodwill and unicorns............

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While I think alert weapons are a pretty cool idea, they should be introduced silently, and not announced or even hinted like the glaive was.


It should be a cool discovery type of deal, not an "Oh a new weapon? Too bad I'm going to have to wait a month until one finally pops up when I'm online" thing.


You're just pissing people off, but introducing it silently would have made a lot of people happy and perhaps even more interested.

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That is the ideal balance for who? The players, right?

Do you think that's right balance for them? Dont think so. This is why so many developers "screw it up."

You cant think like that.


This is something that I need to go into.


F2P games have to make some... really really weird financial decisions. Ones that do not make much sense from a traditional business perspective. This is because a F2P game lives and dies on the QUANTITY of transactions more than it does the VALUE. There's a very difficult balancing act to pull here. Right now, it seems like maybe players feel it's too far on one end of that act. Given the quality and success of open beta, I honestly can't agree with that too much -- BUT whether I agree or not is immaterial because it's those other people who are going to be the decisionmakers via their money.

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I have no prob with the Glaive being avail for Plat. I have no prob with it being avail for an alert mission.


I do have a problem with those being the only ways to obtain certain weapons. I would love for their to be more reasons to play. This is again why I suggested the Glaive be a bp-drop off of successfully killing the Stalker. He gives you nothing now. It seems like a no-brainer.


I also have a problem that there has yet to be a Glaive bp alert. I'm kind of shocked, actually. 

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Just going to remind people (you too, Avenwing) about this. The developers need your feedback and the easier it is for them to get, the more likely it is you'll be heard.



I don't have any feedback, I see no issue with what they have done and I encourage them to do it again later. Of the past Tenno Reinforcements since U7 ALL of them have been available through the market with credits with this one exception. 6/7 are easily obtainable, I fail to see the problem.

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I don't have any feedback, I see no issue with what they have done and I encourage them to do it again later. Of the past Tenno Reinforcements since U7 ALL of them have been available through the market with credits with this one exception. 6/7 are easily obtainable, I fail to see the problem.


That right there is feedback. All you have to do is put it in the broken-down form so it's easy for harried developers to read and I'll put it in one place and then everyone can have themselves heard.


Also. If you have no issue with how it is, then I have no doubt that you would rather not see it changed.

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Considering how many people are ranting about alerts random times and short durations I have the feeling that the glaive will be the reward for the next post-livestream alert... Just calling it now.


About the whole debate though I think that the whole rare weapons only in alerts is kind of a bad decision: other than encouraging not sleeping and waking up in horrendous hours of the night and leaving school/work early they are waaaay to random considering their rarity and the number of things you can obtain from them...

What If I wanted a Dark Dagger? I know it's not necessary in any shape or form, but the fact that I am powerless to do anything to influence my chances of getting it is quite frustrating and even if i got the majority of missions unlocked I have never seen an alert for it in my soon to be 100 hours of playing.

Still, the worst thing by far is the Glaive in the market for 10 bucks just staying there and trolling you... I would much prefer one of the following:

-A mastery level of *insert ridiculously large number here* to be able to purchase the blueprint;

-A requirement of *insert ridiculously large number here* of rubedo and *and here* of alloy plates to craft it;

-A reward for the wave *insert ridiculously large number here* of a defence mission;

-A chance of *insert ridiculously small number here* to drop it from a level *insert ridiculously large number here* boss (maybe a different boss for every weapon on a new planet that you unlock at *insert ridiculously large number here* mastery rank).

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I'm gonna keep saying it.



This is in addition to Plat-Glaive and Alert?-Glaive.


I'd like to leave the solutions to DE. They're paid and trained to do these things, and there's LOADS of potential community solutions all over the place now, which they will inevitably see and hear.


For now, I think it's best if we compile our feedback on the glaive release in one place, in an easily digested form.




I'm trying to help DE out here, because otherwise they'll be trawling close to 25 different topics with between 5 and 35 pages a piece. (That is not in any way an exaggeration.)

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It is actually of great concern to me that they may be having or soon to be having monetary issues and I have been holding back a model support post because it seems it maybe against terms. (I'm itching to have an excuse to use my copy of 3Ds )



DE having monetary issues? I dunno why, but it's hard for me to believe this. Look at steam, it is in the top 10 most played games regularly which doesn't take into account people who don't have it on steam, like me.

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There are already weapons that can only be acquired through the Alerts, but those are basically variations to the existing kinds of weapons.

So I think that a weapon with a totally new mechanic shouldn't be an Alert reward.


What I really like about the Alert weapons is not the way they work, but the way they look. So to me, the alert weapons are more like "Collector-Weapons".


I'd say add the Glaive BP to the shop and later on, you can release more Glaive-like weapons as the Alert reward.

But in case you want it to be an Alert reward, then it shouldn't be purchasable at all, in my opinion.

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There are already weapons that can only be acquired through the Alerts, but those are basically variations to the existing kinds of weapons.

So I think that a weapon with a totally new mechanic shouldn't be an Alert reward.


What I really like about the Alert weapons is not the way they work, but the way they look. So to me, the alert weapons are more like "Collector-Weapons".


I'd say add the Glaive BP to the shop and later on, you can release more Glaive-like weapons as the Alert reward.

But in case you want it to be an Alert reward, then it shouldn't be purchasable at all, in my opinion.


Hi KingTaro, and while I have the chance THANK YOU for the Warframe Alerts site you built.


Just want to say, I'm trying to collect the viewpoints in one place for DE, and I think what you've said is actually already in this topic: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/35839-collection-glaive-debut-discussion-breakdown-thread/ --so can you look there real quick and maybe make a quick post so I can put your name there for them to see?


Thank you!

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Just wanted more people to see this post in another thread concerning the same issue. 



I've been lurking on these forums for a while, but this recent rash of whining has really started to annoy me. Yes, DE is looking to make some cash. Yes, DE is a business. People who SAY they would have supported the game more if this release had been handled differently probably wouldn't have. It would have been just another "ooh, neat weapon! Blueprint in the market? I'll get that instead. I'll support the game some other day." And for those of you who are talking about how it feels like a bait and switch because DE didn't set any expectations? I'm pretty sure the "outrage" would have been just as bad if DE had announced it right off the bat instead. It honestly wouldn't have made such a big difference -- Grumblers would have still grumbled, people resolved to get it via in-game means would have continued on that path, and the impatient ones/supportive ones would have still bought it.


Get over yourselves. This isn't some super amazing over the top weapon that people can't do without. This isn't some weapon you HAVE to have to see end game. This weapon is a LUXURY. You can go on and on about how it's "$10 worth of food I'm not buying" or blah blah blah, but face it, that's what a luxury item is. Sure, I could buy food, or I could buy that new set of headphones. Know what else is a luxury? Going out to eat, instead of saving money and eating at home. Here's an idea, how about instead of going out to eat at some fast food place once, stay at home, fix yourself some food and buy the Glaive if it means that much to you? I guarantee it'll last you far longer than a single meal at Pizza Hut or McDonald's.


The Glaive is a unique weapon. It's unique in appearance and mechanic, which means they couldn't just recycle a lot of motions or graphics from other weapons. It's "highly anticipated." That being said, you'd have to be an idiot not to try to make at least some money off of it. Given its rare and unique nature I can even understand why they put the blueprint in as an alert reward only. It's a RARE item. Sometimes rare items require a bit of luck and plenty of time to attain. That's the point of being, well, rare. But if you have to have it now, then the option to purchase is open to you.


And for those comparing it to League of Legends, it IS true that LoL said they wouldn't "make power attainable by money" and a lot of the things they do sell for RP are cosmetic. But once again, this isn't some weapon that gibs every enemy in the game. It's just a different kind of weapon that's not integral to gameplay. At this point, it would be better for DE to stick to its guns and keep things the way they are, because if they just go ahead and make the BP available in the market, then it would be a "slap in the face" to people who purchased the item strictly because they were impatient.


TLDR: Most of you are adults. Act like it. Don't like the decision? Don't buy the weapon. But don't act like this single act alone is what's keeping you from supporting the game because I know that for most of you, it isn't. And don't act like "Ohhh, if they only said so from the start, I wouldn't have been NEARLY as mad" because you probably would have been. And lastly, don't try to compare this item with necessities like food. Be fair, and compare it with other luxury items because that's what it is.


First world problems. Yeesh.


On another note, people need to stop making more threads about the same issue. Too much redundancy. Even in this one. 

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