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No Glaive Blueprint? Fine, No Support From Me.


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That would be a fix aswell.


Either put it into the market for Plat and a BP for Credits, or remove it completely from Market, and make every1 wait for Alerts. That would be fair.

I like.... And/OR... Stalker has the Glaive. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/35757-you-know-who-should-have-the-glaive/#entry331887

Edited by RawGritz
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That would be a fix aswell.


Either put it into the market for Plat and a BP for Credits, or remove it completely from Market, and make every1 wait for Alerts. That would be fair.


"Fair"? What's fair is that you get to play this game without any subscription fee's or something similar. People pay to get the glaive instantly. People who don't have to wait. That sounds pretty fair to me - even if i'm in the group that's waiting. 


EDIT +1 the lols.

I think wi shud get al de wepons fre of charg bekoz dis is a fre 2 pley gam.

Edited by Fornicate
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"Fair"? What's fair is that you get to play this game without any subscription fee's or something similar. 

Are you really telling that to some1 who spent 100$+ already? o_0


Also this "shut up because it's F2P" is an out of date point... F2P games tend to get the most money. Unless you are Blizzard that is ;)

Edited by Sikab
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there's millions of players already or Accounts If people quit because of not being catered to a simple weapon that can be gotten for free they don't really deserve to play..


the alerts are getting good recently and im sure we're gonna be getting a Glaive alert soon.. i mean cmon Dark sword Ceramic Pangolin recently those haven't being showing before the time of the twitter alert thing

Its not about a single weapon.


Its about a trend that emerges from this kind of behavior that will kill a game very fast if it doesnt stop. Like i said earlier ive seen this happen quite a few times. Id love for warframe to still have a player base in a year.

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That would be a fix aswell.


Either put it into the market for Plat and a BP for Credits, or remove it completely from Market, and make every1 wait for Alerts. That would be fair.


No, that would be stupid. You put the BP up with credit buyout and then no one pays for it because they can just farm the credits and mats (if they don't have them already). You put it up only for alerts and they don't make any money that way either. You think they just have people working for free making the items, animations, etc?

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No, that would be stupid. You put the BP up with credit buyout and then no one pays for it because they can just farm the credits and mats (if they don't have them already). You put it up only for alerts and they don't make any money that way either. You think they just have people working for free making the items, animations, etc?




And given the ambiguity between short-term-gain hype and long-term-gain genuine interest, it's a very good balance for it. I suddenly understand the last minute decision a lot more now, and suddenly this entire thing makes sense from a developer standpoint.


EDIT: And now I have a desperate need to give them an EXCUSE to do this. Stay civil, Tenno. Haha no just kidding we all know you can't. TRY though?


Cassy out.

Edited by nullqasael
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No, that would be stupid. You put the BP up with credit buyout and then no one pays for it because they can just farm the credits and mats (if they don't have them already). You put it up only for alerts and they don't make any money that way either. You think they just have people working for free making the items, animations, etc?

And what you think what makes more cash?


The option to force a handful of players onto dishing out 10-15$ for 1 weapon...


Or Letting ppl buy the BP with let's say 4-5day Craft time... So they could think about Purchasing a 5$ pack, make a Rush on the craft for 40Plat, and buy a Potato for it for 20Plat...


^^ That seems much more appealing.


Not to mention while F2P players gather materials for the Recipe, they become a content for those who pay for the game, which results in more Zones are crowded, which results in more happy players.

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Are you really telling that to some1 who spent 100$+ already? o_0


Also this "shut up because it's F2P" is an out of date point... F2P games tend to get the most money. Unless you are Blizzard that is ;)

The forums seem to be skipping lines and not displaying them. That last line wasn't visible.


Yes, lol. And you know what, the stuff you payed for F2P gamers can't even get. That is fair. And again, yknow what, the glaive isn't P2P only :) . That's pretty awesome. 


Yes. But if were going to use the word "tend", F2P games that "tend" to sell more than cosmetics and convenience "tend" to be the ones that get the most money. 


I'll even provide an example. Nexon's Vindictus kinda goes with the whole cosmetics/convenience thing. And if I can find the post showing their revenues, its not a surprise that they don't make much profit. Which makes it even less of a surprise to see that the game is in such bad shape (bad servers, constant downtime, overpriced cosmetics, etc). That was my game before this beauty debuted. 

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Its not about a single weapon.


Its about a trend that emerges from this kind of behavior that will kill a game very fast if it doesnt stop. Like i said earlier ive seen this happen quite a few times. Id love for warframe to still have a player base in a year.


So basically what your saying is they should stop this trend add all future weapons and the glaive in to the market for credits so everyone can just spam farm credits and wait patiently for the new weapons to be nicely dropped into market this way noone has to spend a single dime oh wait conveniently DE makes money out of weapon slots..

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No, that would be stupid. You put the BP up with credit buyout and then no one pays for it because they can just farm the credits and mats (if they don't have them already). You put it up only for alerts and they don't make any money that way either. You think they just have people working for free making the items, animations, etc?

 A Boar worth 225 plat ???????? The weap prices are redonculous! D best weap should cost 100-150 plat max!

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It's not a problem

Seeing some of the reactions on the forums, and in-game chat, it seems like a problem.


Usually I'm the type of guy that says first "shut up and pay". But now i just simply can't say it, since I don't agree with this decision.

Edited by Sikab
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The forums seem to be skipping lines and not displaying them. That last line wasn't visible.


Yes, lol. And you know what, the stuff you payed for F2P gamers can't even get. That is fair. And again, yknow what, the glaive isn't P2P only :) . That's pretty awesome. 


Yes. But if were going to use the word "tend", F2P games that "tend" to sell more than cosmetics and convenience "tend" to be the ones that get the most money. 


I'll even provide an example. Nexon's Vindictus kinda goes with the whole cosmetics/convenience thing. And if I can find the post showing their revenues, its not a surprise that they don't make much profit. Which makes it even less of a surprise to see that the game is in such bad shape (bad servers, constant downtime, overpriced cosmetics, etc). That was my game before this beauty debuted. 


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Agree with OP.


I think a system like League of legends  would be better.


Where new champions cost 7800 instead of 6300 the first week.


So DE could have released the glaive BP at say 60k credits then reduce it to 25k after a week.(maybe even a BP with higher resource costs for the first week)


Or like every one else said put it on a real challenge in game so that people that dont sit on twitter all day and never sleep,eat or work have a chance too.

Until you realize a more direct comparison of cost would put that suggestion into the hundreds of thousands of credits. In league for a twenty minute game you earn what 70 ip? Math that out for the 7800 and you will see why people are incentivized to buy rp, riots version of platinum.

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You do realise there is a multitude of weapons that are ? only? "But throwing a Weapon into the pool of total randomness is unacceptable for me." This is not a new thing. It's just all the previous ones didn't have anywhere near the anticipation that the glaive has.


It's also not "(which are core to gameplay)"

Yeah and the only ones you can buy in the market are Heat Dagger and Glaive.

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Until you realize a more direct comparison of cost would put that suggestion into the hundreds of thousands of credits. In league for a twenty minute game you earn what 70 ip? Math that out for the 7800 and you will see why people are incentivized to buy rp, riots version of platinum.

Fine, untill there is a set price... I don't see any problem selling super ultra unique rare weapons for even 1 million credit. It is a lot, but it can be achieved.

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So basically what your saying is they should stop this trend add all future weapons and the glaive in to the market for credits so everyone can just spam farm credits and wait patiently for the new weapons to be nicely dropped into market this way noone has to spend a single dime oh wait conveniently DE makes money out of weapon slots..

Nope what im saying is add the glaive BP to the market then make a NEON glow glaive skin bundle for 5$ that adds 3 different colored skins to it that leave light streaks in the air. And sell each color seperate for for 2$.


now youll make 5$ from all of the ppl that bought the glaive this time around.


You make 2$ from a few stingy people that want to look cool (my self included)


And you keep your player base happy.

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This is crazy - the last thing we want is you guys tearing each other apart over an Update.
The facts are that the Glaive was introduced, and can be acquired with Platinum or on a "?" Alert Drop.

There seems to be discontent coming from a lot of posts, all of which are being noted. For those supporting us, thank you!

Now it becomes "How do we deal with updates moving forward?", "What is needed from us to keep the community better informed" ...  lot of questions for us to answer.

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Yeah I don't think a single weapon in a free-2-play game should cost 1/5th the rate of an entire retail game.

I agree, the prices are crazy, but then again, I was happy to shell out 10 bucks for the Glaive. And it's such an awesome weapon, I'm happy. I've been playing F2P games for the past 4 years that required you to pay real money just for a "chance" at something cool. Crazy determined people would end up spending over $100 trying to get said item only to come up with nothing. I'm just glad this game doesn't pull that insanity.

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what about adding a normal glaive bp to the market

and then  an enhanced ( fire,dark etc)  version to the alert & for plat :p 


that way, Free players can still try out the anticipated glaive, while plat & alert players still can get something special. 

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