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Spears In Warframe


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I don't know about you guys, but I would personally like a spear of some sort in Warframe. Not the thin, delicate bladed spears used to poke holes in armor, and not a huge, sweeping spear like the guan dao, but a balance between the two. Not sure what it would be called though. We already have two handed swords and axes, so why not a spear that can cut and pierce your enemies? I'm not sure how it could/would be implemented into Warframe, but I think it could be pretty cool to see.

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I think a spear could be pretty nifty as a niche utility weapon.


Basic attack is a armor piercing stab.  Quick, low damage (25~35 maybe), longest reach in the game (to the point of it not working against enemies that you're right next to).


Charge attack is a wide, sweeping strike.  No AP. low dmg (55), not the widest reach but hits everything around you (full 360).

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Though few, this is a most wonderful chain of events. I thank each and every one of you for your support, and hopefully, someone, maybe even a dev, will take a look at this and ponder upon this question. "Why don't we have spears? We have battleaxes, dual hatchets, two handed swords, fist weapons, and even what serves as a chakram... In SPACE no less!" Once again, thank you.

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I think having a spear is a great idea; I might suggest that the charge attack on a spear be a forward lunge that penetrates multiple targets directly forwards, though; other melee weapons make sideways sweeps, and many of them already hit multiple targets in a wide arc. The spear could be most useful for pushing through dense crowds, I'd say.

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If there is to be a spear, I think it should be able to be thrown! esp. as the charged function. Thrown and have either and ignited tip or an electricity tip that effects a small area, say 3meters with either damage type.


Damage: 50

Rate of fire: 4-8

Acc: 100

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If there is to be a spear, I think it should be able to be thrown! esp. as the charged function. Thrown and have either and ignited tip or an electricity tip that effects a small area, say 3meters with either damage type.


Damage: 50

Rate of fire: 4-8

Acc: 100


Javelin isnt exactly a spear.


And new melee type would be a better idea imo.

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It is most reassuring to see these wonderful opinions. In response to Renkai141, the new "Glaive" that came out with yesterday's update is in fact a very good chance that new weapon types will be thrown into the game. Granted, it is a throw-back to Dark Sector, but it bears good tidings for new types of weapons. Some of us are hoping for energy weapons like the Corpus use. Maybe they'll even make the spear out of energy, if incorporated at all. Again, it is but hopeful conjecture in response to positive opinions, but I thought I'd let all of you know.

Edited by FellArtorias
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Naginata, Nagamaki, Hozoin Cross Spear


Naginta: sweeping shoulder to hip cuts and a thrust as a charge attack. Knockdown spin after slide/roll attack, for jump attack, have the tenno ground the butt for a shockwave like the scindo/gram/fragor, but smaller AoE.


Nagamaki; originally designed to cleave through a man on horseback and the horse beneath him, while still having some polearm functionality; large horizontal slashes in a cyclic motion are the order of the day here, perhaps a thrust attack after sliding/rolling. Jump attack a vertical cut from above the head, possibly a slight propagating shockwave (line AoE)


Hozoin Cross-spear; repeated thrusts, strong thrust with a small forward dash that can go through multiple enemies for charge attack, sweep with knockdown for slide/roll attack. Jump attack could be a spear-first dive forward at an enemy for vast pierce damage (commensurate with difficulty to aim/execute)


These would be the most 'ninja' weapons that could be added in the polearm category.

Edited by Captator
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Naginata, Nagamaki, Hozoin Cross Spear


Naginta: sweeping shoulder to hip cuts and a thrust as a charge attack. Knockdown spin after slide/roll attack, for jump attack, have the tenno ground the butt for a shockwave like the scindo/gram/fragor, but smaller AoE.


Nagamaki; originally designed to cleave through a man on horseback and the horse beneath him, while still having some polearm functionality; large horizontal slashes in a cyclic motion are the order of the day here, perhaps a thrust attack after sliding/rolling. Jump attack a vertical cut from above the head, possibly a slight propagating shockwave (line AoE)


Hozoin Cross-spear; repeated thrusts, strong thrust with a small forward dash that can go through multiple enemies for charge attack, sweep with knockdown for slide/roll attack. Jump attack could be a spear-first dive forward at an enemy for vast pierce damage (commensurate with difficulty to aim/execute)


These would be the most 'ninja' weapons that could be added in the polearm category.


I cant control it.It happens everytime i read it. Tears of joy. 

This guy simply have a brilliant idea.

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I would also like to add another weapon to "spear" list of wishes:




1st attack: Side swing 

2nd attack: Horizontal spin placing it higher

3rd attack: Finishing overhead slash

Jump attack: Blade strike at same manner as gram or other heavies

Charge attack: Large side sweep.


base dmg 45

Attack speed 1.0

Charge dmg 175

but compensates with longer range and wider aoe radius than anything we have in arsenal already.

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