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So Trinity Link And Knockdowns...


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Probably the wrong time to write about this since this has nothing to do with the recent patch and I'm about to fall asleep after I submit this, but it has been bothering me for awhile.


Link is kind of weird when it comes to reflecting knockdowns.


Things like Ancients and shield Grineers, they fall flat on their face. Runners, chargers, and leapers have no effect on you. I "think" regular Grineer stumble if they try to butt you with their weapon, but I didn't verify this.


But shockwave moas, jackal, hyena (all basically the same thing), and bosses like Lech Kril will send you a little airborne.  It isn't far, but annoying nevertheless. It also appears to have little to no affect on knocking down things like Grineer Heavy Gunners and Bombardiers, but I won't confirm this since it is possible that I was missing with link and those knockback attacks were being reflected onto some other poor Grineer grunt.


Don't get me wrong, the skill works for the intended invulnerability and damage reflection purposes. And the in game description doesn't technically say you're knockback immune. But it feels like it should be. I don't expect the move to knockdown a whole crowd, but does it really have to basically make me do a forced mini-jump?


So, am I alone in this thought, did I miss a discussion about this already, or does it seem like I'm trying to make Trinity = Rhino? I'm used to this by now, but it doesn't mean I like it.

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I can agree with you. It's knockback-immunity-mechanism is a bit inconsistent.

About the Grineers, yes the stumble when they try to hit you with their melee weapon, just like prod corpus crewman get shocked themselves.


Aerial knockbacks like some bosses use or the big blue ground smash the bigger ones (grineer gunner, etc) do dont hurt you, send you flying but my trinity always rolls back in place automaticly.

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I'm pretty sure the difference is that some attacks like the rifle butt or shield smash (I can confirm that regular Grineer, as well as Corpus crewmen, stumble themselves when doing their basic melee attack on you, by the way. It looks hilarious.) just inflict a stumble/knockdown status on you, while the various shockwaves inflict knockdown while also applying a physics force to your character, and Trinity's link only gives you immunity to the knockdown/stumble effects themselves. You can see this by running into a shield Grineer versus a Moa shockwave; the Grineer will knock you down in exactly the same position, while the Moa will send you flying into the air and backwards as you fall.

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<p>Trinity was full immune to stuns and knockback under link. I went on for 20 mins the other day and noticed i was kind of being stumbled but not really badly like if it wasnt in link. They do change stuff alot without telling us so its possible they changed trin but didnt get it quite right. I think this is what you mean. Im also tired and finding it hard to read atm hehe.</p>

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if she was completely immune to knockdown, it would make rinho iron skin redunded, will even make rinho look like a wee little mouse since she can heal and gain energy.

Haha! It's funny you say that with Kitten in your name! Also sorry too much coffee for this weekend.


But in all seriousness I think it's fine how it is now. The little bit of airborne is just enough to mess with long reloading weapons (Gorgon) so you miss out on your own energy vampire while supporting. Just little things like that can ruin your energy management enough for me to say it's kind of more balance this way. She's still going to be very effective vs bosses no matter what.


Side note: To getting slightly airborne from heavy grineer and shock moas... Maybe you should do what other people do and reload slightly away from all the stuff lifting you off the ground so you can reload. =x

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Side note: To getting slightly airborne from heavy grineer and shock moas... Maybe you should do what other people do and reload slightly away from all the stuff lifting you off the ground so you can reload. =x


Well I'm one of those who tries to go for getting all my energy back in one shot via a charge attack, so when this happens, it turns into either a ground attack, or a charge attack that doesn't reach the boss. I actually did find shooting was easier, but I suppose you guys might be right that this is in place to ruin EV's effectiveness.

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