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Excalibur Is My Personal Most Hated Frame


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Seriously, Excalibur makes every single game SO BORING. I join Kappa, planning to level my forma'd Amprex. And guess what? There's an Excalibur sitting in one place pressing his 4 button every few seconds. This leaves me quite literally running about trying to find ANY enemy to kill for myself. It is excruciatingly boring. I have a blast running round killing enemies myself and disarming them, but as soon as i see an excalibur anymore, i quit instantly. How any player can find pressing 4 every 5 seconds fun, i will never know. I have loads of fun levelling things when the team works together effectively, rather than having 1 frame clear everything in a huge radius. I hope i'm not the only one who finds this annoying... There's just too many excalibur's about now doing the same boring thing :/ It's a shame to feel the urge to quit the match as soon as i see one... I don't mind the low mastery players using excalibur, as they have not yet learnt of the infamous room nuke build for Excal. Honestly, low MR players are the only ones i can stand using Excal anymore.


/rant over 

Are you kidding me? Just about every freaking Warframe could nuke a room before U15, so there is no reason he should be your "most hated frame." 

Rhino Stomp. 


Blade Storm

World on Fire





And Excalibur is suddenly your most hated frame is Excalibur when Radial Javelin needed a direct path until U15? MR10-11, used Excalibur my whole Warframe career. I'm highly offended by this thread. I know every possible build for Excalibur, so I don't wanna hear "You just don't know the 4 nuke build" Because I do, and it makes for bad survivablity and the damage drops off into high level and endless missions and becomes unviable and boring, fast. I go with the high survivability and high fun build. 

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I challenge anyone to do 500k+ kills in a week with something other than excalibur, as the only person ever to break 500k kills in a week i know what is required to reach such a feat and trust me when i say excalibur requires more skill than any other frame so if you dont like it, it is probably because you lack the sufficient mods or calibre of ability necessary to excel with THE BEST frame in the game.

They could do it with Oberon. 

Or Mag.

Or Saryn.

Or Rhino. 

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Clearly everyone has blown this way out of the water. The title says it's MY PERSONAL MOST HATED FRAME. PERSONAL. Did I say everyone had to agree with me? I forgot you can't express your opinion on the internet without everyone going insane.... everyone just chill and stop trying to cause arguments.


To be honest, it was pretty funny to read the reactions. I was wondering who'd be the first guy to point out that it's just your personal opinion. I mean it's even in the title. x)


On a more serious note, there's not much to be done about this. People love spamming their nukes and you've probably seen the backlash after the LOS changes. I usually don't just leave the games with ability spammers, but extract at first opportunity (when in endless modes). Also, while they're doing "all the work" for you, you have a lot of time for some snarky comments. That can be fun, too.



Edit: Forgot an honorable mention to this guy, this is pure gold:


I challenge anyone to do 500k+ kills in a week with something other than excalibur, as the only person ever to break 500k kills in a week i know what is required to reach such a feat and trust me when i say excalibur requires more skill than any other frame so if you dont like it, it is probably because you lack the sufficient mods or calibre of ability necessary to excel with THE BEST frame in the game.

Edited by Kontrollo
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To be honest, it was pretty funny to read the reactions. I was wondering who'd be the first guy to point out that it's just your personal opinion. I mean it's even in the title. x)


On a more serious note, there's not much to be done about this. People love spamming their nukes and you've probably seen the backlash after the LOS changes. I usually don't just leave the games with ability spammers, but extract at first opportunity (when in endless modes). Also, while they're doing "all the work" for you, you have a lot of time for some snarky comments. That can be fun, too.



Edit: Forgot an honorable mention to this guy, this is pure gold:

He can have his personal opinion all he wants, don't make a thread about it that'll do nothing but stir up commotion. 

You said it's your personal most hated frame because of the Radial Javelin? That makes me angry, which is my personal opinion, because that means you completely neglected all of the other Frame that could nuke before Excalibur could. So he literally became your most hated frame a few months ago because of a stupid reason. If that's your reasoning, you should hate all of the other abilites that I listed above and one of them should've been your most hated frame much before Excalibur was with his fairly new ult. 


Rhino Stomp. 


Blade Storm

World on Fire




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He can have his personal opinion all he wants, don't make a thread about it that'll do nothing but stir up commotion. 

You said it's your personal most hated frame because of the Radial Javelin? That makes me angry, which is my personal opinion, because that means you completely neglected all of the other Frame that could nuke before Excalibur could. So he literally became your most hated frame a few months ago because of a stupid reason. If that's your reasoning, you should hate all of the other abilites that I listed above and one of them should've been your most hated frame much before Excalibur was with his fairly new ult. 


Well, just don't let it get to you like that. And as you say it's not a problem with Excalibur per se, but with all these nuke abilities. It's why Molecular Prime was changed, as that was the worst offender some time ago. He's probably just seen a lot more Excaliburs than Saryns (Ashs, Rhinos, ...) doing this recently, that's why he's ranting about Excalibur.

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To be honest, it was pretty funny to read the reactions. I was wondering who'd be the first guy to point out that it's just your personal opinion. I mean it's even in the title. x)


On a more serious note, there's not much to be done about this. People love spamming their nukes and you've probably seen the backlash after the LOS changes. I usually don't just leave the games with ability spammers, but extract at first opportunity (when in endless modes). Also, while they're doing "all the work" for you, you have a lot of time for some snarky comments. That can be fun, too.



Edit: Forgot an honorable mention to this guy, this is pure gold:

Thank you for being reasonable and noticing its a personal opinion. I know people are obviously gonna disagree with me but a personal opinion is a personal opinion! 




He can have his personal opinion all he wants, don't make a thread about it that'll do nothing but stir up commotion. 

You said it's your personal most hated frame because of the Radial Javelin? That makes me angry, which is my personal opinion, because that means you completely neglected all of the other Frame that could nuke before Excalibur could. So he literally became your most hated frame a few months ago because of a stupid reason. If that's your reasoning, you should hate all of the other abilites that I listed above and one of them should've been your most hated frame much before Excalibur was with his fairly new ult. 


Im clearly NOT saying Excalibur is a bad frame, nor am i saying no other frame can "press 4 to win". I am simply stating that i dislike his 4th ability. This is manly due to the rather large range it has compared to other 4 abilities. I also understand that it will become useless past 30-40+. In all honesty i see Excalibur's ult being used a lot more than other frames (apart from Saryn because its her only truly "decent" ability). It might be the range on Excal's ult that makes it more popular, i don't know. What i do know is that my personal opinion shouldn't be taken so seriously and defended to the death by people who like Excal. I never said every Excal player builds around Radial Javelin either. If i could close this thread, i would, because to be honest this has gotten ridiculous and i wasn't expecting such an uproar from Excalibur players. I'm sorry if i've managed to offend or annoy anyone, but i simply wanted to express my personal opinion. Just, stop the arguing now, okay? The community is better than this and deep down we all know that.

Edited by XxCurtennoxX
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Loki is my personal most hated frame. It's so boring when you join a game and one is spamming radial disarm every 4 seconds and making the game unbelievably easy and boring. Normally I have a blast running around missions knowing that enemies can actually kill me but radial disarm spammers just steal all of the fun. How can anyone find pressing 4 and shooting helpless enemies fun?



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And with I can now say I've seen a hate topic about every warframe.

Seriously, Excalibur; really? Guys got pretty little in the way of impressiveness and you single out one of the few things its got going for him? Its like being angry at a stupid useless dog cuz its frisbee catching skills are op.

Edited by (PS4)Lowk721
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What? Do you know what reading comprehension is? I have never said that there are weapons that are not suited for clearing the star chart. Show me in which post I said that and I'll give you a cookie.


I could argue about everything you are saying but after you started implying that I don't understand English and you keep using "your" instead of "you're" I'm assuming you are a troll and I'm not going to engage in conversation with you again.

I think you are crossing the line here and your comprehension is too slow for me, i dont have to take that from you. You didnt say weapons couldnt do it but the way to spoke seemed like it. The way you say things shows totally lack of experience on the game, which in my case i have a lot. The moment you mentioned u hated my gameplay of using boring weapons and that they kill slow shows how unexperienced you are. A well modded rifle can wipe a crowd of enemies on a blink of an eye, i dont see where it is slow as u claim, unless ofc u dont know how to mod weapons, different story. OFC not as fast as an ultimate, thats why they exist. The point here (i will mentioned again in bold so u dont misunderstand) is THE ABUSE OF ULTIMATE ABILITIES OVER AND OVER AGAIN ON EVERY ROOM OR CAMPING AT 1 DETERMINED SPOT STRIKING SPAWNS. This is a game, and as every game, must be enjoyable and develop skill. WHERE IS THE SKILL OF SMASHING "4" TO WIN? WHERE IS THIS ENJOYABLE FOR THE TEAM WATCHING 1 GUY RUSHING AND WIPE OUT ROOMS ALONE? THIS GAMEPLAY IS CHEAP, NO SKILL, NO FUN FOR TEAM...ITS BROKEN. THERE IS NO PROBLEM USING IT BUT THE WAY PEOPLE CHOOSE HOW TO USE, THIS IS WHY [DE] NERFED WARFRAMES USED ON VIVER WITH LoS BUT THEN REVERTED BACK BECAUSE NEEDS MORE DEVELOPMENT. THIS IS WHY TRINITY ENERGY VAMPIRE CANT FEED ANYMORE MESA OR NYX DURING ULTMATE AND MORE NERFS WILL COME. DO YOU NEED MORE FACTS OR EXPLAINATION HOW BROKEN SPAM "4" GAMEPLAY IS? ABILITIES ARE A PART OF GAMEPLAY, NOT THE WHOLE AND DONT TELL ME WEAPONS KILL SLOW THATS A BAD JOKE. WEAPONS AND ABILITIES MUST COOPERATE WITH GAMEPLAY EXPERIENCE NOT JUST "4"


PS: Text in CAPS and BOLD so you can read well and not misunderstand. I hope the english is good enough for you. 

Edited by Creeda
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1) If you want to play in a certain way then you should join or form a group of like minded people. If you play with pugs you have to deal with other people playing the way they want.


2) Many people can do the same thing RJ does to your world with nothing but a rifle, anybody who maximizes their equipment and plays hard that doesn't care about you will always make you feel inept if you don't do the same.


3) If you want to make a point be concise and eloquent. Typing large blocks of ranting text with caps and bold makes you look like a rube.


4) Public forums work like this: Someone expresses their opinion -> other people then agree, disagree, or discuss. If you don't like which one they choose, tough. Don't attack them simply for not agreeing with you. Honestly, you can apply this to life in general and you'll be better off.

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Thank you for being reasonable and noticing its a personal opinion. I know people are obviously gonna disagree with me but a personal opinion is a personal opinion! 





Im clearly NOT saying Excalibur is a bad frame, nor am i saying no other frame can "press 4 to win". I am simply stating that i dislike his 4th ability. This is manly due to the rather large range it has compared to other 4 abilities. I also understand that it will become useless past 30-40+. In all honesty i see Excalibur's ult being used a lot more than other frames (apart from Saryn because its her only truly "decent" ability). It might be the range on Excal's ult that makes it more popular, i don't know. What i do know is that my personal opinion shouldn't be taken so seriously and defended to the death by people who like Excal. I never said every Excal player builds around Radial Javelin either. If i could close this thread, i would, because to be honest this has gotten ridiculous and i wasn't expecting such an uproar from Excalibur players. I'm sorry if i've managed to offend or annoy anyone, but i simply wanted to express my personal opinion. Just, stop the arguing now, okay? The community is better than this and deep down we all know that.


Please request a thread lock, as this became a flame match between two users and your thread's purpose has been fulfilled; to voice your opinion. 


And no, I don't mean you and me, I'm referring to the two who are arguing over the English language. 

Edited by (PS4)theelix
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Please request a thread lock, as this became a flame match between two users and your thread's purpose has been fulfilled; to voice your opinion. 


And no, I don't mean you and me, I'm referring to the two who are arguing over the English language. 

I would have done by now if i knew how to xD

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1) If you want to play in a certain way then you should join or form a group of like minded people. If you play with pugs you have to deal with other people playing the way they want.


2) Many people can do the same thing RJ does to your world with nothing but a rifle, anybody who maximizes their equipment and plays hard that doesn't care about you will always make you feel inept if you don't do the same.


3) If you want to make a point be concise and eloquent. Typing large blocks of ranting text with caps and bold makes you look like a rube.


4) Public forums work like this: Someone expresses their opinion -> other people then agree, disagree, or discuss. If you don't like which one they choose, tough. Don't attack them simply for not agreeing with you. Honestly, you can apply this to life in general and you'll be better off.

The CAPS and BOLD wasnt to offend, shout, rage etc but a way to emphasize the main point of this thread as that guy seems to be more worried about my english rather than giving constructive opinion, or focusing on whats beeing discussed. If u read the other posts i have been saying same thing over and over and i get non constructive replies.


I have my own group, so i dont face these problems, my concerns are on new players that have to go through this or players with no current friends. Despite beeing group or not is game mechanic that needs be changed.

Edited by Creeda
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