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Interactive Dojo For Clan Event Fun


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Originally added this to the pinned thread, but it became an entire idea, so I am posting it here too:



More Room Ideas and How To



Simulation Rooms and "Lordana" (temp name idea off the top of my head, a female Ordis character, or perhaps another male Ordis type character since we already have the Lotus, whatever works better. Another male since we have the Lotus talk to us day in day out during missions? But then again we hear Ordis all the time, so I still prefer an AI female voice. Maybe there could be a set of two, one male one female, and be worked to add some humour into it as well as the A.I talk to each other and disagree on things or agree at times, etc)


Simulation Rooms will include- 1) Firing Grounds 2) Firing Range 3) Combat Simulator 4) Mastery Simulator 5) Obstacle Tower


1) Firing Grounds- Interactive. That is, walk through a set of corridors (not too many, a small little course will suffice) that has spots on the corridor where enemies appear. They should be "cardboard enemy cut-outs" but from holograms to keep with the style, and the corridors should have enough options in them to make the appearance of enemies random. None should be reachable by melee, which means the corridor can be the only thing you touch/step on.


More to this, the firing grounds could be a "cerebro" kind of room. Meaning that the room should be a large square or rectangular empty room with a corridor made from panels appearing to form a semi-random path. These panels appear over an empty "void" of a ground meaning that the sets around the set corridor that winds to the other end appear also as holograms mimicking perhaps locations or a void type tileset, with some colour in all holograms to make it aesthetic and clear for the eye and not just a walkthrough a blue energy room (which is also cool, and can be simply plain surfaces like the sets seen in the mastery rank tests).


Hostages can also be added here, targets that you must not shoot down (this more as an idea of a general addition to the game that I believe is missing.... enough of all these "run into the room and I'm a firing mah lazaaaah" people. Friendly-fire on hostages that can be shot and must be protected from your own fire as well that are also revive-able in the case a mistake is made are needed. Enough with the trigger happy crazy people in this game, we added wardens for some stealth gameplay and people are still running in guns blazing which is cool to be an option, it simply should be a much more difficult approach to chose)


2) Firing Range- Test your skills with long range weapons and sniper weapons on a firing range that again pops targets into being that you need to shoot down. Timed as well, these could scale to different difficulty levels which might be selectable before entering.


3) Combat Simulator- A mastery rank type of room that simply has a survival-mode mentality to it. Waves of enemies attack and you hold out against them. Make this a melee only entry. Waves slowly get stronger and harder. All three up add to a primary/secondary weapons testing ground, a primary long range weapon testing ground and a melee weapons testing ground.


4) Mastery Simulator- All mastery ranks a player has already achieved and unlocked simulated into this little room here that can be again like a "cerebro" environment (this cerebro like environment helps in making the room relatively small to fit into the Dojo, conserving space yet giving freedom within the environments made... Unlike the obstacle course which, well, takes up three Dojos at times)


Mastery Tests that you are up to cannot be played. So this cannot work as a practice run before entering you personal Mastery Rank Test.


5) Obstacle Tower- Kind of like the obstacle course, yet the idea here is again parkour with an added vertical aspect to it all. A path running around a tower you need to reach to the top of, complete with walls to run on, obstacles to jump over or slide under (not just lasers, some actual collision boxes would be nice) walls to run on so as to be used to jump behind corners and into other corridors (making coptering not an option on some spots) vertical walls that will need you to jump and climb upwards from one to the other to grab onto a final ledge etc.


A.I. Voice- Ideally this voice guides you through your performance. Making the experience more fleshed out as well. Comments on good shots, or enemies in the vicinity, or your points ranked up against other Tenno (you are now in the top ten of your Clan Tenno, or you are now Ranked First/2nd/3rd in your Clan Tenno, keep it up, etc). This voice can be active during the entire Dojo as well, reminding people of Clan Leader boards etc with such voice over comments as "a new record has been set in the Obstacle Course, can you beat it Tenno?" etc.


Competitions- What is the point of all this if there isn't some competition or means to share the experience with your clan? At which point, this could be a great system for clan held events. Records can be divided into all-time and tournament. Tournaments/Events can be named and held by the corresponding Clan members with access to this (adding also an extra clan member role to be "ticked" in clan management with reset records that start on zero for that event and tournament alone.


A cool element that can be added to this is rewards. For example, one of the event layouts the host can set can be with a top 3 event (top 3 members are given rewards) and an entry fee of say 10,000 credits for each member. The host could use the Dojo treasury or personal funds to add an extra reward to it all, or perhaps even a trade-able item from their own for 1st place winner, etc, coming up to (for example lets say) 10 members joining, 100,000 credit pool, an extra 50,000 credits added coming to a credit pool of 150,000, where first place could be set to a certain percentage of that etc (again as example, 1st place could win say 80,000 credits, 2nd place 45,000 credits and 3rd place 25,000 credits) and so on.


A shadow clan could possibly have 20,000 credit entry, all 30 members entering, adding up to 600,000 credits from entry fees alone, or larger clans could have 100 members enter with 10,000 credit fee coming to 1million credits, etc.


At the moment the obstacle course is kinda pointless and so will these in turn be also pointless without such elements added in the future or on the go.


Observer/Spectator Mode- Each room can have a spectator location when you enter the room, before its actual entry into the "event", were clan members will be able to see in spectator mode (kind of like when you are downed) the progress of the team-mate currently doing the run. Initially I thought of screens, but there is nothing Tenno about that and it kind of would make memory conservation a mess. So spectator mode feels more sci-fi I guess. There could be a log machine as well in-front of the "event/cerberus" inner entry that queues up the players that pressed to enter in a queue to call them up with a HUD display and their name (and "Lordana" perhaps saying "will the next Tenno please enter the _____ event?" and give a 50 second delay perhaps for them to enter (they might be some place else in the Dojo and the message will be heard by all Tenno, giving also enough time to get to the event. Perhaps a slightly longer time delay.


More on this, a separate Spectator Room can be added with hubs to all events, each in style of the event it shows, and pads for Tenno to enter spectator mode and see the event they want.


Constant "clutter" in the Dojo will have the AI voice give updates on each event, making reference to it like a news-room that gives updates to sports, progression, points gathered, ranks or records set, etc, making the entire Dojo feel lively in such events rather than a dead scrap of metal in the middle of nowhere of space.


Arsenal Start Up Ranking- A nice addition to all the above, to make these have an even larger purpose, is the ability to gain ranking experience within all these events. Again, we need to have a reason to want to "waste" our time in these, solo or in clan teams. What is the point of doing half of these without records to break but even so it needs more reason to make clan members more happy and eager to spend some time in here. Perhaps some drops should be also added apart from clan set rewards, something small that can be the likes of a Health Restore pack. Perhaps a pool of these the clan leaders can select and each week the weekly clan ladder hands out these little rewards.


Back to arsenal ranking, we should be able to get experience points on our weapons used in these. The amount gained will be of-course quite small, making perhaps ranking past rank 2 or maximum 3 a real grind and pain and completely pointless. It should be there to simply add the element of testing a new weapon out without going into a mission. At which point, realistically, testing a weapon out should give you xp no matter were it is used. Such simulation conditions could give that small heads-up to ranking new weapons and testing them out whilst the xp gained will not suffice for on-going play, since they are simulations after all and can only go as far as training you marginally.


"Trophy" Room- Simply a leader-board room. Perhaps with shots of players? Perhaps taxing but still a good idea. This could also be incorporated into a single room with the spectator room, or kept in a separate room.


This comes to a total of 6 new rooms just for the sake of adding Clan interaction (and adding the Duelling Room and existing Obstacle Course into this formula it comes to a total of 8 rooms). That should be more than enough to keep a clan happy with its personal interaction. They can easily at this point hold out mixed tournaments and events that will rank up overall scores from a select range of courses or all of them, etc, or simply simultaneous events one for each event type (Combat Trials, Firing Range Trials, etc) or weapons specific events (Paris Firing Range, etc)... The options are endless from there on.


Lastly, a Battle Room can also be added, coming to a total of 9. The battle room can be simply an upgraded version to the Duelling room. 2 vs 2 perhaps? A slightly larger location, with some obstacles in it, creating a tight team death-match arena.


Oh, on the hole duelling idea, tournaments on the duelling room should be possible where as many players as wish to join enter and each winner is placed against the next contender. Contenders are not allowed to leave the room whilst the tournament is on, also resulting to being observers (they can be not rendered to the fighters, making fighting responsiveness still a priority) and once a fighter loses the next takes his place and so on until the last two are against each other. Rules can be applied to flesh this out (like best out of three still being an option for each fight, etc)


We are Tenno, we are the Zen Hoplites, we are recruiting:

Shadow Clan - Zen Hoplites


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