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I Have Deciphered Grineer Alphabet


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UPDATE: I am not the first one to discover this! Learn more here - http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1bxy1y/grineer_graffiti_and_alphabet_who_knew_they_could/

Thanks to ENBY for pointing this out!


UPDATE 2: Aaand I'm not even the second! Grineer alphabet already posted by Verefor yesterday in the Warframe Lore thread here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/9151-warframe-lore-database-no-cats-in-the-future/page-11#entry336815



Hello, fellow Tenno!


Operative reporting in with a vital piece of intelligence about our vicious adversary - The Grineer Empire. No longer will their hidden messages puzzle our agents in the field for I have deciphered their alphabet!


So, the Devs hinted in the last livestream that they have left clues in some of the released artwork which could help decipher in-game languages. I've checked around a bit and voila! - the Grineer faction image from Fansite Kit features a caption in their language, unimaginatively reading "grineer".




Using this image as a key I was able to decipher most of the grineer alphabet. "Decipher" is a rather strong word, really. Each letter of the grineer alphabet simply corresponds to a letter of English one and grineer basically speak and write English. I have compiled what I uncovered in the following image for your convenience. Note that b j k q x and z are not present, as I haven't come across a text featuring them.



EDIT: fixed an incorrect "D". Thanks JudgeN for pointing it out!

EDIT2: added letter "B", comma and question mark.


A couple of signs from Grineer Asteroid Outpost biome, which I used to decipher the letters after the five first ones.




This one reads "Supremacy is duty".




And this one reads "If our enemies deserved peace - they would have defeated us".


So, there you have it! Go now and uncover the secrets that grineer marines have scribbled on the walls of the bathrooms!


EDIT: Corpus Alphabet was translated by anonymous player here - http://imgur.com/a/FhaZK

Edited by FedorHooch
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There was the other thread on Tenno vision or something. Would be neat if there is some "augmented reality" where virtual overlays are shown over the 3D view. Translations like this could be done when we are viewing a sign.




anwyay, great work to OP! Though I personally would probably not stop to decode the signs in-mission, it is very interesting to know what they are saying.

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Now I too, can feel like an inquisitor of great knowledge in my quest for bringing salvation to the Tenno.


Knowledge is power, after all.


I wonder if any of the signs point to the restrooms on the Grineer Asteroid. Unless the Grineer have like, some waste reprocessing technology in their bulky armour.

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Good stuff. I'd be interested to hear more in-depth how you went from the initial 5 letters (g, r, i, n, e) to figuring out the rest.


People are able to decipher some languages based on the knowledge of a single letter or word.


There is a mathematical science to it; Numberphile touches on it in one of their youtube videos, demonstrating how a code encryption machine was "cracked" back in World War II. It's really interesting if you're into that sorta thing:


Not all of this video is relevant by the way, relevancy is around 1:13 - 2:34. In this video however, the letters never became themselves. The general principle still applies, though.


Edited by Azure_Kyte
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I thought this was already public knowledge? Or in the very least pretty obvious.

You don't need to go as far as the fankit, it's right there in the website media/game sections.


The corpus language follows the same simple suite of replacing the letters with their own symbols while fully retaining the phonetics of the language.



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Good stuff. I'd be interested to hear more in-depth how you went from the initial 5 letters (g, r, i, n, e) to figuring out the rest.

It was rather simple.


I transcribed those two signs to a list of paper and written known letters beneath the symbols. One after another the words became rather obvious.  For example, the first line of the second sign initially reads "i_   __r   ene_ie_". The first one if either "if", "is", "it" or "in". The last one is out because we already know what n looks like. The second is kinda out because there is no unusual mark at the end of the sentence to suspect a question. The third is out because it doesn't sound right with the second word. So the remaining one must be true. There we have "F"!


In such manner I have uncovered the remaining ones.

Edited by FedorHooch
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It was rather simple.


I transcribed those two signs to a list of paper and written known letters beneath the symbols. One after another the words became rather obvious.  For example, the first line of the second sign initially reads "i_   __r   ene_ie_". The first one if either "if", "is", "it" or "in". The last one is out because we already know what n looks like. The second is kinda out because there is no unusual mark at the end of the sentence to suspect a question. The third is out because it doesn't sound right with the second word. So the remaining one must be true. There we have "F"!


In such manner I have uncovered the remaining ones.

Thanks for taking your time to give us such an awesome look into another tidbit of lore dude.

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A couple more inscriptions I managed to translate:



The one in the middle says "Grineer defense asset group august". The one in the right is mirrored, middle line says "wassup, grineer here". Hey, Grineeer!



This one rather fittingly says "Obey all signs".



This one reads "com-systemwide".


Also updated the alphabet in the OP with a couple of new letters.

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Oh, didn't see that, sorry. I've updated the OP to reflect that, thanks!

I knew I saw something like this a couple weeks before so I went lurking.

Still, this makes your findings no less deserving of merit.



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