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Mesa Grind Is Just Obsurd


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How are you guys even okay with it?  Did the community forget the fact that it’s both of the two worst grinds possible?  Waiting for an Invasion mission for a nav to show up, doing it more a few times in a row just to get it.  Then building the key to get to Rotten Salad, and finally battling Salad for a chance to get one of Mesa’s parts.  If it’s not the one you wanted, you gotta do the whole darn thing all over again.  Not to mention the bps of the keys are a one-time use only.  The only people who are okay with the stupid thing are the ones who bought her or the ones who are got lucky with RNG and can't see eye to eye with those who aren't so lucky.

Edited by hijinks_the_turtle
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Patience young Tenno. My Mesa is cooking in the foundry and I didn't even try to get her. Login, look for infested invasion, do one that has the nav, go do something else, logout. Check mailbox the day after. Repeat. Then make key. Then go look for shared key Salad V mutalist assassination in recruiting, or do with clan, or friends.

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Save up 2 keys each (assuming with clan)


Do a key share until you get all the bits. Sell the rest.


The main problem is the whole "I WANT IT NOW!!!" issue you are dealing with.


DE has a solution for that.


Nailed it. 


Took 4 days of play, 2 navs day one then a third the next day and boss key create, did another nav that day, took days off then did the final 2 for a second key, minus craft time to get Mesa, way less than any prime weapon or frame I went after. People are ridiculously impatient in this game. 

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First off, Mesa is freaking amazing and definitely worth the farm. I hate to tell you that 2 hours is nothing for farm time, Nekros was waaaay harder to get when it came out. It also doesn't take 2 hours per nav coordinate and I've received as much as 5 in that 2 hour time. I would encourage you to try to get Mesa and then come back and post when you have leveled her. If you do that then you can see if she was worth the farm fest.

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How are you guys even okay with it?  Did the community forget the fact that it’s both of the two worst grinds possible?  Waiting for an Invasion mission for a nav to show up, doing it more a few times in a row just to get it.  Then building the key to get to Rotten Salad, and finally battling Salad for a chance to get one of Mesa’s parts.  If it’s not the one you wanted, you gotta do the whole darn thing all over again.  Not to mention the bps of the keys are a one-time use only.  The only people who are okay with the stupid thing are the ones who bought her or the ones who are got lucky with RNG and can't see eye to eye with those who aren't so lucky.

Im okay with it because I got Mesa in 7 runs.


I swear has nobody here ever played an MMO? RNG happens, it sucks but so does life I guess...

Edited by SOAP_Pmac
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The word is "absurd".


And I have to agree that the method to get Mesa is poor designed. I wouldn't call it a grind because there's not too much work involved in getting it. But since there is RNG involved you can never predict when a Nav Coord will pop up. So not only does it require you to wait for RNG and then farming for those Navs, you have to constantly be on the look out for those Nav Alerts. 


I'm a patient guy but even I said screw it, and resigned myself to not dedicating myself to getting the frame but only getting the Nav Cords whenever I noticed them. It would have taken me months to get the frame since I only have about 5 Nav Cords and I see key share runs starting to die down. Who knows how many keys I would need? Maybe I only need one in a keyshare group or maybe I need 10. But at the rate I'm getting keys it will be a while. 


However, I got lucky and won Mesa in a clan contest, so I don't have to deal with Mesa's annoying method of acquisition. Nothing about the whole method of getting Mesa is reliable. Everything from the alerts being RNG to the Mesa part drops being RNG. And that's why it's so annoying. 

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What's unavailable?

Everything is accessible ur argument is invalid.

All you have to do is wait for the invasion and do it 3 times.


You seem to forget that everyone is not a hardcore farmer and people have this thing called a life. So when I say it is unavailable it means that any normal farming within Warframe with the exception for Vauban can be done at your own leisure. You really think everyone has the time and place to wait for and do the invasions?


Accessibility is the degree to which a product, device, service, or environment is available to as many people as possible.


My argument is very valid and infact it is yours that is not. People do not live their lives according to warframe invasions.

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I would be fine with the RNG drop from the stinking boss, if the way to get a key wasn't pure luck. So far i have made 2 (more or less) runs per day since mesa was out. Still missing systems, and i made helm and chassis on day 1-


The idea to wait for an invasion....no wait...3 invasions that might be one per day....or 1 in 2 days, or when you are asleep to make a key, and get another chassis or helmet is beyond stupid. If RNG hates you, you might as well stop trying, you will never get the part you need. And if DE wants me to pay platinum just cause they force me to, well, good luck there...not paying. I spend my plat on slots for frames and weapons rather then forced stuff by RNG.

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You seem to forget that everyone is not a hardcore farmer and people have this thing called a life. So when I say it is unavailable it means that any normal farming within Warframe with the exception for Vauban can be done at your own leisure. You really think everyone has the time and place to wait for and do the invasions?


Accessibility is the degree to which a product, device, service, or environment is available to as many people as possible.


My argument is very valid and infact it is yours that is not. People do not live their lives according to warframe invasions.

I farmed Mesa at my own leisure just fine.


The only people complaining about Mesa are those getting screwed over by RNG. 


Its funny that this entire game is about grinding and doing missions over and over again in order to obtain things, and yet when people dont get those things straight away they complain. 


If you got everything you wanted first try, what would be the point in continuing to play?

Edited by SOAP_Pmac
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You seem to forget that everyone is not a hardcore farmer and people have this thing called a life. So when I say it is unavailable it means that any normal farming within Warframe with the exception for Vauban can be done at your own leisure. You really think everyone has the time and place to wait for and do the invasions?


Accessibility is the degree to which a product, device, service, or environment is available to as many people as possible.


My argument is very valid and infact it is yours that is not. People do not live their lives according to warframe invasions.

Wait what...

Who's telling you to sit on ur PS4 and wait all day for it to pop-up, did I said so? NO?

Stop interpretating my words as you want.

I got her with ONE single key which I got on the second day, and talking about real-life in a game.. roflmao it just shows that you have no life.

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Okay,. 8 straight hours of farming, and I had mine. It's not nearly as bad as everyone thinks, you just need to realize that the more people you play with the better your chances. 4 people, 4 keys, 4 runs. Just like hydroid. I really don't see the issue.

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Community : Make it harder

DE : Okay


If you want it, go for it, if not stop whining.

I bet you'll get it for a month or so. It's not impossible.

I myself am with the challenge crowd man, but challenge is different from randomness... :/

Edited by unknow99
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Okay,. 8 straight hours of farming, and I had mine. It's not nearly as bad as everyone thinks, you just need to realize that the more people you play with the better your chances. 4 people, 4 keys, 4 runs. Just like hydroid. I really don't see the issue.

The issue is this.





No skill, just..Chances...

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Who in their right mind thought this was a good idea? I mean the quest thing is cool but the Nav Cordinate farm for the key F*** that noise you spend like 2 hours farming for a cordinate you get one key that takes an hour to make and doesnt gurantee you get a drop different to what you have each key takes an hour to make and then all that farming just to be put on top of the 12 hour wait of each piece and then the 2 day wait for each piece. WTF!?!? I wanted mesa pretty bad but the grind is 3Real5Me Im pretty sure I have better chances at getting Nova Prime day 1 then getting Mesa at all

You realize that this was all said a month ago on the forums, right? In fact, I think there was one with this exact title...

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The issue is this.





No skill, just..Chances...

You mean like everything else in the game? Literally what the loot system in the game is based around? Yeah. Quite an issue there. Maybe that's something that should have been thought about BEFORE you started playing the game. I mean. I remember when people absolutely went apeS#&$ about how "hard" nekros was to get. And now? Easy. Not for  newbies to get maybe but for literally everyone else, it's just fine. Honestly.

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So you wanna get all the mesa parts in like 30 mins right after the update? #whineframe

no it took me about a week to get oberon and I felt like I was making progress the entire time, with this I just feel like Im throwing a pillow at a brick wall in hopes of breaking it down and getting the treasure that really wasnt worth it as much as i wanted it on the other side

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