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Boss Drops Screwed Up Since 7.9.0 (?) - No Rare Craftin Mats, Orokin Cell Madness, No Systems Dropping


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EDIT: THIS IS A QUESTION TOPIC. Im stating this cause trolls have already started voting me down. I require help, please share your experience in regards of the 5 points i have listed. Thank you.

As it stands, we have been farming ember with my buddies for more or less a week now. Full with helmets and chasis, but systems blueprint refuses to drop. 0 systems from what... 40 runs?

Issues i need confirmation on:

- Bosses used to drop 1 piece of rare crafting material which was/is always stuck above the dead body to be picked up. This no longer contains rare mats, but common/uncommon

- Right now rare crafting mats are not dropping in any form or way, or are dropping at a chance at less of 1% cause i havent seen any rare crafting mat since 7.9

- Ember systems (as mentioned) are not dropping, instead:

- There is a separate, constant orokin cell drop, which is completely unrelated to the standard crafting mat drop (the orokin cell drop does not get stuck on the boss's body, instead rolls away the same way mod and blue print does

- Whenever an orokin cell drops, i there is no blueprint

I cannot find any confirmation/changes in the patchnotes as to what has been done to drops/rare craftin drops.

I cant help it but to think that there is a heavy bug/issue here.

If there is none and this works as intended, then i recommend restoring the original state cause i literally cant craft **** due to the fact that craft mats do not drop. Frames, i dont know. It could be bad luck, but i start to doubt it. I have farmed down 5 separate frames. None of them the **** fest ember has right now, so im inclined to believe that even blue print drops have been **** with.

Edited by Aerensiniac
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I just farmed for nyx today and got it in 4 runs. Frost took 72, pre-7.9. This stuff is really, really random. I managed to get 3 gallium from Tyl Regor yesterday (post 7.9) within about 5 runs. It's entirely possible that you're just unlucky.

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I just farmed for nyx today and got it in 4 runs. Frost took 72, pre-7.9. This stuff is really, really random. I managed to get 3 gallium from Tyl Regor yesterday (post 7.9) within about 5 runs. It's entirely possible that you're just unlucky.


Not possible.

7+ runs on hyena: 0 control module. Either no mats or uncommon

~40 runs on Sargas Ruk: 0 systems, 0 rare mats


Its impossible to have such a bad luck. It rather seems like a localized issue

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Not possible.

7+ runs on hyena: 0 control module. Either no mats or uncommon

~40 runs on Sargas Ruk: 0 systems, 0 rare mats


Its impossible to have such a bad luck. It rather seems like a localized issue

Yes, it is possible. Just so stupidly unlikely that it's more likely that something else is wrong. This may do absolutely nothing, but have you tried reinstalling warframe?

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Yes, it is possible. Just so stupidly unlikely that it's more likely that something else is wrong. This may do absolutely nothing, but have you tried reinstalling warframe?


Err... drops are handled by the server. If a client could decide on drops, this game would be hacked to oblivion.

Reinstalling certainly wont help this issue, but i sort of refuse to believe a bad luck of this magnitude. I've farmed down 5 frames. None of them had any similar issues, and one problem i can confirm 100%: The orokin cell rain which is completely unrelated to mat drops from the boss. Might be some sort of localized issue or a bug triggered by certain things.

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Err... drops are handled by the server. If a client could decide on drops, this game would be hacked to oblivion.

Reinstalling certainly wont help this issue, but i sort of refuse to believe a bad luck of this magnitude. I've farmed down 5 frames. None of them had any similar issues, and one problem i can confirm 100%: The orokin cell rain which is completely unrelated to mat drops from the boss. Might be some sort of localized issue or a bug triggered by certain things.

Drops may be handled by the server, but there may be some client error not displaying said drops on your screen. Who knows, I'm just blindly guessing here.

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Drops may be handled by the server, but there may be some client error not displaying said drops on your screen. Who knows, I'm just blindly guessing here.

Not adding up since im farming with 4 of my buddies. They see the same thing: orokin cells and 0 systems.


I needed to build a potato for my saryn, but had no neurodes or neuro sensors. It took a few runs, but I got them from the bosses that drop them according to the wiki.


Wait wait wait... Did you have any uncommon/common mat drops from the boss?

Im willing to assume that i had bad luck with hyena, since ive ran it only like 7 times, but sargas ruk is dropping both orokin cells and uncommon mats at the same time.

God damn this is a mess...

Pre 7.9 the only thing a boss has dropped was the rare crafting mat.

I havent got the slightest damn idea what is intended and what is not... patch notes do not mention any changes of this type.

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Not adding up since im farming with 4 of my buddies. They see the same thing: orokin cells and 0 systems.



Wait wait wait... Did you have any uncommon/common mat drops from the boss?

Im willing to assume that i had bad luck with hyena, since ive ran it only like 7 times, but sargas ruk is dropping both orokin cells and uncommon mats at the same time.

God damn this is a mess...

Pre 7.9 the only thing a boss has dropped was the rare crafting mat.

I havent got the slightest damn idea what is intended and what is not... patch notes do not mention any changes of this type.

Oh yea , I got them (sorry I excluded that) but I also got the rare drops eventually. I just wanted to post this so you could be sure it wasn't effecting everyone, and could therefore concentrate on maybe a local issue instead of a global one.

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BPs and Rare resources (like Neural Sensors) are dropping so rarely for me. I already gave up farming Hyena for my Loki Systems, i havent seen a Neural Sensor for ages. I hate being one of the unlucky :'(

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Pre 7.9, I had several Ember and Banshee chassis, Banshee systems, and even got the Ember helm to drop right away. I still need the Ember systems, and I was farming Sargas Ruk last night and earlier today. Since the patch, he drops plastids and a mod everytime. No BPs, not even the Orokin cell. I dunno, seems like a big change in drop rates. I would say it's too consistent to call it random, after going from fairly regular BP drops to nothing.

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i just farmed nyx today, a few hours ago got all 3 blue prints in 5 runs 

got 1 rare drop orokin cell i do know believe its suppose to drop that

also early today i were farming neurodes & i believe on earth the boss dropped both 1 neurodes & 1 orokin cell on the same run

so i guess that is a bug but the blueprint problem is really just random i believe

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Not possible.

7+ runs on hyena: 0 control module. Either no mats or uncommon

~40 runs on Sargas Ruk: 0 systems, 0 rare mats


Its impossible to have such a bad luck. It rather seems like a localized issue

While trying to pick up rhino BP's, I had 33 runs in a row w/o a single BP/rare resource drop. It happens.

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It's the gamblers fallacy.


The chance doesn't actually get higher in succession because you didn't get anything last time.

You can have a 50% chance of drop and still farm for hours and never get it even though "statistically" you should get one on the second try.


Yeah its unlikely to flip heads 5 times in a row but it happens.

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been trying to complete volt, have done about 20 runs in solo and gotten just 2 helmets, this is absurb drop rate, its blue prints, bad enuogh that we have to farm these items, why not put them in the market already and stop this nonesence. I will gladly pay 200k game points for a frame rather than farm a no secure drop rate item. Been it for the nyx systems for 2 weeks and nothing. Its not like buying bp's will stop farming as we still ahve to gather materials...

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been trying to complete volt, have done about 20 runs in solo and gotten just 2 helmets, this is absurb drop rate, its blue prints, bad enuogh that we have to farm these items, why not put them in the market already and stop this nonesence. I will gladly pay 200k game points for a frame rather than farm a no secure drop rate item. Been it for the nyx systems for 2 weeks and nothing. Its not like buying bp's will stop farming as we still ahve to gather materials...


20 - 25 times is the about the average number of times you'll have to run a boss to get all the bps.


If you truly think this is absurd, this game might not be for you.

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Issues i need confirmation on:

- Bosses used to drop 1 piece of rare crafting material which was/is always stuck above the dead body to be picked up. This no longer contains rare mats, but common/uncommon

Bosses never had a guaranteed drop of rare crafting material, at least since I've been playing.  You must have been uber-lucky in the past to think such a thing.

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my problem is that you have to purchase warframe slots to have more than 2 warframes, I managed to get 2 warframe blue prints (all 3 parts) in about 10, maybe 15 runs. It wouldnt bother me as much if I didnt have to purchase slots for them but since we do, cant we just buy the part blueprints in the market instead? I dont mind farming, but it just seams since the update that its too much grind for so little. Have about .25 mil in game credits and nothign to do with it. If I am going to farm, I should get something per run, getting nothing is just frustrating and makes me wanna hit the uninstall button. See I rather farm the mission 100 times to get 100 galium knowing that I will get 1 per run rather than "hope" to get one when I do a mission.

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