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Ember Scalability Rebalance (Proposition)


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Ember Prime is my main warframe, and I find that her abilities are a bit lackluster in terms of higher level survivability. What I propose to fix this would be to give her abilities a second way to calculate inflicted damage.


TL:DR ->Instead of only having a defined damage value, she would also have a guaranteed percentage of damage dealt. 


If that guaranteed damage value was 15% of the enemy's total health, and the basic damage value was 300 damage per tick, it would look like the following :


On world on fire, for example, an enemy having 200 HP would get 300 damage per tick as it represents 150% of his total health.

An enemy having 1200 HP would also get 300, since it represents 25% of his total health. 

However, an enemy having 3000HP would get 450 damage per tick, since 300 damage only represents 10%. the game would then get the damage up to obtain 15% which in this case is 450.

And obviously enough, An enemy with 10000 HP would get 1500 damage per tick.


This could also be applied to her other powers, like fireball, which could deal 600 damage on impact, or 35% on impact and 50 lingering, or 3-5% lingering.


The percentage value would also obviously be lowered for bosses.


What do you think ? Would it be viable ?

Edited by Nero9937
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It would be a solution for mid-level ennemies, but armor scaling exponentialy might still make it weak against high-level grineer or ancient infested.

Maybe an augment mod for accelerant to reduce enemy armor would help, or something like that.

It would also be totaly viable, if not totaly broken, on a full team equiped with corrosive projection auras.

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as much as I like this, it is not enough. Her ult range is pathetic, its poor duration makes using narrow minded give it a 7m radius, and its cast time is so long its literally gotten me killed various times. Her ring of fire has been nerfed so hard in the past that it is useless even when multiple of them are stacked. Her accelerant is nice but again, poor range. Her movespeed needs a severe buff, or her ult should give her a movespeed boost because as it stands, her ult revolves around running around slugishly for 10~ seconds doing mediocre damage and risking getting killed due to slow movement and extreme squishiness. Ember's original stats were based around her tankiness with overheat, however they REMOVED overheat and did not compensate her stats to fit her new accelerant power

my point is they either need to make her super tanky and rework her all her powers except fireball, or they need to make her FAST and rework all her powers except fireball

Edited by cyrus106
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It would be a solution for mid-level ennemies, but armor scaling exponentialy might still make it weak against high-level grineer or ancient infested.

Maybe an augment mod for accelerant to reduce enemy armor would help, or something like that.

It would also be totaly viable, if not totaly broken, on a full team equiped with corrosive projection auras.

Wouldn't be broken, still takes 7 ticks to kill one enemy... they have plenty of time to kill you at these levels

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as much as I like this, it is not enough. Her ult range is pathetic, its poor duration makes using narrow minded give it a 7m radius, and its cast time is so long its literally gotten me killed various times. Her ring of fire has been nerfed so hard in the past that it is useless even when multiple of them are stacked. Her accelerant is nice but again, poor range. Her movespeed needs a severe buff, or her ult should give her a movespeed boost because as it stands, her ult revolves around running around slugishly for 10~ seconds doing mediocre damage and risking getting killed due to slow movement and extreme squishiness. Ember's original stats were based around her tankiness with overheat, however they REMOVED overheat and did not compensate her stats to fit her new accelerant power

my point is they either need to make her super tanky and rework her all her powers except fireball, or they need to make her FAST and rework all her powers except fireball

Think about it. if it ignores armor, you get a GUARANTEED kill after 7 ticks... that's very powerful.

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you have to survive 7 ticks, as of now ember CANNOT do this lad


 That is false, if you cannot survive for 7 ticks you're doing something wrong. Using continuity+constitution+r5 narrow minded gives you around 22sec to play around with WoF, is it really that hard to run to somewhere relatively safe cast it then run back to the action and spam accelerant? You have a gun and fireball too, if WoF isn't doing enough damage help it out a little. Also she has over 1000 effective hp when using quick thinking. She's a very good frame if you know how to use her. 

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That is false, if you cannot survive for 7 ticks you're doing something wrong. Using continuity+constitution+r5 narrow minded gives you around 22sec to play around with WoF, is it really that hard to run to somewhere relatively safe cast it then run back to the action and spam accelerant? You have a gun and fireball too, if WoF isn't doing enough damage help it out a little. Also she has over 1000 effective hp when using quick thinking. She's a very good frame if you know how to use her.

considering she is the most-requested rework frame, I think she still needs a lot of love. Just because you can survive with a quick thinking build doesnt mean she has survivability

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Ember is my main frame as well. She's visually awesome, she's got some cool backstory as it stands (of course it's not enough, but ALL of the frames need that), but I agree. Ember could really use a rework. I'm not really the best at games but Warframe isn't too hard. However, part of the fun of Warframe is making a NOT press 4 to win game. So, when you try to play around with other builds and you really don't have space for other mods that are pretty much REQUIRED to make Ember good, it's pointless. Some mods are standard on all frames, but it shouldn't be that you need a certain set of mods to make a frame viable. Like I mentioned, you shouldn't have to take quick thinking to make her good. What about players who just started the game and like how Ember sounds? That would really turn them off from the game, and they probably wouldn't KNOW that you need that mod. No new player knows how to mod, and I'm not saying we should turn modding into ez mode by just making the frames and weapons better by making them OP and slapping even better mods on. I'm saying it shouldn't be a giant hassle for the newer players who might be turned off from the game due to this.


I don't really know much about the damage numbers, because I just play for fun and just focus on "did I kill that thing? good, next enemy". However, it also makes it hard to say that when you have really bad range. Accelerant would be useful if it had a longer range. I'd also like to take this moment to add that I was really upset with DE when they removed Overheat. The concept of her protecting herself was really cool, and it was useful to not make Embers a drag on the team at points. If I recall, I dumped a little over 200 hours of my life into Warframe which I could've used doing other stuff, so you'd think I'd be committed. Changing Ember so drastically kind of made me mad and I quit the game for a while.


It's kind of hard to just "stand somewhere safe" on some maps, as I'm sure cyrus106 would agree with me. Again, newer players would not know these places, and sadly some people are toxic and would just call them bad at the game instead of teaching them where to go. The same especially goes for people who play solo and just can't figure out where to go and hide, which could easily turn people away from the game quickly.

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