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Castana/launcher Ammo Max Is Ridiculous


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Bandaids. ALWAYS bandaids. If a weapon needs crutches to be self sufficient, it's not worth the time/potato/forma. That's the average Joe's mentality in Warframe. And I am inclined to agree with them, at least partially. I stopped using launchers because I hate having my arm twisted into using mods that IMHO are just another symptom of the ammo efficiency sickness that has hit this game. Just because some have no problem using these mods doesn't mean everyone should just bend over and enjoy it as well.


Are launchers still viable? Who cares in the end. That's not where the issue lies. The ammo nerf had a very detrimental effect, that's an undeniable fact. Blaming players doesn't help either. I'm pretty sure that if tomorrow launchers got the same ammo pool the Torid has, you'd see a lot more players using them. It's psychological, not logical.


Except that in this case it's just ONE simple mod. And launchers sure as hell can afford losing one mod slot for that. If you don't want to use ammo mutation then fine don't use launchers.


I'm not whining about having to use ammo mutation on Akstietto which it does require in order to keep it up and running. Hell, Akstiletto still runs out of ammo if you bring it to high level survivals unlike the launchers with ammo mutation.


So yeah, I think you are creating the problem in your own head. You act like launchers have the worst ammo economy in the game which is just not the case.

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ODD was most common place to find launcher so its pretty natural to mention that.

Sechura was also another spot for easy farm with that and ppl are still using launchers there.


And as for usage im still seeing more ppl with launchers than with bows/snipers/shotguns and even latrons.

But that again is used mostly in odd and sechura, places where it allowed easy farm, its not that nerf was too harsh, for general use i find no problem with it, only problem i could find is that i actually need to get down to pick some ammo.


Only 3 nerfs in history of warframe came without huge backlash

1)rate of fire nerf on semi autos, mostly guys with macros complained, minority.

2)lato nerf, no one noticed, even i wouldnt notice if no one told me

3)mace nerfs on melee 2.0, because again barely anyone used maces.


You can call it prejudice but from my observation ppl arent angry about nerfs themselves but rather about their easy mode farm being taken from them.

If de came and nerfed regular soma to the ground i doubt anyone would actually care and even if he did community would say its no big deal.

Edited by Davoodoo
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But when you think about it launchers usually are not "main" weapons in most shooters. 540 launcher ammo was just ridiculous easy mode and that's why launchers were so popular, much like invulnerable Trinity (I'm not gonna lie, blasting Ogris nonstop with 30 sec invuln Trin did have its repetitive flashgame-esque fun.) Launchers are less seen because they are what they should be, a niche or emergency weapon, something that doesn't fit too well into general play of Warframe unless a player picks a specific loadout to compensate for the primary slot. I call that a good thing if you ask me, but I'm an Ogris and Akstiletto enthusiast so I might be biased.

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Have you actually used these things? It seems to me that many people got upset when the nerfs were announced and vowed not to use their launchers until it was reverted. 30 ammo seems small until you consider its actual in-game application.


These are launchers with huge AoE's. When used properly as anti-crowd weapons, they can easily kill four or five or six enemies per shot. Unless luck's really not on your side, you'll probably get more ammo by your fourth or fifth Castana.


Launchers in their old form were broken. You're not going to see a launcher with the ammo capacity of a machine gun again.

I don't want it to be like it was prenerf.

If you're really upset about the ammo change, use mutation. Sacrificing a teensy bit of damage or whatever it is so as to have virtually unlimited ammunition doesn't seem so bad, now does it?


I mean, they're not bad weapons by any means, I still go back and use them on occasion if I feel like being thematic.

YES IT DOES SEEM SO BAD. That's exactly why I'm making this thread, the amount of damage (or whatever else) lost from 1 mod slot it A LOT. No weapon should NEED ammo mutation unless it's pure utility.

Ammo 2.0 needs to happen. Not only talking about launcher weapons. ALL weapons need their ammo maximum and their ammo picked up amount adjusted depending on weapon. It's not just simply "Pistol, Rifle, Sniper, Shotgun and Launcher".


For example Marelok =/= Twin Viper. Opticor =/= Karak. The current ammo system is completely ridiculous and need a complete overhaul. At the same time DE could easily pull out the new ammo type for the energy weapons.


I think people should talk about an "Ammo 2.0" rework a lot more. At least I think the current ammo system should be a "hot-topic".

Absolutely. couldn't agree more. I would be fine with making all ammo just regenerate like the archwing ammo does! problem solved.

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People used them alot because they could be abused


ODD or any infested mission


Invisibility with any mission


Link+blessing combo


It was abused more than used


The ammo should have been smaller for the damage they get from the start


Theyre still unmatched in damage output and ridiculously effective at killing


You just have to risk yourself more to get ammo for them

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Honestly, I don't even care about the launchers. I have an Anstrum Penta and Ogris all with catalysts and formas and i haven't played them in a long while, and i don't really miss it to be honest, The thing that got me mad is that these sancti castanas are so horrible with ammo. Castanas have never been remotely OP dps wise and to see that they now have max ammo of 30 is just ridiculous. every other thrown weapon uses pistol ammo, just make it pistol ammo. I may end up disliking the way they play just like I did with all the other launcher weapons but they should at least be viable!

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