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The Gram Players Feel Neglected (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


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I would like a giant pool noodle skin please.


Or a giant rubber chicken.

Something comical.

On a more serious note, I do agree.

An ancient-looking runic blade with intricate spiral-like patterns would be pretty awesome.

Serrated edges would also be an idea (although I am personally not a fan of serrated edges)

You could also go the light-saber-looking route and have the entire blade glow in a bright neon color (although I'm sure there would be a lot of flame on the forums afterward)

I personally would like to see your lattermost idea of a blade comprised entirely of energy. As it stands, the energy swords look like they have flourescent lights on the edges. It's obviously not, and it does look cool admittedly, but having something more ethereal and incorporeal like a lightsaber I think would be nice. +1 for the idea to OP too, any additional options for customization are great. Maybe not so much a pool noodle though.

Edited by Andaeros
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I'm against Runic Swords, but a two-handed sword with the same look that Scindo has going on for its blades would be nice.



I approve this suggestion, if it can be a bowl of petunias which occasionally mutters "oh no, not again".


Poor, poor Agrajag.

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I want a sword similar to the dragon slayer from berserk. A giant, crowd clearing Ultra-Greatsword that looks like its way to big to be held by a normal person. I'd totally use it with ash for the full berserk feel.


1337075520961.jpg + lasers pls

maybe with a requirement that u need 300 armor to carry it, making it exclusive to tankframes? u like this idea?

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garm needs an grineer skin, i was doing an sketch for one, but all my summits has gone ignored in some ways, so i dont feel like trying anymore, kinda focused on other projects, but ye, there should be an skin for the garm and maybe another skins for the dual zorens, grineer all the way !

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Just my personal preferences perhaps but I was hoping...


1) please, no magical/fantasy swords. They will look out of place. Sci-fi swords are ok though.


2) traditional weapon design (those taken from real history) are ok as long as they are appropriately updated. Unless there is some basis that the form of a historical weapon has reached form perfection that it cannot be improved further, the weapon should show some changes that are appropriate to the advance in time and adaptation to the new environment/new enemy types.


e.g. Maybe the modern blade weapons no longer require hilts (I know it is arguable, just treat this as an example). The reason being that there is almost no chance for situations like traditional sword fights, where the hilts have a real function of stopping enemy blades. Or perhaps curved blades are preferred for slashing as thrusting is almost never used, unless it is due to stuctural limitations (e.g. for larger blades, more structurally sound and easier to manufacture if the form is straight) (e.g. personally, I quite like the Skana design).


3) more hybrid weapon of tech+traditional weapon. e.g. gram is a two-hander blade with plasma edges?

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Just my personal preferences perhaps but I was hoping...


1) please, no magical/fantasy swords. They will look out of place. Sci-fi swords are ok though.


2) traditional weapon design (those taken from real history) are ok as long as they are appropriately updated. Unless there is some basis that the form of a historical weapon has reached form perfection that it cannot be improved further, the weapon should show some changes that are appropriate to the advance in time and adaptation to the new environment/new enemy types.


e.g. Maybe the modern blade weapons no longer require hilts (I know it is arguable, just treat this as an example). The reason being that there is almost no chance for situations like traditional sword fights, where the hilts have a real function of stopping enemy blades. Or perhaps curved blades are preferred for slashing as thrusting is almost never used, unless it is due to stuctural limitations (e.g. for larger blades, more structurally sound and easier to manufacture if the form is straight) (e.g. personally, I quite like the Skana design).


3) more hybrid weapon of tech+traditional weapon. e.g. gram is a two-hander blade with plasma edges?

agree, we need realistic / sci-fi, i share your thoughs

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you people....honestly.


This is the future. Sci fi. High technology? Yes?


I see so many suggesdtions about medieval themes and runes and the like....just....what? Even the "normal" melee weapons have a very distinct sci fi look to them.


I'm all for a new skin for the gram, because I love that weapon. But how about we request something thats a little less "The Witcher 2" and little more "Sci fi"???


The Gram was born as a symmetrical plasma energy blade. How about we request a skin that people who actually liked the original gram will actually want? Like a symmetrical futuristic blade that also has energy/plasma whatever?


This is obviously meant for those people who apparently want a sword from freaking SOUL CALIBUR (omfg) in my warframe, not ideas like the OP.



Rather medieval. Add LEDs to any medieval sword and BAM, Warframe-worthy

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Rather medieval. Add LEDs to any medieval sword and BAM, Warframe-worthy

the manticore looks satisfactory functional. There aren't silly decorative angels on the hilt, or pheonix wings on the hammerhead. The "tubings" to the two sides of the hammerhead kinda suggest some kind of tech. maybe to let electricity run, or to influence the mass/weight during an attack, so that the user can wield it with minimal force while it strikes for maximum impact. It fits Grineer style visually as well.

I think LEDs are fine too. the difficulty though, is how to add those LEDs in a tasteful and stylish manner :)


I don't know if it is going OOT, maybe we can try to list the "skins" (including current weapon models) we currently like (regardless of stats and actual gameplay) and then why we like them. Maybe that will let us be more clear about what kind of skin more of us would like to have for Gram? (and potentially other weapons as well).

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Its the only rly sensible skin i could think of because its not something we have? and i dont want medieval skins



I don't know if it is going OOT, maybe we can try to list the "skins" (including current weapon models) we currently like (regardless of stats and actual gameplay) and then why we like them. Maybe that will let us be more clear about what kind of skin more of us would like to have for Gram? (and potentially other weapons as well).

I use the dagger axe skin on both scindo and zoren, i think mostly they are more like rip flesh apart and not cut it, also do they look like more sci fi because being honest such weapons would break in 2-3 hits with this rather weak little blades so you need a higher technology to craft them and let them have a longer durability

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Its the only rly sensible skin i could think of because its not something we have? and i dont want medieval skins


I use the dagger axe skin on both scindo and zoren, i think mostly they are more like rip flesh apart and not cut it, also do they look like more sci fi because being honest such weapons would break in 2-3 hits with this rather weak little blades so you need a higher technology to craft them and let them have a longer durability

It looks good :) I would recommend different gib animation /effects with it... (e.g. it should create spray of "fluids" where appropriate and tend to dismember stuff messily, to distinguish its "messy" cut from the other "clean" cutting blades which slices things into halves cleanly. )

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Its the only rly sensible skin i could think of because its not something we have? and i dont want medieval skins


Opinions and opinions. This would need to be polled cause i for one cant stand the idea of having a frikin chain saw in the game.

This is not the zombie apocalypse nor jason on friday the 13th. Weapons like your average warhammer series stuff contradicts nearly everything associated with ninjas. Just no.

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so you're telling me 4barrel-shotguns, miniguns, and the only appearence of a greatsword,gretaxe,greathammer is somehow associated with ninja




i understand you, but we already break that "this is not ninja dont want" line a while ago


since the start

Edited by Depar
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As far as 40k-related looks go, I'd rather have a Striking Scorpion Exarch's Biting Blade. Two-handed chainblade with more curves than a Wych.



(not my pic, googleimages)



Striking Scorpions already are space ninjas who fight using gun and sword, they'd be a better analogue to the Tenno than a Spehs Muhreen would ever be.

Edited by Shion963
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Just as a alternative to the chainsaw concept (which I feels fits Grineer style though), how about a flexible edge that vibrates at super-sonic frequency... kinda semi-high tech which may fit Corpus. The blade could also carry a unique hum when being wielded and during attack.. (dunno why, but suddenly Star War's lightsabers come to mind)

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you people....honestly.


This is the future. Sci fi. High technology? Yes?


I see so many suggesdtions about medieval themes and runes and the like....just....what? Even the "normal" melee weapons have a very distinct sci fi look to them.


I'm all for a new skin for the gram, because I love that weapon. But how about we request something thats a little less "The Witcher 2" and little more "Sci fi"???


The Gram was born as a symmetrical plasma energy blade. How about we request a skin that people who actually liked the original gram will actually want? Like a symmetrical futuristic blade that also has energy/plasma whatever?


This is obviously meant for those people who apparently want a sword from freaking SOUL CALIBUR (omfg) in my warframe, not ideas like the OP.


If you like the original gram you shouldn't need a skin for it. The people who like to play with gram but dislike the looks should be the core audience as they are more likely to buy the damn skin and even get more pleasure out of it

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