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Lotus In Bloom [Ooc]


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Hello! I can't say much for why I was gone! But I would like to express extreme sorrow for my absence, if I've delayed this too much, my apologies, I had to disappear for a while, and am now declared dead in the states of Oregon, Arizona, and in the city of Boston.

With that over with, I'm wondering whether I should continue as though nothing happened, or that one of Annabelle's plants got to her and she did all this stuff in an alternate perception of her mind, only to later be switched back and not remember anything she did...

Edited by ultimatumcore
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STMPD, Just to note, Dalimir didn't punch Kladhun. He used soul punch.

Basically the same thing. Not like Khaldun gives much of a rat's &#! about how he was punched.

Soul punch would kill him, as it does in PVP. Would you like to rethink that?

Oh. Wait. Wow.

That'd put me out of the RP a little early, wouldn't it?

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Basically the same thing. Not like Khaldun gives much of a rat's ! about how he was punched. Oh. Wait. Wow.

That'd put me out of the RP a little early, wouldn't it?


Unless his soul happened to rebound off the walls and eventually flew back into his body.

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I guess the question is do I rewrite my thing so Khaldun is either severely wounded or killed?

Well, re-reading it, it doesn't seem like it's an actual soul punch but more like a concussive blast of energy of sorts that acts like a soul punch.


But I think the only person who can explain this is the Dalimir himself.

Edited by Drakeardian
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We do treat the game as canon though.

However, we are on the manifold, which prevents tenno from killing each other...

I'd say nearly incapacitated would be correct, but temperance should be asked when he's back online.

Edit: Or seone like Viper or The like, of whom likely knows the rules of the RP better than I.

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but Khaldun was suddenly knocked to his back, more luminescent embers swirling away from him as his very soul was forcibly ejected from his body while he fell, a streak of swirling red, it tumbled through the air before slamming against a table, the concussive force of Khaldun's Void energy charged soul making contact with something in the physical world knocking a few unoccupied chairs over.

Okay, so if Khaldun's soul is forcibly ejected from his body, then how the hell's he supposed to still be alive? I can keep the one where he lives, I just want to put that up for discussion.

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Okay, so if Khaldun's soul is forcibly ejected from his body, then how the hell's he supposed to still be alive? I can keep the one where he lives, I just want to put that up for discussion.


This is space magic of the purest form. I think one would have to ask a Nekros itself to get a decent answer for that.


Also, looking at the in-game ability in detail, it does 500 impact damage, maybe 750 with mods. That'd barely go through most warframe's shields, a far cry from a one-hit kill. High levels, I doubt that even OHKO's heavy NPC's.

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