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Name Warframes You Have And The Most Favorite One.


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I have Ash(potato)/Frost(potato)/Nyx(potato)/Banshee(potato)/Trinity(potato)/Volt/Mag/Excalibur(potato)


Most favorite one is Ash, just because of stealth crits and the immense mobility.


Least favorite is frost: Seems to be a cheap and slow ripoff of rhino.

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I've used all frames (to increase my mastery rank), and by now I know how they tick.


The ones I stuck to are:

Excalibur(potato), Nyx, Rhino(p), Ash(p), Frost(p)


Prolly gonna sell Ash soon, bladestorm doesn't work as intended at times. Ohh and I have 6 potatoes, so I don't mind.

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I have

Volt (p) / Frost (p) / Trinity / Rhino / Nyx / Banshee / Sayrn


I am loving Frost, looks so badass and the snow globe is awesome :D


(You may notice you do not see Mag / Ex or Loki in my list, that is because I got Volt before they switched Mag with Volt for a Starter Frame)

Edited by Morte_de_Angelis
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I have Excalibur(lv8), excalibur prime(lv 30) , banshee,  nyx,(lv 30) trinity(lv30) , ash(LV30), ember(LV30), volt(LV30), loki(LV30), mag(LV30), saryn , rhino(lv ~19), frost(lv 19). all of them potatoes. 



favourite one is : loki - go invis and kill all the enemies :D


and trinity : link + energy vampire = god mode

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I have Excalibur (& Prime), Banshee, Ash, Nyx, Frost, Volt, Rhino, Mag, Loki, Trinity.

Although I still need to level up the latter two and have had not much play time with them.

All are potatoed.


My favorites are Ash and Frost for their play-style.

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Max level Excal, Excal Prime, Loki, and a level 26 Volt.


Favorite: Loki. Melee combat beast, excellent utility (Decoy) that's great for high level defense/mobile defense, blazing fast sprint speed... I like fast-moving characters.


Least favorite: Volt. Subpar skills (Shock, Overload) and even Speed is bugged out trying to climb stairs. Nice shield capacity though. Only consolation is that it's great for Corpus missions.

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I may be in the wrong place, but...


Own: Loki.

Favorite: Loki. (No potatoes.)


It's a cold and lonely world. And I'm hungry. :(


On the up-side, it's the only Warframe I've ever known, and while I plan to get Frost and Excalibur someday (Maybe Ash), I think Loki is, and always will be, my favorite.


Just look at those two cute horns sticking out of his head. Screams "Endear me!"

Edited by Calayne
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Excalibur, Excalibur Prime, Ember, Volt, Mag, Nyx, Banshee and Rhino.


My fav:

1) Ember.Despite having bad powers she is still great vs infested so I enjoy playing her on infested maps.

2) Excalibur because awesome look and sword fightining!

3) Nyx because I can brain-wash bad guys!

4) Banshee

5) Rhino


Have all the parts to craft Ash but gotta lvl up rhino first.

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Had all 12 to max. It isn't a massive stand out but Saryn is favourite for being a no nonsense killer.


Stand out skills are Frost's snow globe and Nyx's overpowered chaos. If game was more difficult then Banshee's sonar would be great.

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I thought you were supposed to dispense with wise information (Like, where can I get more rubedo? Will Warframe ever get more bosses? How's end-game after launch? What will I eat for dinner?), not kick them off the mountain. Goodness. How does anyone get pass Gold Novice? Even with all the maxed out Warframes...

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I thought you were supposed to dispense with wise information (Like, where can I get more rubedo? Will Warframe ever get more bosses? How's end-game after launch? What will I eat for dinner?), not kick them off the mountain. Goodness. How does anyone get pass Gold Novice? Even with all the maxed out Warframes...


 Patience and being a little stubborn helps.

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