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Say, Where Are All The Corpus Women?


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So I was browsing DrawCrowd, came upon this work


And it reminded me of a corpus executive or some other high-ranking officer.


Then I realized I don't recall there being any corpus women, except for one in the Syndicate room. I'm not saying it's sexist or anything, but it's an observation.


For the Grineer I get why certain enemy types are all the same since they are clones. As for the Corpus, unless there's a lore reason why not, sometimes when their helmets fly off there should be a female face behind it :P

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My gripe about the corpus is that the enemy design team seams to to be quite bad at making corpus units, I mean 99% of them are the same 2 model but with different wapons and colours they didn't even add Hyennas or Zanukas as standard enemies... not to mention somehow the wealthy as hell Corpus Board is losing a war against an technologically inferior enemy that pay the Corpus to get their tech... it makes no sense.

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My gripe about the corpus is that the enemy design team seams to to be quite bad at making corpus units, I mean 99% of them are the same 2 model but with different wapons and colours they didn't even add Hyennas or Zanukas as standard enemies... not to mention somehow the wealthy as hell Corpus Board is losing a war against an technologically inferior enemy that pay the Corpus to get their tech... it makes no sense.


    The Grineer didn't pay for denite technology. They paid for energy weapons or sophisticated technologies when they needed it for something. Likely the devices they used to get into the void, among other things. Besides tech, The Grineer are all clones who have limitless numbers, military training, and have  the simple advantages that come with being the dominant power in the system.


    The Corpus on the other hand are a bunch of (brainwashed) civilians with energy shields and laser guns. Each Corpus unit takes at bare minimum at least 16 years to develop, where as the Grineer likely only need 3 or so years.


    Tech is good and all be it's not good enough to give the Corpus the upper hand in a war they're very ill prepared for.

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