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Sony Doin Maintenance On Christmas :'(


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Posted Today, 09:47 PM

Well, they said they would attack and they did...

Xbox Live and PSN is down due to the Ddos attack by Lizard Squad...


Most of us have boosters going, a gift from The Lotus which we can't recieve...


Are we going to get some kind of compensation for this?

Or have we all wasted a huge amount of expensive platinum?


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As I placed in two previous topics:

"DE is currently out of office.

Compensation/actions will be decided upon their return, likely around early January or sooner. I will attempt to raise this concern in the meantime.

Please be patient until then."

January... Ouch. Does that mean the game could be down until January? I really hope not... I'm off work all next week. :'(

Edited by (PS4)The-Captain-388
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January... Ouch. Does that mean the game could be down until January? I really hope not... I'm off work all next week. :'(

I doubt this I would expect Warframe' server's to be up and running more efficiently than ever before, due to the fact no one can log in because we can't log into our PSN account's to access Warframe initially, leaving them with lots of bandwidth.

I would expect invasions for mutalist Alad v coord's to be incomplete when psn comes back up, hopefully those have stacked up and can do multiples if I catch the moment -.- however unlikely.

Warframe servers and staff can be in two separate places, the game will run itself.

I also would not begrudge them or hold it against them for taking time off in the holiday. Regardless if it's christmas or not, family and that stuff is the most importance to any one I'd imagine.


absolutely EVERY one is in the same boat, might have got lucky and got last nights cap in between ddos attacks, I did 1 third planned to finish in the morning to be finding out I cant play.

@Everyone else

I wouldn't go as far as to say they wont compensate you, I also wouldn't say they will.

However I'm sure they are very aware of PSN downtime surely they notice the lack of players and consumption.

As to people who have bought boosters, don't be a pain about it, it was the first thing on my mind, and I hadn't even bought one, I just thought damn all those guys. Strength is in numbers and ALOT of people have spent and are missing probably more then half of the 3 day booster so far already. I'm sure they will take that into consideration, heck they were able to give us specific keys back we used because nova, vasto, soma parts were supposed to drop, and it had memory of what keys we used to be able to refund them.

Surely as a paying customer spending the Platinum, I'm sure it will be one of the first considerations upon returning to office amongst other things for lost time and to light the spirit again.

Alot of people are disapointed however much DE knows it's not they're faults but they are in the business, and will want to encourage the market some how to be... more at ease? simply settle the market in.

They may not go that far, but as a developer I'm sure those things will come to mind.

Lizard squad only makes me curious though at the moment.

I wish to seek out they're intentions and have messaged all the guys on they're IRC channel about intentions with no reply other then bs to say oh the security wasn't good enough we just had to show them where it's flawed.

but that wasn't from any one special in the chat, however stupid rang a huge bell in my head after I read that.

Something more would have to be, rather then to point out a security flaw, these corporations are huge, telling me you want to help them with they're security? That can't be true, there must be a reason you picked a time frame where the market is at its heaviest for gaming/ similar areas.

You haven't stopped any one from buying the physical system but certainly detoured any one away from wanting to spend online afterwards after most opening a system today. Absolutely stopped any one at the moment from making online purchases, completely unable.

I'd like some true intentions or maybe I should pick up the trade again and get us back in the game, I kinda want to play.

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absolutely EVERY one is in the same boat, might have got lucky and got last nights cap in between ddos attacks, I did 1 third planned to finish in the morning to be finding out I cant play.



I know and it sucks! From the sounds of it from the ddos attacks we might get lucky to see the psn back tomorrow. If not it's a waiting game. They plan on attacking again on new years so be ready incase for more waiting.


Wanna keep up to date on what's going this "might" be helpful - https://twitter.com/SonySupportDesk

Edited by (PS4)Filthy113
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I would expect invasions for mutalist Alad v coord's to be incomplete when psn comes back up, hopefully those have stacked up and can do multiples if I catch the moment -.- however unlikely.



Nope far from it, I was watching them go down in % quickly as I was trying to log in. So many people were online and doing them.

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PSN is stll down,DE is still chilling,so i call up Sony support to see whats really going on,here's the conversation: 


Humberto: Hello, My name is Humberto how may I assist you today?You: hiYou: just wanted to know what wrong with psn?ddos?You: ?Humberto: I do apologize for the inconveniences. At this moment the PSN is down, but rest assured since we are currently working to have the servers up and running again. We apologize for the inconvenience and we appreciate your patience. We kindly advice you to try again later on today. Thank you for understanding.You: ok well can you give me a time frame on when psn is going to be back online?its been down since dec24Humberto: Hopefully, it will get back by today in the night.You: well heres to hoping,thanks

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It sucks, my kubrow is wasting away. =[

Tried logging in last night as my Mesa parts have finished building and wanted to make a start on building the frame. 

Missing the new tactical alert as well which is probably the most frustrating as I haven't missed a single one yet.

Also, what is this about a gift of the lotus? I can't find anything about it anywhere.


I understand this isn't DE's fault and they are enjoying time off for the holidays but I NEED Warframe back!!! lol.


Hoping PSN will be back up soon. I was able to log in to my XB1 earlier today I think I might have just been lucky though as they are apparently still having problems.

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If my Kubrow dies i'm DONE


Just sold my PoS ps4 id rather be play outside than be frustrated as hell every month or so because of DDoS attacks


R.I.P "Tron" my beautiful Lotus hauras kubrow....she will b missed

nice melodramatic gestures guys, but really, just calm the heck down. DE is aware of the problem and has a history of reimbursing us tenno for lost time on boosters and even decayed argon crystals. Why the frak would kubrow be any different?

As far as getting upset over a once a month disruption to your "life" and quiting PlayStation, I have two things to say:

1) welcome to the internet.

2) never get married

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