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Is More Damage Actually The Best Way To Go?


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You still encounter the same issue, but probably wayyy worse.

If we had a lot of great utility mods instead of damage, we'd just stun the enemy forever and they'd either never die because we do no damage, or DE would rescale them to be weaker and then we're back to square 1 where everything is super easy to kill.


Utility can basically be anything that gives the player an edge(other than straight damage of course). While elemental status mods are one way to apply utility to weapons they aren't the only way. They never need to be scaled to the point that they perma stun enemies because DE could always scale upwards by adding more utility in another way.

Edited by RedX93
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This thread went a different way than expected but ill say this anyways


The Serro, despite not having the highest damage of melee weapons, is probably the most powerful melee weapon out there


It destroys grineer armor and corpus shields


You can infinitely stun lock small groups of enemies if you arent too heavily outnumbered


You can literally cut their HP in half with near every strike if you choose to mod that way


Its scarier than credited


About the actual thread now


Its a false sense of progression but there are so many players here who cant grasp such a simple concept it that give DE positive signals for bad decisions

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If you aren't talking about lore then what did you mean when you said "warframe NPCs are way more than dumb as hell.... only Grineer should be cuz their genetic issues, but corpus? how are thoee dumb@sses engineers and merchants?"?


I already know how easy it is to break enemy AI... not sure why you assumed I'd disagree with/not believe you.

At the lore, where you said they built fomorians and stuff, they definitely are smart, but I`m talking about what we see, what we fight, nevermind the AI breaks, tell me how are those smart? they don`t dodge, don`t sprint, they don`t even duck unless there`s something to take cover behind through ducking.... and heavy units really suck, they`re even dumber,they just see you with a badass weapon and face-to-face fight you, you can easily one shot them and they never learn.....that`s fine with me I don`t mind that, but this is why the game is easy it`s not damage we have, it`s skill to survive.... examples of some pay-to-win guy he left us all behind and ran all around, when he saw a Napalm, he insta-died and I had to revive him..... We`re not NPCs, we can`t use absolute Brute force like them... Tenno are mostly squishy and need skill to manage their way around not just damage and I speak of experience here... when I tried to go full build boltor prime with limbo rank 16 in t2 cap I got back-stabbed instantly by a MOA because I just stood there and brute forced everyone with the gun...

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I writed it before. There should be sepparated mod types: Damage and Utility.
4 slots for damage mod types and 4 slots for utility like Reload speed, Magazine capacity, Ammo mutation, fire rate etc.

Damage type: Damage, Multishot, Elemental. (So the decission: for primary weapon its must have: Serration and Multishot, and then Use one elemental mod like fire with Heavy caliber or chose two elemental mods to combine different element like: Fire and Ice with resulting of having Blast damage or 3rd choice use weaker elemental mods to have higher status chance: Electric 60% +60% status and Poison 60%+60%status resulting with 120% corrosive damge and +120% status chance)

That should make Warframe more interesting. Fire rate is like damage but not exactly because you fire faster but your ammo drops faster and reload is neded faster, and its actually not adding more damage so it should be maked as a Utility mod.

But then high leveled enemies should have less health and shield, at higher levels they are insane to kill: For example from level 1 to 30 its only one shot dead but at level 60 it tooks 2 shots for example and at 90 you need like 6-7 shots, the difference is too big at higher levels, it should be nerfed.

Edited by IfritKajiTora
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And here we see the continuing result of power creep that many people tried to stop long ago, and some are still trying to stop. No, we don't need more damage, we already have the ability to pump out enough DPS or damage to instantly vaporize anything in the game that does not have unconditional denial of damage. At this point, adding damage is literally adding nothing into the game, because all it does is make us go from instakill to instakill. Where is the difference in that?


I wonder how many people have considered the reason why things like boss invincibility, damage caps, and such exist? Because if they didn't, there would be no boss fight. Even now, a lot of times there still is no boss fight. Bosses have to have these things, because bosses are supposed to be hard to kill, but with out damage they are just another peon. To solve this, they added these mechanics, instead of balancing the numbers.


Ever considered why Nullifier bubbles originally did not go off of damage? How many times have you seen an ice eximus and thought, "Oh no, that snowglobe is going to give me a lot of trouble! -poor old unranked excalibur with unranked everything". Point is, the stalker globes would have not served their purpose if a weapon could instakill them. DE knew this, and made them the way they are.


So, for those thinking our damage is fine, I have a question for you: How do you fight back? Can you come up with a reliable, fail proof answer to this question?

Edited by Racercowboy
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