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Concerns Regarding The Sustainability Of Warframe.


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I'll tell you why. Because this game's content is Shoot Dude To Maybe Get Loot. The faster you Shoot Dude, the less time you waste derping about. 


Does nobody actually just play the game?


I'm just wondering, as most players around the forums seem to be entirely reward-focused.

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Does nobody actually just play the game?


I'm just wondering, as most players around the forums seem to be entirely reward-focused.

People generally are reward focused until the point where there is no longer the possibility of more rewards. Then they give up on said endeavor.


Myself, I feel more rewarded by exercising an increasingly versatile skill set and overcoming challenges in the most difficult manner possible.


I'm just hard headed like that.

Edited by geninrising
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Please, anyone that actually cares about the mentioned aspects, weigh in! Anything to get DE's attention and ensure that their current focus in "quality" is actually focused on the long standing issues we already currently have pinned down FIRST rather than searching for some nebulous new factors to complicate matters more.

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I would suggest that we avoid tiered weapons and instead look at balancing ALL weapons so they have the potential to deliver identical DPS.. not damage per shot  but Damage Per Second


By doing this, it will make both PvP more balanced and also encourage players to stick with weapons that suit their play style instead of all using a hand-full of weapons only.




Ability Spam should only be considered being reduced/hindered in the context of RNG being destroyed and the ideas you propose for removing RNG are fantastic.


I also feel the same about credit etc.. and if you want to take any of the content from my topic and use it in here I don't mind at all as I am for the same overall goal for the most part/likely in general and completely.

Edited by Jax_Cavalera
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I would suggest that we avoid tiered weapons and instead look at balancing ALL weapons so they have the potential to deliver identical DPS.. not damage per shot  but Damage Per Second


By doing this, it will make both PvP more balanced and also encourage players to stick with weapons that suit their play style instead of all using a hand-full of weapons only.




Ability Spam should only be considered being reduced/hindered in the context of RNG being destroyed and the ideas you propose for removing RNG are fantastic.


I also feel the same about credit etc.. and if you want to take any of the content from my topic and use it in here I don't mind at all as I am for the same overall goal for the most part/likely in general and completely.

The tiered weapon system is designed to ensure that in all things in Warframe we have room for progression. As far as balancing all weapons with precisely the same DPS, that would actually hurt DE's business model because half of their money is made from people that need that NEW equipment fix.


This monetary gain is generated either through Prime access sales or through trades. Unfortunately it looks like they are also committing to producing an auction house which will cause a severe spike in prices as people begin to fight over purchasing things, thus causing more plat to be spent as the auction house will of course be a platinum only function.


Thank you for the offer and I will continue to watch said thread for anything that we can get more support for. Unfortunately we still have a portion of players that do not see a lot of these as concerns. I will keep trying though. ^^

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Now seeking any suggestions regarding a way to reduce grind WITHOUT hurting DE's bottom dollar.


I am also seeking further feedback on Ideas that could actually relieve the ideal that P#2W is an issue. Please feel free to discuss opinions on the matter as well as possible implementations that YOU would find acceptable.


I understand that many do not have this stance on the matter however I feel it is best to get as much input as possible so that I may update OP with anything I can get a consensus on as a potential solution.


Yes I'm aware of what the Hot topics state and honestly I have the belief that the question may have been skewed in a way that concealed the problem rather than actually addressing it. The reason I state this is due to my own experiences, other feedback from both clan members/ex clan members and the feedback I read in the hot topics posting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know, honestly i find myself playing Warframe lesser and lesser, pretty much for the reasons you have listed above.


Atm i'd go to some Outer Terminus or any high tier Defence to try to get some void key but then i think "meh, is RNG, i'm more likely to not find the ones i need so why should i go in first place ?".

Then i say "maybe i go to some endless" and i join some random smart persons who understood very well about the energy loophole and spam ults destroying everything with one button while i just sit there with my multi forma'd Dread, Telos, and Nikana, feeling totally useless.


Beside that i notice that lately i'm mostly doing "chores" in this game, tasks i'm losing entusiasm for: i join void runs to try to get the stuff i want and 99,99999999999% of the times i get nothing but junk for Baro Ki Teer or mods and other keys in the worst cases (those are fine in "endless" missions but in Capture ? Ext ? Similars ? That's total BS), when i go to the void to get junk for ducats i find myself lesser and lesser willing to do so but i feel like it's something "i need" to do to get the respective stuff rather than something i do with pleasure, when i go grind syndicate rep and medallions/data/whatever i find myself doing it mostly because i feel like "i have to"...


To me Warframe lately feels like getting more and more like a chore and lesser like a game, maybe i just need a "break" from this game and come back later ?

I dunno, it just saddens me because i love this game (the lore, the designs, the mechanics,...) but at this moment i feel more inclined to play other ones than this, and indeed i find myself playing more other games like Smite than Warframe exactly because it doesen't make me feel like i'm doing something because i have to and doesen't make me deal with horrendous RNGs just to get something i want: I want that skin or character ? I just play the game, earn the "currency", and unlock it, done ! With Warframe ? RNG to get the materials, RNG to get the key to access the stage, RNG to get the part you need... under this aspect what would you pick ? A game that "guarantees" you to get what you want by simply playing it or a game that feels like a "slot machine" (which thinking about it is kinda true, to win on a slot machine you must get 3 times the same symbol and in Warframe you must maybe drop a key, maybe drop the key you want, maybe drop the part you want, it's 3 things you need as the slot machine images) ?.


I only hope there will be eighter some fix to this or at least some new content to make me keep play the game.

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I understand entirely and that is why I produced this extensive post. I have lost many clan members due to these very reasons and have found myself playing the game less and less here recently due to the levels of frustration caused by the RNG monster,

Edited by geninrising
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