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Rushers Are Douches


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  I think Baki has the right idea. While it'd be nice if everyone played nice the truth is you'll never actually be able to make everyone play nice. It just doesn't work that way. Different players play different ways and you'll never actually make them care about how someone else plays unless it is a direct inconvenience - and even then it is just a player being unhappy with someone.

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Yeah, a perfect example of borking over the game to deal with silly behaviors that should never need to be policed... swap teleport basically doesn't work with Loki when targeting other players because people kept griefing others through walls...

Now, instead of being able to do neat maneuvers, which by the way are showcased in the frikkin trailer for this game as being so darn cool, with swapping teammates around aren't possible like they were before.

Was this change needed because of the level of griefing? Absolutely, but they had to kill a significant point to the mechanics of that skill because of a few poorly behaved jerk-bags; and I don't want to see that constantly cropping up in development moving forward.

Edited by Bakim0n0
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Yeah, a perfect example of borking over the game to deal with silly behaviors that should never need to be policed... swap teleport basically doesn't work with Loki when targeting other players because people kept griefing others through walls...

Now, instead of being able to do neat maneuvers, which by the way are showcased in the frikkin trailer for this game as being so darn cool, with swapping teammates around aren't possible like they were before.

Was this change needed because of the level of griefing? Absolutely, but they had to kill a significant point to the mechanics of that skill because of a few poorly behaved jerk-bags; and I don't want to see that constantly cropping up in development moving forward.


 Agreed. No matter how hard you try you can never actually make the players act exactly the way you want without shutting doors on your own content or extensive limitations to everything.


 It is better, instead, to simply set up groundwork that makes that kind of behavior a pain and then expect players to simply play their way.

Edited by Blatantfool
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I sometimes am irritated with rushers but after trying to farm a particular warframe BP part for about 10 rounds straight I grew sick of spending extra time killing all enemies and exploring the level after about the 3rd run through and I became a rusher myself..

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Hi, I just needed to vent. People who rush to the extraction point once an objective is complete are douches. Don't get me wrong; go ahead and sprint all the way there. But at least TRY to take out some enemies. Otherwise they clump at the doors and make it impossible to run past. So you have 1-2 people trying to fight through ALL the enemies on a map. Is anyone else with me here or am I alone in thinking this? I hate it when players just run past all the enemies, then I have to clean up after them because by the 5 seconds it takes to get there, the enemies have all blocked up a door. This is a team game right?


No idea why you got loads of down votes. People act like C***s in co-op online. 

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Seriously, none of you could find better ? Any argument ? Because for now you all just look like monkeys who run from a place to another without purpose, without the ability to speak nor listen to others .. If you want to just race the missions, there is no point in playing online and rushing alone like there was nobody else in the group. You can do that on your own, in private. The thing is when someone go to play an online game, it implies a community, different players, minds, and opinions. So we're all in the same boat and need to deal with others' will, do compromises. The gameplay don't give any reason to complete missions faster, but rewards you if you open every lockers and take time to complete missions (mods, credits, crafting components ..). If  you can't understand that, you guys got real problems

The people that downvoted must be trolls or expect non-rushers to cater to THEIR playstyle...which I saw at least one post of while reading through. There's a lot of responses from Rushers saying "It's how we play, keep up or play solo, cause you can't make me play the way YOU play." Well guess what rushers...you are some major hypocrites. need I remind people what happens when you rush to the EP and stand there for a minute? Oh yeah, whoever is actually playing the game fails, and loses their crap. Not wanting this to happen, others skip stuff THEY like to do to cater to you.


If it were my say, there would be doors that require a majority of the party to open (not 2) at 3-5 places in the mission. This would annoy you so much, but protect the 2 other players that want to play their way (you know...the way the game was built to be played) and after some time all the rushers would be in private or in a couple clans where they belong.


Until there's a good reason to rush based on timed events (not just you farming fast as possible) then there's no reason to rush...and I for one, WILL make you wait till the last second at the EP if you make me rush. Period.

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Which is fine and you're entitled to your opinion.

I feel like the devs have already gone out of the way far enough to try to push people towards a behavior that, frankly, they really shouldn't need to. Saying the devs should push this into a priority situation seems wrong to me, because priority now really needs to be on adding longevity to gameplay not further attempting to punish poor behavior.

You're more than welcome to write it off as being "out of control" and all that nonsense, but I can tell you for a fact that I don't experience these issues whatsoever. How? I joined a clan worth being in and I really all but refuse to run in online mode short of the occasional forgetfulness on my part or if I just feel like being nice and running things to help people who may be struggling to complete content. Does that fix the problems on a large scale? No, but it's not at all difficult for any player to change their habits and act in the very same way; which is exactly what I mean when I say that this is easily handled by the community.


What is there to push? There is a loophole in the game to grief other players that is being exploited by the playerbase. The reason why you don't see this is because you rarely play "online". You could make the same argument for crime in real life; we have laws, because most people can't behave on their own.


Are you implying that there exists the necessity to join a clan to enjoy the game or get griefed? They should really include that in the tutorial. I've made it all the way to nearly rank 5 without a clan and I don't intend on joining one.

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Hi there,


DE is quite aware of the rushing discussion and is planning on addressing it in an upcoming hot topics thread. Since these sorts of threads are almost invariably hostile and caustic we are going to start closing them. If you feel you have something major and constructive to contribute, please consider waiting for the hot topic thread first before posting/PMing DE.

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