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Dear De: Melt Frost, Destroy All Pods, Pleeeez


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All they have to do is expand the loot tables.  You wouldn't have to be stuck playing missions you don't enjoy, if you could find the reward elsewhere.  Not to mention you wouldn't feel compelled to run the same mission over and over again to get the 1 thing you're looking for.



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My only issue with this post... is that its called "defense" for a reason.

the best part, there are lasers around the cryopod...for a reason.

If you're running around like a derp and neglecting to do your job to "defend the cryopod"... then you deserve to fail.

Its not called "[True/Non-Life Support]Survival", its called "Defense".


What part of defense don't you understand? you have to defend something!

Running away from the cryopod is saying "Meh, cryopod doesn't matter at this time, i'll let the others keep an eye on it until i decide to check back."

Now as for running away to get energy/health/ammo/mods is not a bad thing, nor is getting the last few mobs out of the way. Its the fact you want your kill count up so you just neglect "defending" something in a "defense" mission.


And now lets talk about ninja's. Sure ninja's can move around, kill what is needed to be killed, but im pretty sure if there is something they need to protect (such as a clan member or artifact), they won't keep their eyes "away" from it. also, they will get into position where they can both see what is going on AND be protected (their preference: darkness OR behind something). Oh wait i said behind something.... doesn't Frost Snow Globe count as "behind something" ?


The best thing you'll get for "Melting Snow Globe" is what is already implemented: Health.

Yes snowglobe has health, 3500 base at max rank. It is upgradable by both power strength and armor.


In the very end, if you don't like defense missions and how it is supposed to be played, you have other options:


Survival: Survive enemies while getting life support. This sounds like your playstyle since you want to do all those ninja moves to survive. you have absolutely nothing to defend here.


Interception: Capture 4 points until your bar reaches 100%. This is another great one since you're still doing cool ninja moves while ensuring that those 4 points are either safe OR you reclaim the points.


Excavation: Kill enemies to get battery packs in order to charge your scanner. When you found a point to "excavate", then defend that location, while bringing in the battery to have the device energized to finish the job. Im unsure if you would like this since its "defense, defense, defense, defense." if you want to play job roles however your ninja moves can atleast get the batteries for the defender, but other than that its just playing defense over and over until you're satisfied or can't handle the enemies anymore.

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The fact is that Defense is the only or best source for certain content.  Your only choice is to not get the content or grind more for it.  Restricting content to game play is a lack of choice and variety, not more choice and variety.  That is the point of this thread as I have explained multiple times, as recently as four posts ago:



That's my point.  I think that Defense doesn't belong in Warframe because it facilitates and encourages non-Space Ninja gameplay in a Space Ninja game.  And, someone else thinks otherwise.  We can go around like this forever arguing what belongs in warframe.  But, the only reason why this discussion matters is because we're stuck playing missions we don't think belong in the game over and over and over .... for rewards, when there is no reason for the rewards to be found only or optimally in one mission or another.


Conversely, people don't play the missions they would rather play because the reward is not there.  It reduces variety and choice.  Confusing game play and reward causes uneccessary and wasteful friction. 


Maybe I have this opinion because I'm not stingy with my money.  I spend money when I'm entertained, not when I'm in Zombie Farmer mode.  Zombie Farmers do not feel like spending money because they do not feel anything.  They are dead.  They will grind forever.


And in other threads:  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/382726-endless-mission-rewards-vs-non-endless-mission-rewards/?view=findpost&p=4223017

Edited by ThePresident777
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Mag reks defense missions hard. Didn't realize until I was doing T1D to level my baby mag for mastery, but we had I think Rhino, Oberon, Mag, and Ember or some such? No good frames for def besides mag. Flew around at high speed tossing enemies across the map, went to 25 without problems, then outed because it was time to put mag away and wait for mag prime. Had anything been able to move, we surely would have lost the pod in a matter of seconds.


Frost is terribly overrated. Limbo is already infinitely better for defense missions, if annoying as all hell to have in a party, and crowd control frames or support frames like nyx or loki can actually be more important for going late than a defense frame is.

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18 points/problems that aren't even problems.

So, pretty much just 18 things HE wants changed.


It's worse then that, he keeps tagging those points everywhere like they have become the 12 18 Commandments, isn't there some forum rule regarding CONSTANTLY doing stuff like that?

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