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Why DE let players pick their own team for void runs? I had awful expirience for more than a year. This dumbos doesn't like my weapons choice, frame choice, aura choice, hell, it looks like all they want is Nova, Rhino, Loki and Trinity. Dream team of crap. So i play solo most of my voids and ODDs. And this is just bad.

Also, why can't i report them? I report every single one of this prejudice wankers, and noone of them is banned.


So here's my requests:

1) Make void missions lobby just like regular mission

2) Gather statistics, and nerf "top-notch" gear into oblivion.


Some might say: play wiht your clanmates. The problem with this: my clanmates are also love novas and stuff, and they always insult me with "pick smth useful" and they call me stupid, and they say they'll kick me out of clan because of my opinion. I can't report them either. I'm even forced to use this account for forum posts to hide my real one. Because they will mock me even more if i'll post from my main! Don't get confused - they're good people, they just suck in videogames's social activities and they're fascist, when it comes to respecting other's opinion. 


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This is how most people are in most games... thats not DEs fault... and they can't ban anyone for wanting a certain setup... thats not against any rules.


I am sorry to say that, but you seem to have picked the wrong clan... I personally don't care, what people use. As long as the mission is a success, everything is a valid option. But if your clans goal is to run very long high level survivals or defenses (or whatevers), I am afraid, there is simply some setups that are better than others... so, they are not to blame. Mocking you over it and threatening to toss you out is a bit much thogh (provided, you don't exaggerate here, they might just tell you that you either adjust or simply don't fit into the clan).


I recommend you to find other people with a similar playstyle than yours, people who also just play, without following the cookie cutter builds...

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Some might say: play wiht your clanmates. The problem with this: my clanmates are also love novas and stuff, and they always insult me with "pick smth useful" and they call me stupid, and they say they'll kick me out of clan because of my opinion. I can't report them either. I'm even forced to use this account for forum posts to hide my real one. Because they will mock me even more if i'll post from my main! Don't get confused - they're good people, they just suck in videogames's social activities and they're fascist, when it comes to respecting other's opinion. 

Why are you in an abusive relationship with your clan?


Better yet, why are you in that clan?

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Frame choice isn't racism or anything, nobody's going to get banned over just wanting a specific frame in a mission.


However if they are calling you names without provocations you should take screenshots and junk to send to support.

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Why DE let players pick their own team for void runs? I had awful expirience for more than a year. This dumbos doesn't like my weapons choice, frame choice, aura choice, hell, it looks like all they want is Nova, Rhino, Loki and Trinity. Dream team of crap. So i play solo most of my voids and ODDs. And this is just bad.

Also, why can't i report them? I report every single one of this prejudice wankers, and noone of them is banned.


So here's my requests:

1) Make void missions lobby just like regular mission

2) Gather statistics, and nerf "top-notch" gear into oblivion.


Some might say: play wiht your clanmates. The problem with this: my clanmates are also love novas and stuff, and they always insult me with "pick smth useful" and they call me stupid, and they say they'll kick me out of clan because of my opinion. I can't report them either. I'm even forced to use this account for forum posts to hide my real one. Because they will mock me even more if i'll post from my main! Don't get confused - they're good people, they just suck in videogames's social activities and they're fascist, when it comes to respecting other's opinion. 

Wow. More than a year now? Sounds like you need to find a new game to play. I don't know which region you play in, but I don't think I've had more than a handful of negative experiences with players that have actually made it to my long-term memory. Most are just stupid little things that I forget about after a few missions.


I agree allowing public for key missions would expand the ease of gathering random squads. But if it's a key I'm using, I'm going to put together a squad of friends or alliance people most likely. Visit recruiting if I can't find enough people to invite.


As to clans, if they don't want you there, it'd probably be best to leave anyway. Why would you want to hang around people who don't respect your opinion? And/or may hate you? Perhaps the best thing for you to do is make your own clan.

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After i re-read my post i cringe because of ammount of salt and sadness. I'll try to rethink what i wanted to say. If i wanted to say anything in the first place.

Warframe has a meta game like any other game.
Sorry if that sucks.

Ask for a real endgame instead.

Warframe metagame is really tight, especially after introducing of Nova, who outclasses every other frame, but niche ones: Frost, Trinity, Limbo maybe. Insane damage with insane utility at insane range. That's bit over the top i think. Slow on her 4th ability is just so strong. Maybe other caster frames could be viable if something about this mprime was or will be nerfed. Yeah, she's my main problem with metagame. And probably Rhino who i don't know why araised from "way-down-there-tier" to the top. But that's other topic. How could one pursuade someone to abandon meta? Mastery rank? Conclave? But even tiniest fish wants most efficent way to play damn game! Hey, we go t1 exterminate, gtfo ember.



Why are you in an abusive relationship with your clan?


Better yet, why are you in that clan?

Because we real life friends. I feel obligated to play with them. As i said they are good people in anything that doesn't involve gaming. Maybe because of their dota past? I dunno.


Hmmmmm.. calling people prejudice wankers and fascist when not respecting other opinions.....and you report people for simply not agreeing with your loadout. Something sounds fishy here.

You have boltor prime or synoid gammacor in your inventory? I bet you are. Probably active nova user, who often complains about RNG and wants mythical "lategame", but doesn't have any idea how this "lategame" looks like.



Wow. More than a year now?


Of course i didn't frustruate whole damn year. But sometimes one should release all the tension, right? Sorry for it to come in such histerical and whiny way.

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I don't really know how to reply to this...


DE lets players pick their own team because it's their key.

Frames like Loki are extremely useful in Endgame content as many other frames, but you met the wrong people.

Also, you can't report them because you don't have a valid reason to do so, you might get banned if you keep reporting people for no reason.

"Nerf top-notch gear" 

How about no, why would DE do that? Top tier weapons are for end-game content, nerfing them would be just stupid.

I highly doubt your clan mates are like you said they are, but i might be wrong.

Edited by DarkLordX2
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You have boltor prime or synoid gammacor in your inventory? I bet you are. Probably active nova user, who often complains about RNG and wants mythical "lategame", but doesn't have any idea how this "lategame" looks like.



Thank you for proving my point. You post quite a abusive post with calling people dumbos, prejudice wankers, facists and complain about them not being banned because you reported them for not liking your loadaout.


And yet you start to attack me in the very same way you complain about being treated. A friendly hint, you should try and write quite a lot less hateful thread if you want people to sympathise with you.

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I tried, but it doesn't seem to work. No effect.

Lol, seriously? Their key, they have the choice of who they go with. DE is never going to force players to play with who they don't want to. That also happens on regular missions to (friend only, invite only, solo) but you don't see them. So you want a tool now so you can see who is using those options so you can send 'reports' to DE to get them banned to? 


Or maybe I'm reading this wrong, maybe you're a forum comedian and just trolling us. In that case, well played sir.

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