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Single-Blade Swords Need Buff


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Hi! As for me, for this time single-bladed swords are seemed to be really underpowered.

Lets take a look at all market melee weapons:





So. We have: 2 single-bladed, 1 disc, 2 staff, 2 close-combat, 3 heavy swords and a bunch of dual swords.

To be mentioned there is only 1 sword you can buy immediately - Skana.

And there are only 2 swords you can purchase/create from market.

Another 6 swords that exist (Heat, Dark, Jaw, Pangolin, Plasma, Cronus) can be created in foundry. Blueprints for them drops on Alert missions/Boss. So they are considered to be rare ones (Just like Glaive).


Lets take a look on them:

-Dark sword has bigger charge damage (125) (Just like Plasma sword);

-Heat sword AOE fire jump attack;

And what about others? Jaw sword and Pangolin sword have even lower basic/charge damage than Cronus. And all swords features are seemed the same.


Lets compare single-bladed sword to the most overpowered weapon - Dual Ether.

Dual Ether:

-Triple damage to Infested;

-All attacks can hit multiply targets;

-Stagger on every attack;

-Ignores armor;

-AOE jump knockdown (Even Bosses)


Dark Sword:

-Triple damage to Infested;

-Low base attack;

-High charge attack;

-Hit single target

-Very small AOE jump knockdown.


To sum up:

-Single-bladed swords are no way better than dual/heavy

-Other weapons' blueprints are all in the market -> easy to get;

-Other weapons  hit multiple targets (The biggest advantage).

-Swords that meant to be rare are worse than market ones.


I personally don't see any reason not to buff them.

Edited by Nedwin
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The Dark Sword/Plasma Sword can get the highest dps for single targets of all melee weapons, because of the high crit chance and dmg. Just mod charge dmg, charge speed, crit%, critdmg. Great for cutting down bosses. The rest... well, you are right.

Edited by SirMelf
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I agree that several of the single blades need some passive affect or all around buff that makes them better. I more specifically think the ? alert only weapons like the Jaw sword and the Pangolin blade need something more than looking cool to be such rare weapons, maybe an elemental effect added to them, perhaps electricity for pangolin and ice for jaw sword, or the other way around... I also think making bo's base speed faster would be good enough.

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I agree with the OP. Those melee weapons could really use some tuning and especially something to make them more unique.


Just a note: The Cronus isn't an alert reward.


The Dark Sword/Plasma Sword can get the highest dps for single targets of all melee weapons, because of the high crit chance and dmg.


Doesn't the Furax hold that title?

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in base dps without calculating the crit the furax outshine plasma and darksword, yes thats truth

but like SirMelf said plasma- and dark sword have rly high crit ratings what can make them real dps monsters on bosses



and i forget yes the longsword need 2 be buffed, i want all wpns to connect to multiple enemys D:

Edited by Depar
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First of all, I love the long sword and this is my personal opinion. No harms meant.


As much as I like the long swords,as of now it's not much fun to toy around. I do understand they are supposed to be a

"basic" weapon but I find them far too lackluster and in desperate need that makes this weapon genre unique.

It's true that the "long sword" packs a punch in some cases (i.e. the beefed up Dark Sword, Plasma...etc),

but this isn't enough to make me choose them over the multi-targeting dual weapons, throwable Glaives... etc.


I just wish we could some kind of mechanic that can make this weapon; an ideal weapon for space ninjas, stand out in the crowd.

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Pangolin sword has lower charge damage, but staggers on hit. Use attack speed mods and stunlock enemies.

Every longsword does that.


As for main topic.

Let all sword attack multiple targets. May be limited to 2 targets though.

Make switching between sidearm and melee faster.

And my personal idea. Let us parry with them. If you get block fast enough you should be able to counter(i think longsword stealth animation will fit this).

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I've thought it was odd for the long sword to have the same or slower swing rate compared to some dual swords.

Should the attack rate be boosted? Maybe having faster swings might be the solution to fend off multiple enemies.

Here's an example from the old build where a beefed up heat sword hacks away multiple targets.




In the video, It looks a bit too fast for it to be balanced for in game usage, but it sure as hell look like fun.

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Most longswords are just redundant with only slight stat difference and could just be skins.


But that aside I think that I think that the longswords could have a multihit of 2. (I personally think multihit should be gone and anything in the attack cone should take damage, but that's for another thread)


And why not buff them you say? I'd rather nerf everything else! Think about it: every week or so we get a new weapon that is usually better or on par with the previous best, DE has been making the mods cheaper too. The game has been getting easier and easier and unless the new orokin tilesets are a good deal tougher than pluto then enough with asking buffs. 


And don't compare with Dual Ether, they're armor ignore is clearly a mistake: we all know sword slashes aren't supposed to ignore armor and when you look at Ether Daggers which don't ignore armor when we all know they are supposed to, well, it's not hard to understand they confused some code for these 2 weapons; DE is just scared to fix them because of all the whiners, but I trust they will eventually.

Edited by CubedOobleck
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The only changes to longswords that are needed are - The ability to hit multiple enemies with the charged attacks(2 or 3) and a small dmg buff to some of the weapons. Nothing should have less than 100 dmg on charge attacks and less than 30 on normal attacks.

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Didn't read, but i agree with the title.


One handed weapons should have some sort of advantage to make them just as viable as their dual-wield counterparts (lato vs aklato, bolto vs akbolto, skana vs dual skana, etc)


I have full faith however that DE has this planned, but not high enough on their priority list.

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