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Is Mesa Good Dps



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Shatter Shield will reflect Bombard's rockets in Void. Worth it just to hear teammates amazement when you 'suicide' into the rocket about to hit them, only to send it back at the Bombard that shot it.


Try building with only 24% power strength - yeah, you'll do less damage, but Shatter Shield becomes 99.2% damage reduction which is just insane. Basically you can only die from melee (which Shooting Gallery will exclusively stagger when using NM) or grenades (which everyone dies from :P).


Mesa and a Disarm Loki pair poorly tho. Throw in a speed Nova and you'll be sobbing, lol. Had that happen one of my first long T4S's with Mesa, was extremely difficult (but actually a lot of fun, 1-2 sec of lt and then sprint, 1-2 sec on ult, etc).

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4 and 2 are the only decent skills, she has terrible health/power/shields/armor.

i dont recall having 925 HP is terrible but her shield and armor are terrible yes. also what about number 3 skill (shatter shield) i hardly die solo t4 survival with it

Edited by ZzVinniezZ
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Mesa's 2 and 3 are her best abilities.

Her 1 is useless and her Peacemaker falls off quickly, but it's very fun to use.

Using only her 2 and 3 (well mostly her 3, which is one of the best defensive skills in the game), I was able to do multiple 60 min solo T4 Survival runs.

You just have to pay attention to the Bombard's rocket blast radius and those stupid random grenades.


If you don't want to grind for her, this is one of the few frames that I would recommend people actually buy with plat.


If by falls off quickly, you mean that it oneshots mobs up to wave 50+ in T4 defense, then yeah.

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We did a reasonably long T4D (wave 60 when we started getting bored) with Mesa (me), Limbo, Loki Prime and a random Excal with 4 x corrosive projection. Wasn't a set group, weren't planning to go as far as we did, but it was just so easy. All the way up to wave 60 Mesa was still destroying everything bar mobs in the nullifier fields ). Rest of the group focused down the nullifiers. Ended up being pretty easy, though I went through allot of energy restores (even with Limbo topping me up when I wasn't in 4). 


Plays been limited cause of baby, longest run I've done in a while, was fun.

Edited by KracsNZ
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If by falls off quickly, you mean that it oneshots mobs up to wave 50+ in T4 defense, then yeah.


Exactly. I don't get people saying her 4th skill falls off quickly. It friggin crits for 5k unbuffed and hits faster than a gatling gun on steroids when the speed is capped. People must be building her wrong, because me and my friends sure as hell love having her on the team in 40 round defense with a speed nova, trinity and vauban. Pretty much clears the waves instantly.

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