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I Hate You, Ancient Disruptor!


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They are a pest and very annoying and that's exactly why they should stay in game just the way they are,

because without a challenge this and everything else would be boring.


Best against ancients for myself, equip a frost damage mod on either your main or off weapon, ground slam to make

them fall (requiring them to take allot of time before they can attack) move a bit away and start damaging.

This could be repeated if you have a buddy, all tho you can only "knock back" him  every few seconds,

a friend or ally does not count to your knockback, so if you knock him down and he stands up, your friend can knock him down directly after and by the time he gets up (with frost slowing mod) you will be able to knock him back down.


If you don't have a friend tho the best would be a weapon with stun or stun mod (+ frost of course) with each stun he will stop sprinting which makes him a very slow moving target. When facing more than 1 best would be a weapon with alot of ammunition, like Goron or the new Grakata.


Well i highly doubt that no one can handle 1 ancient disruptor. The biggest problem comes when they are in a group or they come from behind and you can't hear them.


I don't know about you, but there have been one too many times i went back into a room that i previously cleared just to have 1 or 2 ancients knock me back. If one of them is a disruptor then i am pretty much dead because while i get up crawlers will just attack my health since i am out of shields and i can't escape either since I'm without energy. They are also annoying when they come in big gropus with 3 or 4 ancients and lots of enemies, especially runners and crawlers. Then you have to kill the runners and crawlers so that they won't stun you but in the mean-time ancients will come closer thanks to their charge and hit you with an attack that can come out of their butt and hit you even if you dodge. Again, maybe you will survive if you only meet healers or toxics, but if even 1 disruptor hits you, you are pretty much dead.


This is about playing at a high level with a high-level warframe or at a low level with a low level warframe, not with a high-level warframe on a low-level because then you can just kill ancients with one shot.

Edited by Story4
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Hit them with ice weapons, and then flying-kick or ground-slam to knock them down. Even if they're back up, tentacles can be avoided with some circlestrafing and dodges.


That said, yes, their draining is too severe for a single hit. It'd be better to make them slightly better at hitting, and then reduce the drain per-hit.

Edited by HvcTerr
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I oddly have no issues with Disruptors. Their arm attack is dreadfully short-ranged, and freeze damage mods render them utterly impotent. Using any of my frames (so far those have been Excal, Saryn, Loki, Rhino, Nyx, and Ember) I can reliably dodge them by rolling or just backpedaling if I see them charging up.

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The issue with AD's is that they annoy more than they challenge.  They don't provide a good counterplay.  Once one hits you, you're hosed.


I like that they drain all shields.  That keeps in tune with the concept that Infested don't care about shielding.


But taking away all your power, rather than, say, half of what you have in the tank, is just annoying.  There is no counterplay, no response to an AD hit.  They hit you, you're boned, the end.  Players with a lot of energy should have the option to use their defensive skills to turtle up, their offensive to kill the bastard or their movement skills to gtfo.  That would be more fun.

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They are a fantastic concept, a much needed member in the ranks of the infested, and a damn right pain in the &#!...

But I don't think that they are implemented well. I establish that many other players feel the same after reading this thread.


I can live with (and truly HATE) their strength and crazy ability, but when it comes to how they use it, it feels broken.


An ancient runs straight forward to a friend of mine while im around the corner, it doesn't even see me and I start following it. My friend in the mean while, is backing up.

I chase the ancient, I end up behind him long after he started swinging forwards - trying to hit my friend

His arm goes through the fourth dimension and is twisted by quantum physics, and he ends up sticking it up my firm yet flexible ninja buttocks. Why?


Give them their long range. Give them a frontal-cone RADIUS SWIPE for all I care, not just a hand-that-turns-into-a-pike.

But why must you use what has been a DEFINED SYMBOL IN GAMING FOR OVER 30 YEARS?

The Slow, Giant, Obvious SWING ANIMATION, the monster-animation that yells into the head of any gamer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2764MVYqqEw'>"DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODGE!"...

Only to be later on discovered as a hoax. If you are anywhere within a 10 metres circle of that slow, giant, obvious, FRONTAL-STAB-MOTION, it will hit you right in the squishy yet stiff tenno-behind.


When I see a dodgable attack, I dodge. Why must thou mislead me, DE?

Edited by Feam
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My issue with AD is that I have latency, so when I have clearly dodged their attack, all of a sudden I'm out of shield and energy... due to this *dafaq* issue alone, it would be helpful to my gameplay if they did not fork you over quite so much :)

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they can be extremely annoying on the unexpecting warframe, but I believe they are fine as long as you develop a way to counter them. Mine is stunning them or focussing on them as the mandatory target besides those pesky runners.

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My issue with AD is that I have latency, so when I have clearly dodged their attack, all of a sudden I'm out of shield and energy... due to this *dafaq* issue alone, it would be helpful to my gameplay if they did not fork you over quite so much :)

or if you join a laggy host, your dodges become useless unfortunately ):

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Channel your hatred to these circles




Red: Fire = 200%, Freeze = 100%


Yellow: Armor Piercing = 200%


Unfortunately, that works well until I have 5 charging at me and I realise I forgot to calibrate my 20+ volley of targeting missiles (Damn it jarvis!)

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Agree it's drain is pretty overpowered, and that the AD (much like half the game's core systems) is pretty buggy, but otherwise I am perfectly fine with it.  It's the fact that EVERY other monster also has a stun attack that bothers me and makes ADs seem so much more ridiculous.  So, there's this disruptor  that charges at you, surrounded by 10 or so chargers, accompanied by another 3 or 4 waves of runners, and two or three leaper things, any one of which can stagger you, allowing the AD to drain you, suddenly you're surrounded by all those critters that continue to stagger you and hit your HP directly...and you have no energy to escape. If that would even matter at that point.


So yeah, definitely fix the AD problems, but don't weaken them much. Balance the other infested instead.

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Maaan just came from a mission on Earth and this thing totally ruined my game. The enemies weren't too tough but a Disruptor showed up with a huge group of Runners and Chargers. Disruptor just touched me and BAM I died! The energy and shield drain is OP!!!

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Also, when Disruptor is running towards you, it usually has a split second of hesitation before it does the drain attack. Try time for that rather than the end of the charge. If you time the charge hitting and dodge, it'll definitely get you. But if you pause for a sec before dodging, he'll miss.


But still, OP!!!!


Good luck

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Until recently I was using my powered-up Scindo (the big battle axe) and if you jump up and do a smash attack you can knock down everything around you, it's a great way to deal with those humongoids, but what really ticks me off is how sometimes the game registers my melee attack as being a finishing move and goes in to slam a downed enemy- TOXIC ancient. Man that shtings.

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Use Rhino. Press 2. Laugh at the Ancients.


Pressing 2 results in nothing happening......because all your energy has been drained.


I have to admit that one hit taking out all your energy AND shields is a bit much and definately hard to recover from when your surrounded by a pack of infested. 

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Until recently I was using my powered-up Scindo (the big battle axe) and if you jump up and do a smash attack you can knock down everything around you, it's a great way to deal with those humongoids, but what really ticks me off is how sometimes the game registers my melee attack as being a finishing move and goes in to slam a downed enemy- TOXIC ancient. Man that shtings.


You can also kick them :-D I noticed that a few minutes ago :-D

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i am a solo player and i hate this enemy,because a little mistake will make me in damage in next battle(or this battle) ,it is not like online game you can hold behind you teammate and wait a energy ball drop,in solo it means "all player lost all his energy"


this ablity maybe change to "if you are hit,you cannot use you power in X second and not gain shield from the recovery" or "you power mush double(or anyother) energy cost,recovery speed slow XX%"

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Please please please don't go nerfing baddies. I like that this guy scares me. I turn and see one has sneaked up on me, it gives me a good jolt. Please don't request that they turn the few actual threats in this game into fluff.

Make things harder if anything. People think they want easier, until they get it. Then they get bored and leave.

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Please please please don't go nerfing baddies. I like that this guy scares me. I turn and see one has sneaked up on me, it gives me a good jolt. Please don't request that they turn the few actual threats in this game into fluff.

Make things harder if anything. People think they want easier, until they get it. Then they get bored and leave.

And +100 this S#&$

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