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I'm Enjoying Playing Ember With Rage / Quick Thinking And A Big Energy Pool


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I tried a new build just after the ember change announcements were published and have been playing it with the new changes.


I was using a continuity / constitution duration build for world on fire.


Two things were bugging me about Ember.  I was squishy and I never seemed to have enough energy.


So instead of trying to always have a pocket Trinity with me I tried to make the tools I had work for me and I came up with something that I enjoy.




I ignore shields, use rage and quick thinking with a big energy pool and efficiency to be able to spam Accelerant to stun things, fireball to kill heavies, fire blast to knock big groups apart (great when a bunch of stuff is clustered around somebody you need to res or around a defense objective) and world on fire when I can fit it in.


I use a Boar Prime modded for viral and heat damage, a bolto with entropy spike and heat damage to break bubbles and a heat damage / full life strike Sheev to get health back.


Has worked well in multiple T4 defense to 30-35, T4 survival to 40 and ODS to 40 as well as numerous Ceres / Pluto / Eris alerts and other void missions.


Have not tried ODD yet.


These have been in PUGs with non coordinated teams.  Would probably work further with full on corrosive projection / viral weapons, etc. but at 40 min I'm ready to get up and stretch my legs and get a glass of water anyway :P


I can take a hit from a bombard rocket, stun them, fireball and carve them up with the sheev and be back at full health with some extra energy to spare.


Enjoying the new fire blast mechanic.  Wish it worked with Fire Fright but I'm not sure where I'd fit that in.  Maybe drop Intensify?


I'm going to try her with glaive prime and the new stance.


Try new things.  See what works for you.


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How do you go about healing yourself after your health reaches 2? Or do you rely on energy as your health pool?


Using my 525 energy pool as a health buffer with quick thinking at 240% efficiency so about a 1260 health buffer?   If something has managed to knock me down it will be pretty full so stun with Accelerant , switch to Sheev, probably stun again to be safe and then turn on channeling and get my health back.
At that point my Raska kubrow has refilled my small shields and sometimes does me the favor of using hunt on the target I was trying to get health back from and one-shots it :P
In which case I stay in melee and look for my next target.
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Shush. No need to call nerfs attention to the Quick Thinking / Primed Flow combo...




I was using normal flow and continuity until late last night when I noticed I had space for the primed mods if I used Steel Charge instead of Rifle Amp.


Little bit more of a buffer but not game changing.

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I was using normal flow and continuity until late last night when I noticed I had space for the primed mods if I used Steel Charge instead of Rifle Amp.


Little bit more of a buffer but not game changing.


And then I noticed the damage I did to my credit balance upgrading primed mods the day before the void trader is due :P


Thankfully someone was burning through a whole bunch of capture keys earlier today and I caught a ride on my ember :)

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