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Vending Machine [Forum Game]


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You get white knights and social justice workers running after you, criticizing your every action. Then you get hunted down by the masses when they spread false propaganda through social media about you. Finally some crazed social justice worker, or animal rights activist stabs you with a knife multiple times for something you didn't even do.


I insert hate.

Edited by RevivedEdgeLord
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You get the teletubbies.


I insert a defenseless blogger(a.k.a. all of them)

You get feminists after the defenseless blogger, criticizing their every post. Then, hunted down by the masses when they spread false propaganda through social media about those bloggers. Finally some crazed social justice worker, or animal rights activist, feminist, ex-nazi eventually tracks down the bloggers, and brutally physically & mentally tortures them in the name of "justice", when the blogger did nothing wrong.


I insert Guts.

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