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Nekros Changes 15.12


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Folks we need to continue to flood these kinds of posts with various feedback regarding this matter until it is resolved to our satisfaction. I know fixing these things is not always easy but it is up to us to ensure our voices are heard, and our satisfaction with all the frames is the number one priority in this game. Neither DE nor we as players can afford to let matters such as these rest until we are all happy. Remember we players are the deciding factor of when something is "In a good place" so let's make sure we are happy with the results or at least not frustrated or upset over them.

Edited by geninrising
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Since they added sustained powers, I thought that SOTD would benefit from working on this sort of mechanic, allowing Nekros to kill enemies and sustain their shadows for long periods of time depending on his energy reserves. This would still require changes to the AI. They should stay close to Nekros, not take cover, and be more aggressive.


It would also greatly benefit SOTD if the souls weren't one time use.

Edited by xRufus7x
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Soul Punch needs to be better. It doesn't matter if it's insta-cast or free-cast, if the skill is S#&$, nobody will use it. It has like 50m cast range, but nobody really use it for its pathetic damage or cc. I would buff it so that the damage is based on current HP percentage, instead of flat damage. As of now, it feels like poor man's Sonic Boom.


Terrify is still useless... 

The problem with Terrify has always been its long duration.

I would say make the duration a lot shorter. Something like a 10s - 15s base duration instead of 25s would be better in making it a panic button.

It will still be out-shadowed by SotD, but it's a step in the right direction. For me, at least.


Desecrate needs to be changed. They shouldn't affect LS. Instead, buff LS drop rate, so Desecrate isn't a necessity for survival anymore.


SotD needs to be buffed or changed. The purpose of this skill should be to use nearby corpses to fight for you, in other words, an offensive skill more than a defensive skill. Currently, it's the other way around though, because of its dumb AI. As it stands now, SotD will completely out shadow Terrify.

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 The problem with Terrify has always been its long duration.

I would say make the duration a lot shorter. Something like a 10s - 15s base duration instead of 25s would be better in making it a panic button.

It will still be out-shadowed by SotD, but it's a step in the right direction. For me, at least.


Desecrate needs to be changed. They shouldn't affect LS. Instead, buff LS drop rate, so Desecrate isn't a necessity for survival anymore.


SotD needs to be buffed or changed. The purpose of this skill should be to use nearby corpses to fight for you, in other words, an offensive skill more than a defensive skill. Currently, it's the other way around though, because of its dumb AI. As it stands now, SotD will completely out shadow Terrify.

IDK I personally love the duration of terrify and feel it provides the needed breathing room for many things. I could however get behind the idea of a durational lock of 15 seconds(unaffected by duration mods) as that would still provide ample room for doing whatever is needed.


On desecrate I feel that would work only provided a hefty buff to the spawn of LS or better yet removal of the LS mechanic entirely. I would much prefer an enless wave of enemies that allowed us to concentrate entirely upon our tactics rather than feed a timer LS.

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Honestly I don't use nekros and don't really care about him.


I would really like the SHADOWS of the damned to not block my torid bullets now that there are 20 shadows walking around.


+1 to the hall of mirrors change to them, can't comment on anything else since I don't have experience with it.

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Looking for additional feedback and possible changes. It's best if we get as much feedback as possible within a concise posting to ensure the devs get a clear understanding of our thoughts on the matter. Thus far I have updated op with most of the good ideas presented and will continue to do so. Weigh in folks!

Edited by geninrising
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Desecrate honestly needs to have LS as well as mods removed from it's list of possibilities or changed to a durational aoe. Currently these are the only things that draw a player to using Nekros at all. To be absolutely crystal clear here. No frame should be relegated to the role of a farmer.

I disagree.  Look at the upcoming MMO Tree of Savior.  There's a class called oracle.  She has the ability to predict and reveal a mob's drops before killing it (possibly manipulating the probability?), summon mobs from far corners of the map to her location to kill faster, predict and reveal their attack patterns so your party can last longer while fighting them without taking much damage, and transform a mob, rerolling it into a different mob of a similar level.  Oracle is the farming class of that game, and it's brilliant.

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I disagree.  Look at the upcoming MMO Tree of Savior.  There's a class called oracle.  She has the ability to predict and reveal a mob's drops before killing it (possibly manipulating the probability?), summon mobs from far corners of the map to her location to kill faster, predict and reveal their attack patterns so your party can last longer while fighting them without taking much damage, and transform a mob, rerolling it into a different mob of a similar level.  Oracle is the farming class of that game, and it's brilliant.

We are talking about Warframe here a truly combat centric title. In the WF universe it is entirely broken when a character has neither a marginal damage source nor do they have multiple survival mechanics. Nekros has no heal, no damage reduction, and only 1 form of reliable cc. Add to that his Shadows of the dead that are only rewarding if you happen to get lucky and have many high priority targets saved in his soul cache. Then lets add to that the fact that in order to be able to desecrate effectively you must gimp the entirety of his kit. Therefore changes need to be made to at least bring his one damage skill that is actually useful to a better place and set desecrate to not be the end all reason for his existence in a given party. Again the Farmer role in WF should not exist or rather should not be the only reason to carry a Nekros.

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Honestly, they need a almost new Ultra for Nekros. Them things don't kill shxt less its 3+ of them and 1 enemy they are fighting. Which is just terrible. in-addition, you wont be able to use it if you don't manage any kills. It really should spawn its own entities, void of having to kill other shxt... OORRR suck the life out of foes in a radial range and spawn simple soul orbs that do whatever.


I'm not sure about his loot ability. I wouldn't see much use in it if it didn't... spawn loot. Bout as mild as Excal's 3rd ability really. If that happened.

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I prefer to change the mechanic of SOTD and soul punch all together. 

TO just use Soul punch as a long range shot gun with the main purpose of marking enemies for SOTD, perhaps some slow DOT until death. instead of the main reason to CC or dmg ~

As for the marked enemies, once dead goes into your soul cache. Now every time you use SOTD, you summon 1 active buffed NPC that takes a high aount of dmg nekro has taken, as well as energy pool of the npc added to nekro. The more SOul in Cache the better the linked transfer, and quality of npc soul summon to take the dmg.

We can summon more grunt npc for a set amount of time when we deserate (like a dumbed down version of what SOTD is now), so we still have that summon minion feel to it. However in this case it wouldn't matter of how bad or weak it is as it is a bonus feature of desecrate as a momentary meat shield.

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