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That's It, I'm Killing Myself.


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Except for Crimson Dervish, the rest seems fairly cheap, exp can be re-earn easily so no biggie. And 2 R5 cores ? How about losing 20 in a T4 def when your team kept getting one-shot'ed by Nullifiers ? I get quite a few Reflex guards from normal survival runs, again no biggie


I disconnected from a T4 survival at 40 minutes before.


Good thing I kept everything (my host didn't, muahahahha)

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First, it's beta, get used to it

Second, please don't joke about suicide on the forums, I've never had a family member die because of that and I don't want anyone to suffer through it

Third, if you are serious about it please don't commit suicide over something as stupid as a game. You'll regret it later



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This is not a discussion, nor a good title.


If you want to report a bug, use PC Bugs subforums with details on the circumstances which cause your issues.

If you wanna laugh at your misfortune, use FanZone.


Imagine if everyone raging at the game would create a topic in GD.

Every serious and interesting discussion is suffering from such topics.


Please be more responsive to Community needs.

Thanks for your understanding.



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