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Comics By Yuikami [Added: Doodle - What I See, New Stalker...]


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Is it wrong that I'm attracted to that buff Trinity?

Lol it only reveals the sad situation Rhino's in right now, hopefully U9 will give him his title back.


Nothing wrong with liking buff Women!




It makes up for her being flat as a cutting board right Noel!

Edited by FrostWolf
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It only reveals the sad situation Rhino's in right now, hopefully U9 will give him his title back.

Finally! someone that got my message! XD

That's actually what I was trying to say, there are way better tanks than Rhino out in the field now.

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Well to be fair Rhino was broken... and his other three skills have finally been buffed.



Granted Trinity has a big bulleyes for the Nerf hammer next.

Hell I threw a party when Rhino was nerfed, was totally fed up with Rhino -censored-s.


Many class is going to be hit by Nerf Hammer for sure...



Specially Uncle Vauban



But please leave Nyx Aloneeeee DX

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Many class is going to be hit by Nerf Hammer for sure...



Specially Uncle Vauban



But please leave Nyx Aloneeeee DX


They already Nerfed Nyx and took away the thing that made her broken... The need to buff her bolts and Absorb shield

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They already Nerfed Nyx and took away the thing that made her broken... The need to buff her bolts and Absorb shield

If I remember it right... 2-3 streams ago they said they gonna nerf Nyx AGAIN OTL...


EDIT: w00t! 1337 rep!

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I skim through from time to time... ;A;



It's not your work, it's just I hate hate hate hate hate text in general...

of all my life I only finished 3 novel that took me 3 months each!

That's how much I hate hate hate hate hate reading DX!


If someone were to read it to me then, sure!

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Poor Rhino :/ Mine is sitting in the Inventory awaiting Scott's review..

I havn't touched him at all after I was done leveling him XD

Mine's probably fat from all the mash potatoes he ate now.


LoL trinity tank... And poor rhino has to sit back at the dojo eating pies again... :D

and wow, have i missed much of your comics lately... soo much backtracking through the pages... :D

Hope you find this useful! XD

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what happened to trinity??? :o how did she got bulked up?

The fact that her Energy Vampire + Link makes her a better tank for the team + her Blessing is a bless *o*

Edited by yuikami
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I havn't touched him at all after I was done leveling him XD

Mine's probably fat from all the mash potatoes he ate now.


Yeah, got to bring him out and stack on some Sprint/Rush/Marathon mods once in a while to keep him in shape :p


what happened to trinity??? :o how did she got bulked up?

She's been pumping some iron ! 

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