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Thoughts On The Stalker


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I was thinking he should drop something. For being as hard to kill as he is, I think he should have some sick drops.



Yeah exactly.  There should be some very, very rare rewards dropped if you manage to kill him. 


Also I think it is a bit much when he drops in on your team in Mecury where there isn't a snowballs chance in hell of anyone being able to take him out.  He really shouldn't show up until you reach the higher level systems so you have at least a chance to beat him.

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I've had him quite a few times now yet only twice has he managed to kill me:


1 - when I was in a team-game with 4 guys - unfortunately we were ALL levelling new frames... so we were all level 3-10 maxi => so max 120 shield. One slash dash and he killed all 4 of us.


2 - in a Grineer extermination. my teammate dc'ed leaving me with 80 or so Grineer, including some heavies. Got the stalker... died instantly.


Otherwise, every other time I or someone else has had him in a team-game, we have managed to beat him.


Another point you make is that YES, he should drop something!!

Edited by Els236
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In my opinion he isn't that terrifying or dangerous in any respect.  The only initial fear was when I first encountered him in solo. Then I handed him his &#! with about 20 Moas, drones, and crewmen. Including Fusions attempting to murder me. He could really do with an AI redesign and maybe certain instances in which he will spawn, such as killing a boss, (Not likely, but funny), or playing a few more missions after killing a boss.

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So many people ignoring the point of this thread.


His difficulty is a GOOD thing. The PROBLEM is his ability to spawn before the players have control of their warframes and are thus unable to defend themselves.

We got the message, and that's an important fix that's needed.

Edited by Beltan
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First, I dont get how he spawned BEFORE you got in-game, that is a possible bug, or you have some laggy &#! host. The Host should of at least been in-game before anyone at all.

Second, there are signs that a stalker is incoming to your mission, your screen should flicker every few seconds, the same flicker you get when he targets you but without the messages.


The AI in this game isn't very good so they simply made Stalker ridiculously strong, funny thing is he'll either wipe the floor with you or go full retard.

He appeared earlier today and attacked someone but I think before he did enough damage to his target some Corpus hit him, he then began attacking anything and everything at once, repeatedly switching targets as if he couldn't decide who to kill first. He died switftly of course leaving the usual pile of good ol' nothing.

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I thought the stalker was hard, then I got twin vipers... One clip = Tenno 1 - stalker 0.


More on-topic though. As far as I've seen so far (I've encountered him probably 15+ times), he has only spawned half way though a mission, never at the start (this is only my experience of course). Adjusting it so that you have to leave the starting room before he spawns would be an easy fix to your problem of "lolololoading screen" though I suppose.


It kind of makes sense that he'd only target one player, but I see no logical reason why other Tenno can't help. Also he could use scaling damage, he really shouldn't instagib level 3 players.

Edited by Spiffmeister
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To be honest he is quite a pushover once you hit level 30 and have decent gear. I killed him like 20 times in a row while never being close to death with my Rhino and recently as frost and ash too. So in reality stalker is only a problem mid leveling period when your warframe is week.

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So, my group and I recently came into contact with the mysterious Stalker assassin, and we have some things that immediately jumped out to us:


He's a stupidly higher level than you.


He can jump you when you're fighting enemies.


He kills you instantly. (As in no ability to be picked up by other players, I should clarify.)


He hits like a truck.


He hates me.


A lot of these are tolerable. I feel special that he hates me, killing us instantly makes sense, jumping us when we fight enemies is just a good opportunity, and having him be a powerhouse makes him hard.


Something that we found really annoying, though, was when he spawned and killed one of us before we even loaded into the mission. Which was definitely not okay. And it could be nice to make him not immune to most of our abilities.

Not to mention the fact that killing him yields literally no reward.

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I met him again, I wanted to go stealthy solo on the 1st mission, he spawned there and was lvl30 wtf, I'm lvl2, xcal 28, mk1 braton 29... I decided to fight him.... he annihilated me in less than a min!

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Defence mission, soloing from 5 to 10, he appears round 6, killed him with my pistol....no problem. just snow globed him first.

The Warframe Wiki says he's immune to most Crowd Control effects, but I'm seeing a ton of people in here saying they CC'd him and splatted him across a wall. That Wiki be misguiding people.

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The point of my original post was to point out that he spawned before anyone loaded in and stabbibliteriminated our Loki before we could do anything. It even gave the usual three messages and screen flicker on the loading screen. My second point was that I thought it was a cool mechanic that could use a bit of fine tuning.

I have to say I love the stalker. Your situation is understandable because it really takes it out of your hands. I'm sure fixed loading and lag issues will help prevent that, but it’s a great mechanic.


Early in the game, the suspense of noticing lights flickering on a Grenieer level was perfect to get a least one person typing "Stalker?" Everyone immediately starts running for the extraction point, ignoring drops and enemies. It was a rush of team panic.


Now later in game, with groups who have lvl 30 Warframes, when stalker shows up members who may have run ahead or those fallen behind to grind, all catch up to try and prevent a player from being killed.


I think its a mechanic that we will see more about team work being an important element or challenge reward, but I say leave it as is; minus the technical bugs of course.

Edited by OrokinNoob
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3 times this day so far.

And its going to get boring....

Also its great when one is in the middle of a mobile defense mission and then bam, there he is..last 3 times he appeared in defense missions my fellow "team"mates decided to just watch him kill me...

Also so far ccs didnt work at all, unaffected by mind control,chaos , crush etc

Edited by D3thpool
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