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Prime Gold - Coloring Discussion


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Solution to the lack of gold:

Something that's really easy to do. Here:







So many options here... You can even darken the gold colour if you want too!

Holy crap. Why are people like this.

Now if you don't mind I'll be enjoying my candy-floss pink Boltor Prime now.


Second one looks like the most Prime to me imo


Guss ill have to wait till easter to Re-colour my prime Stuff


Edit: Profanity from Rage

Edited by trieuazn0
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So to the majority of the unsatisfied TARGIS prime owners what do we get as compensation for our GOLD TRIMMINGS that were changed? I personally would like to have the default GOLD back if not then.. Refund? or some kind of COMPENSATION.


$50 worth of plat which still wouldn't make up for the pain I feel.


Bring back the trim or make it a legacy option. I don't care about weapons and frames. Just the armor.

Edited by Bokeazian
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$50 worth of plat which still wouldn't make up for the pain I feel.

So I guess the only REAL option is for DE to FIX this ISSUE. I gladly support buying prime accessory packs but if this will be a TREND now that the GOLD in the prime accessories will look FADED then I guess I'll prob skip them.


Edit: Bokeazian maybe we should send a support ticket? along with all the other people that hated the change.

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Everyone keeps saying "revert to default" or "buy more palettes."


Someone please screenshot me the "revert to default" option on the attachments page cause sure as hell don't see it.


I can agree that Gold is not what makes Prime, but only in reference to weapons and frames that come with stronger stats to various degrees.


But what you've done now, is taken an aesthetic that people PAID GOOD MONEY to own...


NOT because of its stat increases - since there aren't any

and NOT because it was hard to farm - since you couldn't farm it

but MOST LIKELY because of the gold trim that gave it the PRIME designation that people visually associate gold with



and made it the biggest waste of $50 that any collector or enthusiast ever spent on this game.


Give me back the gold trim that I paid you for, DE. Please.


Hence why I said that I hope Draice can share with us which color they used for the Gold Prime. Every Prime is using the same color, and I'd swear that tone is included on an already existing pallette (and otherwise they can just make an Orokin one with an unlocked row by default, just like classic, as proposed earlier).

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Hence why I said that I hope Draice can share with us which color they used for the Gold Prime. Every Prime is using the same color, and I'd swear that tone is included on an already existing pallette (and otherwise they can just make an Orokin one with an unlocked row by default, just like classic, as proposed earlier).


The point is that I shouldn't have to make it "look" gold. It's supposed to be gold. That's what I paid for. There was no reason to change it.

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The point is that I shouldn't have to make it "look" gold. It's supposed to be gold. That's what I paid for. There was no reason to change it.


And the color from the pallette makes it gold in that metal texture. That's why I want to know which one is it, because you won't make it look like that gold, it WILL be the default gold across all Prime.


In the end the only difference before and now is that we couldn't select the color for the metal parts, but it still was a color chosen from a pallette.

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And the color from the pallette makes it gold in that metal texture. That's why I want to know which one is it, because you won't make it look like that gold, it WILL be the default gold across all Prime.


In the end the only difference before and now is that we couldn't select the color for the metal parts, but it still was a color chosen from a pallette.


If that OG prime gold color was selectable in from an existing palette, what makes you think someone wouldn't have figured it out already? And why are there not Prime Gold colored warframes wandering around? Even if it was exclusive in a holiday palette, more than 1 person would have it and more than 1 person would be bold enough be walking around with a flat gold warframe. The prime gold color is not available from a palette, it never has been.

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If that OG prime gold color was selectable in from an existing palette, what makes you think someone wouldn't have figured it out already? And why are there not Prime Gold colored warframes wandering around? Even if it was exclusive in a holiday palette, more than 1 person would have it and more than 1 person would be bold enough be walking around with a flat gold warframe. The prime gold color is not available from a palette, it never has been.


You know that a metal texture does not reflect a color the same way as a normal one right? Even between Frames the same color can look different.


I also never said that the OG Prime color was available to us. Not even the default Tenno colors were before the Tenno pallette was made available. Damn, not even Excalibur Prime's white is available yet in a pallette. That's why I suggested one new pallete with the gold colors and with an unlocked row by default: Everyone can make the gold the real gold without spending an extra penny, and everyone is still able to color metal as they wish.


Win-win situation.

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That's why I suggested one new pallete with the gold colors and with an unlocked row by default: Everyone can make the gold the real gold without spending an extra penny, and everyone is still able to color metal as they wish.


Win-win situation.


DE's not gonna give that color away w/o charging 70p to buy the palette. And if they did, theoretically, then frames would not have the Prime flare of their original designs due to how commonplace the color would become.


I honestly just don't see that color ever becoming available. I've seen threads in the past on requests for Metallic palettes and Matte palettes, but like you said, colors show up differently on different textures, creating and releasing a Prime or Metallic color would negate that effect altogether.

Edited by Bokeazian
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It's amazing. I've always hated gold, it's great to have the option to change it and have it not ruin my colorscheme.



I'm surprised that you think this logic is sound in any way. If you think Prime = Gold... then don't change the Gold. Simple as that. 



I for one am super happy I can get rid of the tacky gold trim that does not match any of my preferred color schemes. Good riddance to that gaudy rubbish!

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Some people like the gold on primes, meaning that what makes them prime is the gold . Other people dont. It would be much more appelative if they gave us the option to place back the old gold, since some of us paid for targis armor cuz of shiny aspect, and give at the same time an option to paint it for those that dont like it. 

You cant discuss if it looks better or not, from the moment someone likes it you cant argue with it saying it is horrible. Its opinions and lets just respect it

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Some people like the gold on primes, meaning that what makes them prime is the gold . Other people dont. It would be much more appelative if they gave us the option to place back the old gold, since some of us paid for targis armor cuz of shiny aspect, and give at the same time an option to paint it for those that dont like it. 

You cant discuss if it looks better or not, from the moment someone likes it you cant argue with it saying it is horrible. Its opinions and lets just respect it

What I find concerning is some people acting like DE commited an atrocity and are rioting against then. Is it so difficult to express your dissaproval in a controlled manner? Also props for those that are aware that more options are always good rather than outright yelling 'revert everything'.

I love the fact that I can color the gold bits now, but a some kind of toggle seems like an optimal way to solve this flr those that don't, since the gold being colorable has been something that has been requested by many for quite a while now.

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Agreed with OP. Coloring the gold should always be optional. If the intent was to give players the choice of coloring the gold without being able to revert back to said gold, then it moots the point of even implementing gold. Might as well just give all Primes white color replacing the gold trims instead if that was the desire behind it.

Edited by matrixEXO
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I know what people are feeling hence this DE "atrocity". They provided a pack, prime acess pack, hence a service, people paid for it, because of its aspect, from the moment you pay for something, that thing is yours. People are feeling that the DE took away what we paid for to begin with, i know that the game needs to evolve, but not in this way, for every new change that they do new problems come up.


I look back to warframe when i started playing it, i liked it, now i just see problems here and there. Its like the DE's are building a house with a rotten infrastructure, and they are just painting the walls to misguide us to what is really happening. Its the feeling i have.


People used to collect prime weapons for their golden aspect, people paid for prime acess (namely the targis armor) because of its golden aspect, dont come up with excuses that the previous gold wasent realistic enough, nothing in this game is realistic, i look now at targis armor and its like its made of plastic, but ill underline this, ITS my opinion.


They need to come up with terms that, some people want to be able to tint the golden aspect and some want to perserve his "old fashion" way, and some of us payed to have certain items for its gold aspect.A great deal of this game is the colors and i respect the fact that some out there prefered to paint the gold with other colors but this isnt the right way to do things.

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Found the new gold color on Latron Prime: Fire pallette, 2nd row 1st column. Going to check other Prime weapons.

EDIT: Burston Prime as well seems to as well use a really, really, slightly less vibrant version of that Fire color. Boltor Prime however, I couldn't find one for it.

EDIT 2: Akbronco and Bronco Prime use the Fire color as well. Hm...

Edited by NightmareT12
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Found the new gold color on Latron Prime: Fire pallette, 2nd row 1st column. Going to check other Prime weapons.

EDIT: Burston Prime as well seems to as well use a really, really, slightly less vibrant version of that Fire color. Boltor Prime however, I couldn't find one for it.

EDIT 2: Akbronco and Bronco Prime use the Fire color as well. Hm...

Still not prime gold. Thats yellowish metallic plastic.

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The think I loved about Targis Prime set before was that you could take a non-prime frame, and make it look almost prime, or adding it to a prime frame just helped to accentuate the gold trimmings of the frame.


But now, I put the PRIME armor, on a PRIME warframe, and it looks like crap because I can't match the gold that Primes are supposed to come with.

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