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[Ic]The Setup, Redux 18+


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Vandal smiled and looked out for the pilot, thinking if the ship will even come. He then thought about the Captain... He wasn't like the other Grineer never mind that he wasn't even with the Grineer on that ship, was he from a different unit? A hired group? He'll get the answers some day.

"How are you holding up?" Belrev asked. There was a lot on his mind. Ranging from his allies injuries, to his own, and beyond. He also thought about his brothers back at home. He hated being separated from them, but he took no chances with bringing them along. It was too dangerous of a mission. Not to mention, the bombshell that he and his brothers received when their father was alive. Even now, a year after his supposed death, he was there. Alive and angry. At him and his brothers.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Arino slowly got out a Vasto. "Don't try it." He slowly said aiming at Maxi through the grey mass. "If you brought me here just to do experiments on me, don't you dare try it."

A small, mechanical chuckle was heard emitting from the grey mass.

"Do not worry, Arino. If you were to be experimented on, we would be not having this conversation. You need not worry for your own safety. Maxi actually did not plan to meet you."

"And I'm not talking about the sort of experimentation the Grineer or Corpus are notorious for. I simply scan the chosen Tenno's body with the device, and I can then apply that to either the synthetic body or the custom warfame. The actual 'experimentation' is on the synthetic body or the warframe, which is simply seeing what can be copied from the Tenno's body which is powerful. Once I have scanned all the Tenno --"

The grey mass stopped for a bit.

"-- the Tenno's part in all my plans will be complete. The scan is completely harmless, but it's a bit harder to do than....your codex scanner, for instance. This isn't scanning for data about a type of enemy unit, this is scanning an organic being for it's biological information. The Tenno might try to....not allow me to scan them. So, I might need to use a bit of force. But that's it, really. Not that much harm to your Tenno friends besides I might need to grab an arm or leg, and hold them tight so I can scan them."

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"My name is....Omnipotence." The grey mass responded. "But, yes. An alliance would be quite nice."

Maxi handshaked Arino.

"It seems that we are at your dojo, Arino. We will communicate by messages." Omnipotence said.

The liset docked at the dojo, with the back door opening, ready for Arino to leave.

"Arino, you might want to watch out. The primes might be a bit angry that you abandoned the mission." Maxi said.

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In the rather cramped waste expulsion room...


Looking out for a ship through several inches of heavy ferrite plating may prove difficult, especially since windows in a trash-hole were rather redundant seeing as how living persons weren't supposed to be down there. Nevertheless, the sounds of war could be heard outside, and the group would have a couple minutes before the contents of the room would be flushed out to space, and hopefully their ride to safety. 


And since they had spent the majority of the time fighting off the invading Tenno, the Grineer hadn't really had any time to throw anything out, leaving the room relatively clean, albeit the smell of death still remained. Best to count one's blessings while they can.


It would be best not to spend too much time counting, however, as the sound of company came rumbling down the chute above them in the form of a couple Drahks. With the lack of room, the group wouldn't be able to draw their blades without breaking either their arms or their weapons, and firing a gun in such tight quarters would both prove deafening to the inhabitants and carried the potential to create a ricochet that could easily spell death for anyone in the room, really.



Near Hexer's 'safe' ground...


Lady Luck decided to aid the General once more, certain that she'd be able to collect payment later. The one terminal in the room was near the door where the group had entered, only it was in closer proximity to Hexer since it had been sucked off of the wall by the force of the room's depressurization. It remained connected to the wall by a good bit of wiring, crackling with electricity as it swayed, threatening to dance off into the darkness after the slightest touch. 


It was the only one in the room, and while it would take a miracle to use it without permanently severing it's connection, it wouldn't be too difficult to get to.

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"My name is....Omnipotence." The grey mass responded. "But, yes. An alliance would be quite nice."

Maxi handshaked Arino.

"It seems that we are at your dojo, Arino. We will communicate by messages." Omnipotence said.

The liset docked at the dojo, with the back door opening, ready for Arino to leave.

"Arino, you might want to watch out. The primes might be a bit angry that you abandoned the mission." Maxi said.

Arino chuckled and sighed. "Ah well... They'll find out why I did." He said and walked out muttering to himself. "Some day." He said, going out the hanger and into the main halls.


Before entering the hangar, Arino would be halted on the Liset's catwalk by five armed Tenno led by a Prime. 


On a local line directed to the pilot of the Liset, an angry voice would echo against the metal walls, "Hangar to Liset, you did not have permission to land, this dojo is under strict lock-down. No outside ships are permitted to dock, leave now, or we will remove you by force!"


"You know," the Prime said, flicking the gilded safety off on his Lex as he raised it to Arino's head, "It's common courtesy to knock before you enter."

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Near Hexer's 'safe' ground...


Lady Luck decided to aid the General once more, certain that she'd be able to collect payment later. The one terminal in the room was near the door where the group had entered, only it was in closer proximity to Hexer since it had been sucked off of the wall by the force of the room's depressurization. It remained connected to the wall by a good bit of wiring, crackling with electricity as it swayed, threatening to dance off into the darkness after the slightest touch. 


It was the only one in the room, and while it would take a miracle to use it without permanently severing it's connection, it wouldn't be too difficult to get to.


The best infiltrators can leave no marks that they were ever there, except that all the lights were off, the doors were all unlocked and someone had nicked all the silverware and absconded with your purse.

That meant no fingerprints on anything except magazines, because if those had to be emptied, you had already been spotted.


The General went over to the terminal and started hacking it. He procured a cable, a beepy boxy thing and plugged it into the terminal very carefully. Before long, he was met with the Grineer anti-intrusion system that only worked against other Grineer. Honestly, his PMC had better security, and he was still using the Corpus A-IS.

Hopefully the...actually no, it wasn't a hack, was it? It was a crack. He was cracking the security systems. Hacking was something else entirely. Anyhow, hopefully Terminal wouldn't fly off, slap him in the face with a live wire, turn his arm into jelly and mutate him into a psuedo-Tenno while it's at it. Who knows how that Void radiation works?

Oh, and succeeding at closing the vents would be nice.

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Diving into the waste, upon hearing the rumble of the chute, Belrev hid himself inside the foul contents. He also brought Kage in with him, much to the Kubrow's displeasure.

'Smells like death. Perfect.'

All he needed to do, was just hide for a couple of minutes. Then he would be back at base, with his long awaited drink.


Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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"Alright, better get moving then." Sebastian turned around to attempt to move towards the vent he had found. He took cautious step after cautious step, working towards the vent. 'Why is it that something is alwayse going wrong? I don't even know how to shut the stupid vent, I'm just hoping to find something that will work. Why am I talking to myself? It is really only distracting me. I need to focus on my footing or else- OH S#&$!' In Sebastian's mental rambling he tripped and started to fly backwards. Luckily, in his frantic flailing about with his hands, he grabbed a nearby support beam. He gatherd himself for a bit, and continued upward. 'Smooth one dumbass. Why am I still talking to myself? If I'm going to to talk to myself I might as well talk about something productive. Like how the hell I'm gonna shut this stupid vent. Hmmmm... I still got my Soma, and even thought its shattered to hell I bet the mods are still intact. And I have an ice mod on it. The Sheev can let out some fire if I smash it hard enough... I can spare the mod, and it will shut the vent. Great, so this insane rambling in my head as provided something useful! Wonderful. Now I just have to get... wait, how the hell did I reach the vent?'


Sebastian had arrived at the vent. He had no idea how, as he was too distracted by his thoughts. To him, it was actually incredibly aggrevating. "How the hell did I get here al- you know what? Screw it. I'm here, thats all that matters." Sebastian started to climb into the vent, grumbling about it being cramped. He figured that he would have to crawl in a decent amount to make sure that when he set of the home made bomb, it would destroy enough of the vent to cut off its flow of air. After crawling around for about a small while, Sebastian felt as though he was in deep enough. He reached behind him and pulled out the piece of the Soma that held the mod. He frowned when he saw his favorite gun destroyed, but even so it would still serve him. Sebastian pulled out the mod, and set down in the middle of the vent. He withdrew his Sheev, and as he lifted it up, he growled in pain when his hand started to hurt violently. The Technocyte Virus had begun to repair some of the nerve damage, and now he was feeling a lot of the pain he had been numb too. "THE ONE TIME WHEN A RAPID HEALING WOULD BE A GOD DAMN PROBLEM!" Sebastian shouted in angry. He grunted and clenched his teeth, preparing for the inevitable pain from lifting the Sheev. He picked up, cursed as he lifted it above his head, and slammed it next to the ice mod. The mod began to glow orange. It worked, or so Sebastian thought. His elation was quickly dashed however when he realized that he was now standing next to a live bomb, bound to go off at any moment. He quickly turned back the way he came and limped as fast as he could towards the exit. He was getting exahusted quickly as the sense of pain began to flood his entire body. He turned a corner and saw the exit. As he approached he collapsed on his hands and knees. The pain was beginning to be too much for the old tenno. He crawled as fast as he could to the exit, incing closer and closer. He had no idea if he could even make it to the exit.

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"Here goes nothing..." Evan muttered. He decided to link his life support system with Kardin's, allowing them to share the oxygen but depleting it at twice the rate. "Alright I need you to breathe in slowly, calm yourself down," he said to Kardin once he was done. "I need to find an environment that has oxygen for him," he thought.

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The General's crack worked, the large, industrial vent near him sealing. The terminal flashed a low O2 warning, but it didn't last long as the wires anchoring the terminal to the wall finally gave out, the sparking hunk of metal and glass flying out into the vacuum to become some poor pilot's problem.


Meanwhile, at Sebastian's vent, the destabilized module discharged it's energy, deceptive bolts of energy snap freezing the surfaces they made contact with. After a few more bolts, the mod finally detonated, the last of it's energy collapsing the ventilation shaft and freezing it shut. Racing to escape from any opening possible, a conflicting wave of searing hot plasma and frigid energies quickly caught up to the crawling Tenno, forcing him out into the now depressurized room. With no conflicting forces to stop him, the Vauban would travel endlessly in one direction unless stopped. On the bright side, he was moving at a snail's pace, so they had a good hour and a half before he was out of sight. Also plenty of time to save himself.


With the room now completely depressurized, the group could float freely within the space. It came at a cost, however. Without pressure, the groups shields would be the only protection against the icy vacuum. The one in the most danger would be Sab, who being a Valkyr, possessed the weakest shielding out of the group.


Plans for escape would need to be formulated and carried out quickly, and with their pilot MIA, they would be on their own.

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For Hexer, the lack of oxygen and pressure was not a problem. He deliberately designed weapons and armour to work perfectly, or somewhere close to it, in zero-gravity conditions, or in conditions where breathable air were problems.

After all, why fight an enemy when you can vent all their air into space and then pick apart the remains with nothing to worry about, aside from floating boxes and damaged power systems?

The worst problem Hexer had to deal with currently was seared flesh, fluctuating displays and what felt like the shield turning on and off at random. The last bit was due to the sudden pain he kept on feeling, though that could also be any number of factors as well. For example, he hadn't seen laughing shadow people until his sudden jaunt through the void, and the fact he could still see them made him fear for his life, his sanity and his pet poodle. Wait, did he even own the last one?


Either way, the only exits observable were doors or the massive hole down the middle of the room. Perhaps there was an easy escape route down below somewhere, or even an option to rest, recuperate and regenerate in some dead-end supply room. He gestured to get Sebastian attention, since he seemed to be the only one up and active besides Hexer. Hopefully the Vauban would be able to see him

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Sab at last felt the ever present force of the vacuum lift off her shoulders, breathing a large sigh of relief. She pushed herself off the support beam, floating around in zero g while reeling in the hunk of meat, grabbing his wrist so it didn't go floating off into god knows where. With her other hand the Valkyr drew her Jat, using the jet engines to propel herself in any direction she wanted.

The Tenno either wasn't aware of her shielding problem or just didn't care.

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Sebastian looked up from his arms, having used them to shield himself from the epxlosion. When he saw himself floating in the now depressurized room he smiled and laughed loudly. "It worked!" Sebastian thrust his arms upward, whooing and laughing until he felt the familiar sharp pain running up and down his entire body. However, the wounds could do little to dampen the old Tenno's spirits. He felt invincible. He saw Hexer trying to get his attention and waved back as best he could. Waving felt a little bit odd when one was floating freely.


"General!" Sebastian shouted. "Good to see you alive and well!" Sebastian turned his head as far as he could to try and locate Sab without sending himself spinning. Luckily, he could see her flying with her Jat. "Sab. how ya holding up?" He asked. He was glad to see that the group was now in a relatively safe situation. "Lets try to regourp and find a way out of here. Also, can one of you get me down from here?" Sebastian asked. He really didn't have anything to help him in this situation. At least nothing came immediatly to mind.

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"Alive? Yes! Well? God no! I lost an entire strike team and I don't have any bodies left for a damn burial!" Hexer replied angrily. "We still have to get out of this room, though. Tenno Shields aren't designed to withstand the vacuum of space, if I recall correctly." At this point, he was rummaging around the wreckage of the room for something to use as rope. There were some loose wires, but a couple of them sparked wildly and the rest didn't seem to be-hold on a tick...

...Oh bloody hell, I am a complete moron, the General thought to himself as he grabbed several loose non-sparking wires, made attempts to tie them together and make a much longer rope. Since the room was depressurized, it didn't matter if it broke halfway through: there was nothing affecting speed in the atmosphere, so Sebastian would still get down if it came loose after a decent pull.

Though by the time this happened, Sab would have probably done something much more sane and gotten him down safely. Even if it did involve a jet engine on a stick.

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Silver waited for the garbage to be sent into space. He noted the locations of Belrev, Vandal and Kage, so he would know where they are when they are sent out to space.

And then it hit him.

"Sh*t." He muttered.

He didn't have a helmet on.

It was destroyed by Harley earlier.

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"Doing fantastic, can't even feel that weight anymore."

The Valkyr was still merrily floating about, steering nowhere particular with Krenn in her grip. That was until Seabass requested help. Then she smiled. Wickedly.

"Be prepared to catch onto something!" The Tenno zoomed quickly to Sebastian's position, hitting him with her hammer to send the Vauban towards the ground. She wasn't too mean though, all he'd get is a second or two off his shield life, nothing to complain about when the Valk would probs be long dead before he even got halfway.

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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"Doing fantastic, can't even feel that weight anymore."

The Valkyr was still merrily floating about, steering nowhere particular with Krenn in her grip. That was until Seabass requested help. Then she smiled. Wickedly.

"Be prepared to catch onto something!" The Tenno zoomed quickly to Sebastian's position, hitting him with her hammer to send the Vauban towards the ground. She wasn't too mean though, all he'd get is a second or two off his shield life, nothing to complain about when the Valk would probs be long dead before he even got halfway.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Sebastian questioned. He realized a little bit too late to react accordingly to a massive jet powered hammer being thrust down on him. As the hammer came down on Sebastian he went face first into the floor of the ship. He moved his hand around frantically and managed to grab a hold of some upturned flooring that was still attached. If he had been and more to the right, he would have been impaled, again, by the ship. Sebastian lifted his head up, groaned in pain and said, "Thanks. Now, anyone have an idea on how to get out of here?" Sebastian sat in his new spot, waiting for any ideas from his squad so as to not move unnecessarily.

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"I have one." Hexer piped up. "The hole Amritzar managed to make will have no doubt opened up access to most of the ship from the entry hole. If we are careful, and lucky, we might, MIGHT, find a closet to hole up in." He paused and looked around. "Maybe there'll be some lockers we can raid for snacks. Or light entertainment."

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Hexer made a tired sigh. "Sab, none of us are going to survive if we don't find somewhere to take five. Being boring right now is going to ensure we have fun later." He walked over to the hole and looked for any door that looked possible to open. "Besides, we might get extremely lucky and find a bunch of grunts to rip the non-existent spines out of."

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Sab groaned, obviously annoyed at the situation. "But being boring now is boring! This whole mission's been boring, all we've gotten is that King Kong piece of sh!t and not a single damn Lancer. At least we're getting paid for this, any of you remember how much they're forking out for us to be here?"

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