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[Ic]The Setup, Redux 18+


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Orion's glowing optics searched frantically for the Medical Bay. For a small bot such as himself, the Waystation was much more gigantic than it was to a normal Human or Tenno. After randomly roaming the endless halls of the station, he finally came to the Medical Bay. His robotic hand was placed on his hip as he watched Mythos heal, and she healed very slowly. The amount of time it would take for her to come out of that pod would be too long for Orion to just stand there, with his hand on his hip, seemingly daydreaming. Well, I don't think Cephalons can daydream. Might as well socialise. Orion thought, walking out of the Medical Bay. He moved out to the Docking Bay, looking around at the masses of Tenno and Humans conversing. "Well, I don't really think anyone here would be interested in speaking to a proxy such as myself." He muttered. "They'd probably think I'm an assistant bot."

Orion looked around, before seeing the familiar mining vessel they came here in. Activating his thrusters, he flew up on top of the mining vessel, landing on it and sitting down. He watched the everyone talk, seemingly sighing to himself and started tapping the top of the vessel as a way to pass the time.

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Fortune this time smiley on Gaius, as Souna is just focused on ensuring that her Udyat Syandana is not entangled and thus missed Gaius' playful answer on the floor. After he got up, she is ready to tell him a bold lie.

"I was just about to call out to you. Had she not been charging like that, you might have dodged." Who knows, had the Rhino not been in charge, Souna had more time to react. Maybe she would really have tried to shout. Due to her posture being just the same as always, it's hard to tell.

Souna is not at all surprised that the Rhino is so very different of her as she speaks. It is not new to her that the rigid, old mentality of a 'Tenno as a weapon' is not very common anymore, as is the resulting grim discipline. None of her condisciples would have used their warframe's abilities for such a trivial manner in this situation, and the Rhino does not let her down on her expectations.

On the other hand, her words do have a somewhat true core. As a Rhino might be one of the heavies warframes, her words give Souna little flashbacks of her first experiences with reduces weight - all of which ended with her down on the floor.

"Are you telling me you are still that unaccustomed to your frame? Then you should be training in a non-public area - focused and determined." the Zephyr asked, unbelieving and bend towards the Rhino a tiniest bit. Surprisingly, this has somehwat alleviated Souna's grudge. A grown-up Tenno who acts careless deserves punishment. A newborn who does not know better and stretches her limits - she has some sympathy for that. Ironically, her wrong image of the Rhino gets even more supported by the woman's next words, critisizing her noble demeanor.

"Maybe in a few years or decades, you will come to the conclusion that status is not a burden, but a gift. My back feels just fine, strengthend by what I am able to carry." Now she definitely sounds like a teacher to a pupil, and with an indistinct wave towards 'that time', she also looks like it. For a moment she thinks to append a question about the Rhino's back after the impact - but after all, Rhinos are built to withstand exactly those attacks. And, contrary to the Tenno inside, the warframe looks just fine, so she does not question the obvious.

"Indeed, now that you've come to a halt, it is safe. I advise you to stick to walking or unaccelerated running when people are around."


Assuming that the weapon the Rhino collected got flung away at the collision - one can only imagine how she would scold a Tenno who lost their weaponry - and having said all that she deems worthy, Souna's masked gaze turns towards Gaius again.

"Where were you intending to go to? I noticed you had turned towards the inside." Her voice sounds less strict now, after all Gaius is not one to be in need of her harsh guidance.

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Nium had made it to the medbay with Azelia in arms, handing her over to the medical professionals present. He gave all the information he could, her condition, how it had resulted before they took her away.

Nium exited the medbay before crouching by Gemini and inspecting the errors in her code. He kept level with the tiny program, adopting a gentle tone in his voice

"Just tell me if things start getting too much for you, after all the injured are taken care of I'll be sure to help fix you up."


With the absence of a face, Gemini did her best to smile with her programming at Nium's kind gesture. Perhaps it would be capable of picking up on it, otherwise it would appear like they were giving it a hollow stare, or perhaps were lagging.


"Thanks, but we should be fine after we've jammed one of our fingers in a power socket," the Cephalon joked with a digital giggle.




At least until someone bumped into him and alerted him to the bleeding Grineer pilot sitting at the bar.

It took about thirty seconds for the General to react. Mostly because he was trying to remember her name?

"Keya!" He shouted, walking over to her. "Gods be damned, woman, you look like you lost an argument with a debate team of Kubrows and Cave Bears!"


Keya tilted her head upward towards the noise directed at her to cast her glare at the general. 


That said, the glare was probably the nicest she'd looked at anyone since her violent arrival on the station. It didn't scream:


"I hate you."


Like the one she shot every medical professional and concerned person that approached her, but instead groaned:


"I hate life in general right now."


The handkerchief he had given to her before the mission was currently wrapped around her left hand to staunch the bleeding, blots of crimson staining the fabric's surface. The pilot herself smelled of blood, sweat, and surprisingly, cinnamon. She propped her chin up on her tattered arm, elevating her head so that she could continue to keep eye-contact.


"Yeah, that this tends to happen when you take a Dreg to the face. Never got a 'thanks' for that, by the way," she said flatly.  

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Fortune this time smiley on Gaius, as Souna is just focused on ensuring that her Udyat Syandana is not entangled and thus missed Gaius' playful answer on the floor. After he got up, she is ready to tell him a bold lie.
"I was just about to call out to you. Had she not been charging like that, you might have dodged." Who knows, had the Rhino not been in charge, Souna had more time to react. Maybe she would really have tried to shout. Due to her posture being just the same as always, it's hard to tell.
Souna is not at all surprised that the Rhino is so very different of her as she speaks. It is not new to her that the rigid, old mentality of a 'Tenno as a weapon' is not very common anymore, as is the resulting grim discipline. None of her condisciples would have used their warframe's abilities for such a trivial manner in this situation, and the Rhino does not let her down on her expectations.
On the other hand, her words do have a somewhat true core. As a Rhino might be one of the heavies warframes, her words give Souna little flashbacks of her first experiences with reduces weight - all of which ended with her down on the floor.
"Are you telling me you are still that unaccustomed to your frame? Then you should be training in a non-public area - focused and determined." the Zephyr asked, unbelieving and bend towards the Rhino a tiniest bit. Surprisingly, this has somehwat alleviated Souna's grudge. A grown-up Tenno who acts careless deserves punishment. A newborn who does not know better and stretches her limits - she has some sympathy for that. Ironically, her wrong image of the Rhino gets even more supported by the woman's next words, critisizing her noble demeanor.
"Maybe in a few years or decades, you will come to the conclusion that status is not a burden, but a gift. My back feels just fine, strengthend by what I am able to carry." Now she definitely sounds like a teacher to a pupil, and with an indistinct wave towards 'that time', she also looks like it. For a moment she thinks to append a question about the Rhino's back after the impact - but after all, Rhinos are built to withstand exactly those attacks. And, contrary to the Tenno inside, the warframe looks just fine, so she does not question the obvious.
"Indeed, now that you've come to a halt, it is safe. I advise you to stick to walking or unaccelerated running when people are around."

Aegia raised an eyebrow as she stopped in front of the noble Tenno. "Unaccustomed? I've been in this thing for as long as I can remember. Yeah, sure I've been away on an icy vacation in a cryopod for a year but it's not like I've forgotten how to use it. I don't need training." She closed her eyes for a moment. "Name's Aegia, by the way, in case you wanted to address whom you're insulting by name."


She placed her hands on her hips, shifting her weight back and forth between her feet, listening to Souna speak. It was like cement laced with gold was being forced through her ears, and it was entirely as unpleasant as it sounded. "Look, no matter how much fancy gold trim you slap onto my frame, and no matter how many years I'm around the system, it's not gonna change how I am, miss." She groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose, clearly not getting through to the other Tenno, looking over to the Ash she had run into.


"She always this fun to be around?" Aegia asked, sarcasm practically dripping from her tongue as she spoke the word "fun." The Rhino shook her head and sighed, turning her back on the Zephyr and walking past the Ash, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "Please, if by some chance I ever become as dull as she is, put me out of my misery quick?"


WIth that, she let her hand slide off his shoulder and along the back of his neck as she began to walk back towards the hallway connecting the docking back with the rest of the waystation proper. She held her hand up above her head, arm bent at a forty-five degree angle and she clasped her hand into a fist in a sort of lazy wave farewell. "Not here to make enemies, I'm here to make friends, Miss Souna."

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He said to himself and walked out of the hangars.

Fulgurus walked through the hallway looking around and watching at people he passed.

While roaming in the hallways, he noticed almost golden, bird-like armor of a woman, which made this tenno smile.

"It's not everyday you see someone in an armor, like this..."

He said to himself and passed both of them.

Fulgurus didn't really believe it was a real armor which could protect you, more like a fancy eagle costume.

With his head full of thoughts, he continued wandering around the waystation.

Edited by XionicoRX
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Gaius looked as the Rhino women walked away. Honestly, he was a tad upset by the whole situation. he wasn't big on making enemies of Tenno, and he often preferred to keep all happy if possible. However, he did not dwell on this for too long. It was out of his power, and he did what he could. Gaius turned to look at Souna.


"Well that could have gone better." He said to her. "And it also could have ended up worse. I could be in one of these hospital rooms. Speaking of which, to answer your question I came here to help out. An Oberon in our dojo taught me a lot about treating people, and I've picked up a thing or two from reading some texts. Its proven itself in the field before so it should help out here. Plus..." His voice trailed off. He was always hesitant about discerning the matters of his dojo to others, largely because he was always wary of others. But, he might need a hand with this, and Souna seemed as though she could be trusted. "I think I saw someone I knew. A fellow clanmate. I can't be sure, but if he was to be taken anywhere it probably would have been here."

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Souna looked a little bit past Aegia when she started to explain herself and attack back verbally. Deducing that there is at least some pride in that heavily armored shell, Souna smiles grimly. That would be something to work from to exercise her foolish beliefs.

"Pleasure to meet you, Aegia. My name is Souna." Not even a deaf one would have missed that this phrase was not meant, just a saying of politeness. "Cryostasis has taken a heavy toll on our kind, yes. That is why it is even more important for us to exercise, hone and sharpen our potential to the fullest. You might think of me as malicious, but I just tell you what I see of you: A Tenno who is careless with her strength, and thinks she has learnt everything the world has to offer. I do not care about your personality, I only worry about what damage your attitude might cause upon yourself, the Tenno forces and reputation." Her gaze focuses at the woman's eyes now, even with the helmet on the minimal head movements suggest it. 

"Should I be indeed mistaken, I hope there will be a time you can prove me wrong. Until then, I bid you farewell." As Aegia turns away, Souna still complies to protocol, pressing her palms together in front of her chest and performing a short, sharp bow.


With that out of the way, Souna has time to take a deep breath, shake her forearms a little to wiggle her wings, and faces Gaius.

"Many people mistake my high standards for dislike or malevolence. I assure you that is not the case. Some of us have a very relieved childhood..." She gestures slightly to indicate the young Tenno that accompanied Gaius earlier, Nisha. "Others get their body and mind clad in steel. From my experiences, this was a very normal first meeting." After she said her words, she also notices that this gave away the very good start she had with Gaius. She is not sure if he will pick up this hidden, unintended information - he has proven to be quite a sharp one, but it is just so unimportant...

As Gaius outlines his reasons for being here, Maina lifts her head a bit to indicate surprise. 

"Family is of utmost importance. Since you said said 'taken anywhere' I assume he is not traveling voluntarily, so you must be thought of highly in your clan to be entrusted with this task." Her voice shows a lot of respect, for the problem at his hands as well as for his determination to tackle it with big expectations on his shoulders.

"But, if he is to be hidden here, any smart abductor will avoid the medical and public areas now, with everyone roused like this. To find him in the medical bay has no good chances, don't you think? Plus, once traveling is open again, there will be flood of leavings that can easily offer hidden departure for your target." While her mind analyzes the few information she has, and notices that Nisha's presence does not really fit the picture. Thus, she tries to get Gaius to reveal more, without her directly asking, since although she can not identify the hidden bits yet, she has a feeling that they might prove to be quite dangerous stumbling blocks.

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Aegia didn't actually have anywhere else to go in the Waystation. In fact, that was exactly the reason she turned on her heel and started making her way back to the two other Tenno. Hell, they were the only source of lively conversation that she had around here, she didn't quite like arguing with the bird-Tenno, but what could she do? She stopped in the sliding doorway, closing her eyes and sighing softly. She muttered under her breath as she approached once more.


"Alright, alright. Just swallow your damn pride and make a better impression this time. Friends. Friends. No enemies." She inhaled sharply as she neared the two Tenno, her attention focused on Souna once more. Her heavy footsteps subsided once she was with the two once more. SHe opened her mouth to speak, before closing it after thinking about her response. She extended her hand to the Tenno of Wind, her left behind her back, in the traditional fashion she'd seen. 


"I... Apologize for my rather... Rash behavior, just moments ago. Today certainly hasn't been the best, and that should not have bled over into my actions. As well as the.... ill-use of my abilities." Her eyes wavered only a moment, giving a sly, barely noticeable wink at Gaius, before returning her amber gaze to the gold-trimmed bird warrior.


"It's certainly not befitting of a Tenno to behave as such, however I can't say that my personality will ever change. I can say with one hundred and ten percent certainty that, while my cheerful attitude may never subside, on the battlefield I do indeed befit the traditional ways of the Tenno, in action alone at least."


Aegia's gaze is nothing if not sincere, and one of her tellatale smiles would work its way across her face. "I hope that we may instead use this as the basis for our first encounter, rather than our verbal spat earlier. And that we can become friends."

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Gaius listened closely to Souna's words. They offered wisdom and insight, but her words seemed to possess more than intuition, and something rather personal. Curiosity set in, and he couldn't help but ask. "I apologize in advance if this question is too intrusive Miss Souna, but I can't help but sense that you can relate in more ways than one to your insight." He wanted to avoid stating that she had a troubled childhood, preferring to soften his words and coax her into security regarding the subject.


In response to Souna's statements concerning his friend, Gaius said "Wait, that must have come out wrong. I meant that, I think that my clanmate is hurt and is receiving medical attention or is in need of it. I doubt that his is in danger of being abducted right here and now. Besides, that old man would probably just destroy whatever ship they tried to grab him on and hold his breath in space tell he got back here." Gaius laughed. Sebastian was a tough son of a *@##$. Gaius's prediction was actually based on a past event. Once, Sebastian was with Gaius on an extermination mission against the Corpus, and things went south. Sebastian was captured but Gaius managed to hide in the ship. When he found him Sebastian just said he had to go and do something. He told Gaius to extract, and after he had Sebastian had blown up the entire ship. Gaius was initially distraught, until he searched the debris to find Sebastian in his suit, punching a dead Corpus. When Gaius picked him up, he just said that the Corpus had made him angry. It was a silent trip back to the dojo.


Gaius woke himself up from the memory, embarrassed that he lost himself. He turned to see Aegia returning, and he stood silent, curious to see what the Intimidating woman had to say. needless to say his mouth fell open at her apology. Once more, his helmet saved him from embarrassment. Gaius's composure tightened when she gave him what he assumed was a wink. He thought about speaking, but decided to wait and see Souna's reaction.

Edited by IrishHades1798
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Keya tilted her head upward towards the noise directed at her to cast her glare at the general. 


That said, the glare was probably the nicest she'd looked at anyone since her violent arrival on the station. It didn't scream:


"I hate you."


Like the one she shot every medical professional and concerned person that approached her, but instead groaned:


"I hate life in general right now."


The handkerchief he had given to her before the mission was currently wrapped around her left hand to staunch the bleeding, blots of crimson staining the fabric's surface. The pilot herself smelled of blood, sweat, and surprisingly, cinnamon. She propped her chin up on her tattered arm, elevating her head so that she could continue to keep eye-contact.


"Yeah, that this tends to happen when you take a Dreg to the face. Never got a 'thanks' for that, by the way," she said flatly.  


"Dayum, son!" Hexer slightly recoiled when he said that, though only to add effect, then he took a seat across from her. "A Dreg? Didn't think the paper balloons could hurt that much. Then again, as someone who works around railguns, I probably shouldn't be. Tissues and velocity and all that. Anyhow, allow me to remedy the thankless scenario. Madam, for getting us onto that ship alive through a cloud of Grineer fighter craft, I thank you in two ways. Verbally, and with this." He took out a small glowing green tube from the recesses of his coat. "Medical Injector. If it doesn't completely heal the wounds, it'll at the very least close the major ones, if any."

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With the absence of a face, Gemini did her best to smile with her programming at Nium's kind gesture. Perhaps it would be capable of picking up on it, otherwise it would appear like they were giving it a hollow stare, or perhaps were lagging.

"Thanks, but we should be fine after we've jammed one of our fingers in a power socket," the Cephalon joked with a digital giggle.

Nium caught the artificial gesture and "smiled" back, standing back straight. "Still, I'd rather be sure since you did go through alot to get us all back from that mission. Thank you by the way."

He rose back up and looked back in the hanger's direction. "Lets go back, probably several Tenno out there that could use our help."

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Gaius of course is not wrong. Even though her voice and body language are under her control, the intensity with which speaks her words are far more than just reciting a phrase. In a short pause after Gaius' question she actually considers refusing to answer the question, to keep the veil of mystery shrouded around her. In the end, she decides against it. She does not need a play of hide-and-seek to earn respect.

"I too suffere some issues with my memories due to cryosleep, yes. But real wisdom is no simple knowledge, but strength of mind gained by experience. I may not even closely resort to centuries of memories, but I have had my share of food for thought. The instructors at the Temple did teach me more lessons than there were on the curriculum." In her last sentence, you can literally hear a grim grin. Apparently, Souna worked hard to get those 'additional lessons' from the instructors. 

When Gaius then corrected the misunderstanding that had arisen between them, Souna fell into a light chuckle. And she chuckles a little more at what she believes to be an exaggerated tale. 

"It did indeed come out wrong. So he was with the battered fleet that arrived? That is not a enviable fate in itself. I wonder what they were involved in to get mangled like that." Indeed, she did wonder since the ships had arrived. So many ships, in such a large group, were unprecendted for her. She did never hear of such a large fleet of Tenno to assemble, whose strength lied in slipping past the defenses in small groups.


However, she can not ponder more on this, as Aegia's return takes her mind of things and back into the present. If the Rhino had worn her helmet, Souna would have prepared to be retaliated at for her insulting demeanor earlier. Somehow, she thinks such an impulsive action would fit Aegia just well. 

But, the woman is bigger than that, and comes up with an apology. Souna neither needs nor is capable of hiding her surprise about that. After a moment has passed, Souna had adjusted to the unforeseen turn of things, and answered the handshake in the same fashion: One hand behind her back, gripping the Rhino's massive forearm. For Aegia to complete the gesture, she turn her own arm to the outside a little so the wing is stretched to the side, and will not obstruct Aegia's grip.

"Many are no longer used to standing their ground when it is their right, resorting to obscure ways instead. I often get get mistaken because of that." Oh the hypocrisy in these words, Souna is well aware of it. A scheming, tricking Tenno, who has abused honor as well as intrigue for her goals, she knows that she is such a person. But she thinks it righteous, as her own benefit will extend to all Tennos that she lectures, all those that fight alongside her. You can not walk into the skies without stepping onto something.

"I had not thought the moment when you prove yourself would come so soon. You have astonished me, and honored yourself. I acknowledge that I am still true to the outstandingly harsh lectures of my former mentors." Yes, she does acknowledge this, as she told Gaius a short while ago. But she is not ashamed of it. They made her into the formidable Tenno that she is now. It is an explanation, but no excuse. "But I do not refuse a joke now and then - of which you surely know many, many more than me - when the situation is less ... rushed. I will not talk you into gloominess unless there are more important things to be said." At last, Souna gives in at least a little. To defuse this woman's residual grudges against her, she feels that some degree of courtesy is necessary, and this way, she at least did not need to lie. 

Edited by ArrexDrandko
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-laser cut-

However, she can not ponder more on this, as Aegia's return takes her mind of things and back into the present. If the Rhino had worn her helmet, Souna would have prepared to be retaliated at for her insulting demeanor earlier. Somehow, she thinks such an impulsive action would fit Aegia just well. 
But, the woman is bigger than that, and comes up with an apology. Souna neither needs nor is capable of hiding her surprise about that. After a moment has passed, Souna had adjusted to the unforeseen turn of things, and answered the handshake in the same fashion: One hand behind her back, gripping the Rhino's massive forearm. For Aegia to complete the gesture, she turn her own arm to the outside a little so the wing is stretched to the side, and will not obstruct Aegia's grip.
"Many are no longer used to standing their ground when it is their right, resorting to obscure ways instead. I often get get mistaken because of that." Oh the hypocrisy in these words, Souna is well aware of it. A scheming, tricking Tenno, who has abused honor as well as intrigue for her goals, she knows that she is such a person. But she thinks it righteous, as her own benefit will extend to all Tennos that she lectures, all those that fight alongside her. You can not walk into the skies without stepping onto something.
"I had not thought the moment when you prove yourself would come so soon. You have astonished me, and honored yourself. I acknowledge that I am still true to the outstandingly harsh lectures of my former mentors." Yes, she does acknowledge this, as she told Gaius a short while ago. But she is not ashamed of it. They made her into the formidable Tenno that she is now. It is an explanation, but no excuse. "But I do not refuse a joke now and then - of which you surely know many, many more than me - when the situation is less ... rushed. I will not talk you into gloominess unless there are more important things to be said." At last, Souna gives in at least a little. To defuse this woman's residual grudges against her, she feels that some degree of courtesy is necessary, and this way, she at least did not need to lie. 


Aegia made sure to complete the handshake, rather enthusiastically, one might add. When all was done, Aegia would return her hands to their usual resting position: One on her hip, and the other at her side, hovering over her Pyrana's handle. "Heh, I do like to surprise, of course. It's certainly one of my stronger suits. I'm just glad to not have any hostility between us. It'd be a shame to lose a potential friend over something silly like that." Aegia let out an audible sigh of relief, any tension visible in her shoulders seeming to melt away, her posture becoming much more relaxed now as she stood with Gaius and Souna.


Not one to let silence fall over a room for long, she immediately launches into another question, regarding her gesturing towards some of the ships in disrepair docked at the hangar. "Any idea what happened, or are you two as lost as I am? I mean, have you seen some of the wounds on those other Tenno coming in? Just a little while ago I had to haul a Vauban and an Excalibur to the medbay, they were out cold... Mostly from the blood loss." She inspected her frame once more, making sure that she indeed had all the blood off that Sebastian had bled on her. "I was comign back here to haul back some more wounded, but it looks like everything's fine, so to speak."

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"Dayum, son!" Hexer slightly recoiled when he said that, though only to add effect, then he took a seat across from her. "A Dreg? Didn't think the paper balloons could hurt that much. Then again, as someone who works around railguns, I probably shouldn't be. Tissues and velocity and all that. Anyhow, allow me to remedy the thankless scenario. Madam, for getting us onto that ship alive through a cloud of Grineer fighter craft, I thank you in two ways. Verbally, and with this." He took out a small glowing green tube from the recesses of his coat. "Medical Injector. If it doesn't completely heal the wounds, it'll at the very least close the major ones, if any."


Keya looked at the offered vial and did the unthinkable:


The ends of her mouth curled upward slightly, as if they were conveying an emotion of... not rage. For the first time she she arrived on the station, her face was completely devoid of the all-consuming rage that only a Grineer could possess. 


She gave a dry chuckle, but made no move to take the offered vial. "Thanks, but no thanks. I've already stabbed five of those things in my thigh; I'm more nannite than me right now. Passing the damn machines is going to suck enough already, and I don't want to add to their numbers," she explained,"But, I appreciate the gesture."


She sat up now, her hand grabbing the bottle of Napalm by the neck as she said, "I'd say 'I hope it was worth it,' but seeing as how you're all here, evidently an arm and my whole damn ship wasn't enough." 


She laughed dryly, despite the agitation that was continuing to build within her as she brought the nearly empty bottle to her lips and tilted her head back.


Nium caught the artificial gesture and "smiled" back, standing back straight. "Still, I'd rather be sure since you did go through alot to get us all back from that mission. Thank you by the way."

He rose back up and looked back in the hanger's direction. "Lets go back, probably several Tenno out there that could use our help."


"No problem! You're my charge, after all; we've got to stick together," the adorable Cephalons chimed in unison.


They followed after Nium giggling as the red one did her best to keep the blue from bumping into those they passed, though at this point it was an inevitability. As their charge entered back into the docking ring, the blue one couldn't help but stumble into a certain Rhino. The Cephalon giggled out an apology before hurrying to catch up.


As enthusiastic as they were, there wasn't much they could do in their current form. Gemini wasn't designed for heavy lifting, but to be the perfect companion, a more intelligent alternative to a Kubrow that was capable of carrying out a conversation. Their psych programming was strong enough to pick up on subtle facial twitches, body language, and could analyse speech patterns to discern true emotions. Genderless as a Cephalon, Gemini was designed to be feminine in order to appear more gentle and easier to open up to. They are shorter than average for humans in order to prevent a fear of superiority, and are set to a specific warmth to be soothing to the touch.

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Aegia made sure to complete the handshake, rather enthusiastically, one might add. When all was done, Aegia would return her hands to their usual resting position: One on her hip, and the other at her side, hovering over her Pyrana's handle. "Heh, I do like to surprise, of course. It's certainly one of my stronger suits. I'm just glad to not have any hostility between us. It'd be a shame to lose a potential friend over something silly like that." Aegia let out an audible sigh of relief, any tension visible in her shoulders seeming to melt away, her posture becoming much more relaxed now as she stood with Gaius and Souna.

Not one to let silence fall over a room for long, she immediately launches into another question, regarding her gesturing towards some of the ships in disrepair docked at the hangar. "Any idea what happened, or are you two as lost as I am? I mean, have you seen some of the wounds on those other Tenno coming in? Just a little while ago I had to haul a Vauban and an Excalibur to the medbay, they were out cold... Mostly from the blood loss." She inspected her frame once more, making sure that she indeed had all the blood off that Sebastian had bled on her. "I was comign back here to haul back some more wounded, but it looks like everything's fine, so to speak."

Orion, overhearing her question, jumped off the Mining Vessel and came up behind Aegia, suddenly replying to her question. "Everyone went on a mission which turned out to be a trap, and lots of people died or got wounded." He put his hand on his hip. "More or less, that's what happened." Edited by (PS4)SilverHades
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Gaius was glad to see that the two women had made amends so quickly. It was always warming to see a new bond form between others, and seeing what could have been a brutal conflict turn around into friendly amiability was a large relief. However, Gaius's relief was replaced with intense concern. "A Vauban?" Gaius would have pressed on with the question until Orion spoke up. His answer only served to intensify Gaius's concern.


"Where did you drop the Vauban off at?" he tried to keep a clam composure, but he was having trouble trying to conceal his worry. Sebastian was a good friend, and a good fighter. If he was to end up in such a state, who knows how bad off the others are?

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Orion, overhearing her question, jumped off the Mining Vessel and came up behind Aegia, suddenly replying to her question. "Everyone went on a mission which turned out to be a trap, and lots of people died or got wounded." He put his hand on his hip. "More or less, that's what happened."

"...Oh." Aegia rubbed the back of her neck, glancing away when she learned just why exactly there were so many wounded on the station. It probably explained why it was on lockdown as well. She stayed silent on the matter, mulling it over in her head. She wasn't really too keen on the idea of any of her friends getting hurt. Hell, they weren't even her friends... Yet. The fact that she wasn't able to at least mitigate some of the damage still got to her, but what could she have done? She only had just now found out about it.



Gaius was glad to see that the two women had made amends so quickly. It was always warming to see a new bond form between others, and seeing what could have been a brutal conflict turn around into friendly amiability was a large relief. However, Gaius's relief was replaced with intense concern. "A Vauban?" Gaius would have pressed on with the question until Orion spoke up. His answer only served to intensify Gaius's concern.


"Where did you drop the Vauban off at?" he tried to keep a clam composure, but he was having trouble trying to conceal his worry. Sebastian was a good friend, and a good fighter. If he was to end up in such a state, who knows how bad off the others are?


Aegia however was broken from her mental reverie by a question from Gaius, to whom she turned her head to look at. "The Vauban? I dropped him and the other Tenno off in the medbay, if they haven't gotten treatment already, I assume they are right now." She tilted her head curiously. "He a friend of yours? He looked like he was in bad shape, but the doctors here are good, so he should be fine." She glanced to the door to the hallway leading into the Waystation. "We can go to the medbay and check on them if you'd like." It wasn't like Aegia was doing much else, and if that Vauban really was Gaius's friend, it'd be nice to get them reunited again.

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"Rest assured, Aegia. I never thought of you as an enemy." Souna can say this in complete honesty, since it is the truest kind of true: She had not noticed any real animosity directed at herself, just a small dispute of opinions, so how could she have been her enemy? Even worse, she does not see her as an equal due to her lack of will to improve herself, and thus refuses to worry about her since soon, she will have aspired beyond her reach. 

In general though, she is rather content with the situation, and looks like it as well. The lecture she took today and the pride she had to swallow will remind her of Souna's words, and maybe turn her mind some day. Then she might develop her potential further. The Zephyr thinks, this is as much as she can contribute to a stranger's education. 


When the embodied Cephalon landed behind Aegia and answers the question that was spoken, Souna barely grazes it with a look. To her, Cephalons are mere AI with some simulated personality-like aspects to provide more pleasant interaction - but basically, just AI. Tools to be used for their purposes. Repairing the ships it was before, providing the Tenno with information it is now. That's not even something to thank it for. Thus, her question is directed at Gaius and Aegia only:

"How can there be a mission so important that such large numbers were sent in, and who thought engaging in open warfare like this was wise? It seems like an awful misjudgement of Tenno strengths to me."


As Gaius apparently has a suspicion where his lost clanmember is, Souna quickly runs down her insight in the chances present for her next hours. At the docks, there had been no notice how long the lockdown was going to take, so it is probably taking a longer while. With this, she is cut from her initial reason for being here, as well as her Orbiter, which she would require for continuing her training schedule and make up for the time she already lost. Indeed, dismal prospects. 

"Gaius, are you confident that the young one will be unscathed in this turmoil, by the way? If you intend to make your friend talk about the operation, that might prove a valuable lesson about her future." Her voice is somewhat distant, as technically, Nisha's education is not her concern. However, she has not yet forgotten Gaius' more-or-less-hidden advertising his clan, and good reputation never hurts. Plus, although she really believes in what she said, she also foresees that Nisha would not like listening to an injured's tales. In her vision of things, this will be Gaius' problem, as he is her official mentor in the current situation.

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Though Aegia tried to calm him, he was still concerned. "Yes, I would like to see him. There were others with him, people from my dojo, and I fear for their safety as well. As a Warlord, it is my duty to ascertain the safety of my fellow clanmates.


Gaius prepared to head towards the medbay, but stopped upon hearing Souna's question. "Honestly, your best bet is to ask my friend. When my dojo was contacted for the mission, we were just told the brief details and told to send over four." The request by the Lotus already frustrated Gaius from the beginning. He hated the secrecy behind everything, and the fact that despite all he and his clan had done, she still treated them like this frustrated him to no end. But what was he to do? By the end of the day, the Lotus has guided the Tenno to success, and he was always going to be a Tenno. It was his job to follow her commands. Souna's next question shook Gaius back from his anger. "Oh, Nisha? Don't worry. That was actually just a specter, she's not really here. She's probably making trouble back at the dojo."


Gaius turned back to Aegia, standing straight and tall. "Aegia, if you could please lead the way to the Vauban."

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-snibbidy sneb-


Gaius turned back to Aegia, standing straight and tall. "Aegia, if you could please lead the way to the Vauban."

"Hm?" Aegia glanced over to Gaius, that's right, she'd suggested something. Aegia's brain moved a million miles a minute, and after she'd suggested going to the medbay, her thoughts had immediately moved to something else. Usually, it was the same thing every time, memories from before her second sleep in the cryopod. It was a bittersweet things for her to remember however. But that was neither here, nor there. She turned to make her way towards the medbay, walking towards the door connecting the waystation sections, her footsteps making heavy thuds against the metal flooring.


"Oh, of course. Just follow me." She remarked, even as she was already walking away. Easily remembering the route towards the medbay. After all, when there's someone bleeding on you the whole way there, it's hard to forget.

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Souna had already reckoned that Gaius was a honored member of his clan the moment she had seen him with Nisha by his side - one does not simply trust a man with a young one's education if he has not proven himself. So, he might be a mentor, even being an education supervisor had not surprised her. But to be a warlord, that she had not expected. Her widened eyes are hidden by the helmet, her head jolting over towards him as he speaks the words however is not.

Resulting, she was already looking at Gaius when he turned towards her when he answered her questions.

"A specter? What would you gain from that practice?" She states flatly, still a little bit flattered by the revelation of his position. So many options to consider, so many chances! But so many risks, of course, as well. One thought crystallising from the others was that apparently, in this time as well, she blends in with the higher-ups far better than with the rank and file. It is a good feeling, a validation of her hard work shaping herself. 

Lastly, he gives her a good reason to follow Aegia and him into the medbay, and listen to the Vauban's report as well. Intended, to examine her thinking further? She can not rule out this possibility, and acts accordingly: Following Gaius silently, one step beside and one behind him, casually checking that her Syandana has not tangled in itself. 

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"Now you understand my problems with that child." Gaius said to Souna. He followed behind Aegia, mind racing with absurd thoughts on the state of his friend. Gaius was unsure on what to do if he lost anyone of his clanmates. They were a relatively small group, a capable group, but a small one. Each member was valuable, and brought something unique to the table. Gaius shook the idea of Sebastian being maimed beyond recognition form his mind, wanting to focus on the here and now. They arrived to the medical rooms, and Gaius looked side to side trying to find Sebastian. And sure enough, there he was. Sebastian was lying down on a table, bandage over his eye and lots of bandages surrounding most of his body. He looked like a burn victim. "Sebastian!" Gaius shouted, moving to his friend.


Sebastian woke up, hearing his name being called. He lightly moved his head and saw someone he was both surprised, yet not surprised to see. In the moment it took him to see Gaius, a brilliant idea came to mind. He lifted his left hand weakly, imitating horrid and sever wounds for a Tenno. "Gaius..." He said in a pseudo whispy voice, trying his best to act. It was not one of his strong suits, but maybe the severity of the situation would give him an edge. Gaius raced over to his friend, placing his hands on the table next him. "Sebastian... My god..." Sebastian tried his best not to smile. "Gaius..." He said again. "Please..." Gaius moved closer to Sebastian, trying to listen as closely as he could to his friend. "What is it Sebastian?" Sebastian sat up like a bolt, grabbing Gaius by the cuff of his frame. "Please tell me you brought your flask?"


A smile crept up on Sebastian's face, filled with giddy anticipation for Gaius's reaction. Gaius looked at Sebastian, mouth agape, trying to process what had just transpired. The two erupted into loud, obnoxious laughter. "Sebastian you son of a *@##$!" Gaius said in between chuckles. "I should have known better than to worry about you." Sebastian laughed with Gaius, sitting up with a smile. Gaius reached to his side, and a flask appeared where he held it. "Here." He said, handing it to Sebastian. "Rollo and I finished brewing that Scotch yesterday, all yours. I think you've earned it." Gaius looked Sebastian up and down. "Jesus... what happened to your eye?" Gaius asked. "Long story involving Grineer abominations and a S#&$ ton of electricity." Sebastian said with a chuckle, opening the flask and taking a small sip. He savored the flavor, and let out a satisfied gasp. "I don't know how you two managed to recreate Scotch. Tastes just as good as old war Scotch.

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Keya looked at the offered vial and did the unthinkable:


The ends of her mouth curled upward slightly, as if they were conveying an emotion of... not rage. For the first time she she arrived on the station, her face was completely devoid of the all-consuming rage that only a Grineer could possess. 


She gave a dry chuckle, but made no move to take the offered vial. "Thanks, but no thanks. I've already stabbed five of those things in my thigh; I'm more nannite than me right now. Passing the damn machines is going to suck enough already, and I don't want to add to their numbers," she explained,"But, I appreciate the gesture."


She sat up now, her hand grabbing the bottle of Napalm by the neck as she said, "I'd say 'I hope it was worth it,' but seeing as how you're all here, evidently an arm and my whole damn ship wasn't enough." 

"Very well then." The General replied, stashing the injector into the endless abyss. "I'd offer my medical applicator, but I misplaced it on the way to the Dojo before we started. Probably could've saved the strike team, too." He let out a sigh that crossed between annoyance and mild depression. "Damn fine soldiers, they were. Better than Operative Harvard, that's for damn sure. Bastard can't keep his mouth shut to save his life."

"Anyway, if you need a new arm, I can pay for a replacement. Caring for the troops is the least a General can do. As for the ship, I can probably scrounge up a Knife-Fighter. They're relatively easy to refurbish, and it isn't as if Corpus crew shuttles are expensive."

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Souna is not completely sure if she understands what Gaius means as he puts the topic of Nisha aside that easily. Her first guess is that Nisha had tricked him as well, sending a specter with him instead of going herself. But how would an apprentice have access to such ressources? The Zephyr has to remind herself repeatedley that she does not know how things are managed in Gaius' dojo, that they're probably different from the strict rules and hirarchy that was established where she grew up.


Upon reaching the medbay, Souna falls behind a little to leave Gaius some space to rejoice in his friend's survival. From her distance, she can not understand what the Vauban is whispering, but deducing from that a backline-fighter like him - who has ever seen a frontline-Vauban? - is injured that badly, the mission really must've gone against all plans and odds. At least, one moment later, he was able to sit an laugh. It can't be that bad if he's laughing. While they are jokingly bashing at each other, Souna shifts closer in a hopefully subtle way to not miss any important parts - any info about the mission, that is. And although she would love to ask about the Scotch - high-proof alcohol was limited to officers only, and Souna had never taken a single sip although seeing the higher-ups enjoy it regularily - she is smart enough to not interrupt the conversation of Gaius and the Vauban whose name she missed.

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"Very well then." The General replied, stashing the injector into the endless abyss. "I'd offer my medical applicator, but I misplaced it on the way to the Dojo before we started. Probably could've saved the strike team, too." He let out a sigh that crossed between annoyance and mild depression. "Damn fine soldiers, they were. Better than Operative Harvard, that's for damn sure. Bastard can't keep his mouth shut to save his life."

"Anyway, if you need a new arm, I can pay for a replacement. Caring for the troops is the least a General can do. As for the ship, I can probably scrounge up a Knife-Fighter. They're relatively easy to refurbish, and it isn't as if Corpus crew shuttles are expensive."


Keya lowered the now empty bottle with a resounding clink, head swimming in alcohol, breath reeking of cinnamon. Blood loss, numerous cuts, moderate burns, and a blood-alcohol-content of about .827 were catching up to the battered pilot. How was she able to keep all this at bay and stay conscious? Stubborn, Grineer determination and a wall of fiery, all-consuming rage worked like a flood gate to hold these back.


Why was she starting to feel the effects now? Simple: she was distracted from her rage.


"I appreeshiate the cunsern, Genital," Keya slurred, teeth tripping over her own tongue as she began to forget to correct her racial lisp, "Stiyle Muridien ushuali cuhvers dis kynd uf schtuff."


Her vision blurred, her cheeks and nose flushed red, and tired of her condition, balance left her swaying dangerously on her bar stool. She removed her hand from the bar as it raced away from her, only to come back, then leave again. Her swaying increased as her remaining arm reached up to grab the zipper of her suit, her fingers missing several times before she finally got a grip.


Hyperthermia from the taxing of her liver caused her body temperature to rise, while hypothermia caused by blood loss caused her to have a simultaneous heat flash. Wonderful!


"Did they crank the heet, er sumthin? It'z so hot..." she woozily complained as she pulled down the metal pull-tab, perhaps a little too far.


She needed to go somewhere. Where was it? Wait, did she really need to go? Why was the floor so far away?


"Erm, hold... hold, that thawt, Hex...er," she mumbled as she attempted to stand, tripping on her own foot before she even left the stool.  The Grineer woman was out cold before she even hit the ground.


At least the Med bay was right there. After all, 'Caring for the troops is the least a General can do.'

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