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[Ic]The Setup, Redux 18+


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In Donn Waystation's hangars,

Volunteers were helping each others in hangars to fix, refuel or just maintain other's ships.


One of them was quite unique from his appearance, he was in Grineer Bombard armor and a hood just to hide his face. It was Fulgurus. Now he was under someone's ship trying to find and fix, whatever it was wrong with it.


All this time he was here, he had to help others just to have something to eat and a place to sleep.


While working he just thought of getting out of here and never getting back here anymore, but who knows if he'll ever do that.


"I'm going out to get something to eat, after I'm done with this!"

He shouted to others and continued working on the ship.

Edited by XionicoRX
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He searched for them. He had searched the entire solar system for them, the little, weak, pathetic Tenno subjects. For eons, he had looked for the perfect Tenno to test. To test his methods of enacting his revenge. Revenge, for killing almost everything he stood for all those years ago. He had finally gained the perfect subjects.


And was not going to lose them now.


He watched them carefully, making sure that even the void couldn't get in the way. Streams of data engulfed his mind; taking in all the possibilities of where they would land. Strata? No. Kronia? No. But where? He searched his data streams even more intently, taking off multiple possibilities. Wait! He looked at the planet they were going to arrive at. He crossed everything off, excluding two possibilities: Orcus Relay, and the Donn Waystation. But which one? He searched frantically for what could pull them to either one, until....aha! The Donn Waystation has a medical bay, while Orcus Relay does not! Perfect! He had found where they would go. And do you know why he was searching for them? 






Maxi turned to Arino.


"Arino, we know where your friends are going after their mission. It's called the Donn Waystation, and it's next to Pluto. Would you like to go there now?"


Just a small introduction to Omnipotence, besides some threat messages to the Tenno. I'll introduce him fully later, while putting one of my current OCs out of the RP.

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Arino sighed and shrugged. "I don't see why not..." He said as he scraped his foot against the ground. "What happened to the Crimson Lotus? They destroyed now?" He asked as he looked out the Liset's window, staring at the darkness of Space. He thought about if this strange entity was a great idea joining forces with. It couldn't be that bad, right?

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"The plan? Pretty easy. Unlike the Crimson Lotus, the Donn Waystation wouldn't suspect anything. All I have to say is that i'm dropping you off from the mission, which is true, and they'd let us in. We have to make sure we get there after your friends do, so it'll make sense."

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Donn Waystation, Pluto


"Damn it Nisha!"


This girl was the most forgetful Tenno that anyone had ever seen. Only she could forget that she was a specter, and have the stomach too drink that Corpus sludge. She was in most cases more trouble than she was worth, but she gained the affection of a certain Dojo leader, so now Gaius had to keep an eye on her today, his day off. He sighed and walked over to the girl, taking the drink from her and tossing it in a nearby trash bin.


"You decided to 'be' here to help out at the station, not create more problems and make a mess." Gaius stated. "I don't even know how you drink that poison, that stuff will kill you one of these days you know." Gaius looked around the kitchen to see if the two attracted anyone's attention. Luckily, since it was so slow a day, no one had really payed them any mind. he hated being here, and not just because it was his day off. The Corpus always made him uneasy. You could never really trust them. Sure, The Perrin Sequence worked towards a good cause, but they still were capable of Corpus intrigue and deceit.  He was especially cautious since Nisha was here. The poor girl would probably make a deal with a Corpus here that would turn her into an item to sell. If that happened, he would probably never be allowed to return to the Dojo.


Since Nisha couldn't clean up the mess she made, Gaius decided he would do it, and have her to something around the Dojo later. He walked over to a nearby counter, and opened up the drawer to find a small washcloth. His Warframe suit de-materialized in a spectacular cloud of smoke, almost looking as though his suit vaporized instantaneously. He dried up the mess, and tossed the cloth into a drop chute with the label 'HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL' Up above it.

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Souna only noticed Gaius' doing as he released his warframe. It was the cloud of smoke that drew her attention, since the unplanned arrival of the Grineer and the belatement of her contact were putting her slightly on edge. She watched the Ash for a moment, lacking any other interesting occupation right now. 

Seeing how the male Tenno cleans up for the young Tenno - she seemed to be even younger than Souna, who has not yet started graying herself - makes a sudden thought flash through her mind: Diligently obeying the instructor's orders, no matter how derogative they were. My, that was a really old memory. She barely recognizes her self of that time. 


As for the pair of Tenno, it sure seems strange to her. Why would the older one serve the young? That doesn't make sense to her. She takes a moment to assess what the possible risks and gains are if she were to go over to them and sound them out a little. Not much on the risk-side, since there's a solid chance she might not see them again anytime soon. 


And so the pseudo-Prime-Zephyr rose from her chair, wiggled her shoulders slightly to unfurl the Udyat Syadana trailing behind her to its full beauty, and then walked towards Gaius. Her three-clawed feet clicked gently on the metal floor since Souna is not trying to be silent, and might announce her approaching. She will probably reach him on his way back from the waste chute, with an extraordinarily straight back and her helmet still on. 


"Greetings, Tenno. Have you arrived at this station recently? To be precise, in the last hour?"

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"Damn it Nisha!"


This girl was the most forgetful Tenno that anyone had ever seen. Only she could forget that she was a specter, and have the stomach too to drink that Corpus sludge. She was in most cases more trouble than she was worth, but she gained the affection of a certain Dojo Warlord, so now Gaius had to keep an eye on her today, his day off. He sighed and walked over to the girl, taking the drink from her and tossing it in a nearby trash bin.


"You decided to 'be' here to help out at the station, not create more problems and make a mess." Gaius stated. "I don't even know how you drink that poison, that stuff will kill you one of these days you know." Gaius looked around the kitchen to see if the two attracted anyone's attention. Luckily, since it was so slow a day, no one had really payed them any mind. he hated being here, and not just because it was his day off. The Corpus always made him uneasy. You could never really trust them. Sure, The Perrin Sequence worked towards a good cause, but they still were capable of Corpus intrigue and deceit.  He was especially cautious since Nisha was here. The poor girl would probably make a deal with a Corpus here that would turn her into an item to sell. If that happened, he would probably never be allowed to return to the Dojo.




The Specter-girl gave a slightly mechanized chuckle as she gracefully rolled back onto her feet.


"You're just mad you didn't think of this first. As much as you disagree, this still technically counts as me. You seem to forget we Tenno do possess the ability to be in multiple places at once, you especially!" she ribbed playfully.


Little did they both know that their being on the Waystation was a crafty plan cooked up by their mutual friend in order to force interaction between them. Technically, according to the original roster agreed upon by the group that was seldom looked at, Rollo and Serenity were supposed to be on volunteer duty. 


A font of unparalleled youthful energy as always, Nisha's echo pranced about her Warlord, bouncing on the balls of her feet to the tune of the ancient song that continued in the background. She did her best to hum along, but since she'd never heard the song before it wasn't working out very well. 


As the strange bird-lady approached Gaius, she stood beside him with her hands clasped behind her back in a stance that screamed girly as she tried her best not to look overpoweringly adorable.

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"It's respectful though to appear in person, you should not adopt such lazy habits." Gaius said to Nisha. He scowled at her when she jabed him in the ribs. Playful or not, it was an annoying antic under the circumstances. "Also, don't hum the song if you don't know it. Learn the song first and you'll enjoy the tune more."


Gaius heard a light clinking sound, like a claw against metal growing louder. He turned around and saw another Tenno approaching the two. Gaius looked at the glamorous Zephyr. He would almost assume she was Prime. Her character was refined, and exerted an Aura of what he would call intrigue. Under the circumstances, she was probably here to yell at the two for making a mess. Someone like this was sure to be in charge. As she approached, Gaius gave a light wave with his hand. "Heyo."


"Been here a little bit over an hour." He said, responding to her question. "Name's Gaius, yours?" He extended his hand, offering her a handshake so that the greeting could be proper. "And, if you don't mind me asking whats the intent behind a question so specific?"

Edited by IrishHades1798
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Souna raised her hand in response to Gaius' wave, feeling much to elegant to perform a proper wave. This time, the minimal nature of her gesture is not even meant to be dismissive. 

The Zephyr stopped two and a half steps away from Gaius - a distance that one could talk across comfortably, but that was hard to step across for a suprise attack. She doesn't even notice, it's just the distance that feels 'right' to her. 

For his handshake, however, she steps in to accept and give the proper greeting as well. Manners are important after all, and an important sign of good will. But after that, she's taking the distance from before again.

"You may call me Souna." Her helmet turned towards the young Tenno a little bit, as if she were expecting her to introduce herself as well. Either way she will not hesitate to answer Gaius' question.

While talking, she stands rested equally on both feet, her arms hanging relaxed, fingers softly crossed in front of her body. It is not an intrusive or inquisitve stance, more of a 'trying to get along without loosing all dignity'-stance.

"I am here to attend a meeting, however the other attendee is imprudently late. There has been no offical note of closing the docks. You seemed rather unaccustomed to this station, thus I reckoned your recent arrival." She's one to talk. She is no less sticking out than Gaius and Nisha might be. However, the quite tense tone when speaking about the letdown she faces here suggests it might not be the smartest move to remark that now. Besides from that, she speaks in a very clear and formal manner, constantly feeding that air of noblesse. 

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"It's respectful though to appear in person, you should not adopt such lazy habits." Gaius said to Nisha. He scowled at her when she jabed him in the ribs. Playful or not, it was an annoying antic under the circumstances. "Also, don't hum the song if you don't know it. Learn the song first and you'll enjoy the tune more."




Nisha's echo frowned as she casually brought her arms behind her head and leaned on her hip, "I really don't think it makes a difference. We're a dime a dozen, and it's not like anyone here's going to bother remembering my face. Why actually be here when the real me could be off doing something important, like destroying a Grineer base, or rescuing a VIP, or maybe even discovering more of our sleeping brothers and sisters? Our time is more valuable than this; why waste it on something as subjective as 'respect'?"


Then, childlike energy re-surging in response to the latter half of the scolding, "But what's the harm in trying? Isn't it obvious through my attempt that I already enjoy it?" She capped her retort off with a playful chuckle, doing her best to enjoy her company regardless of the frustration she was building up within him. When it came to certain people, she was simply happy to be acknowledged to begin with, regardless of the circumstances.


Her helmet turned towards the young Tenno a little bit, as if she were expecting her to introduce herself as well.
"-You seemed rather unaccustomed to this station, thus I reckoned your recent arrival."
-Ack! Cut my finger!-



When her attention was directed towards her, the little Specter simply offered a bright smile. She hadn't explicitly asked for her name, nor had she made the effort to welcome her into the conversation, so she saw no point in providing what Souna wasn't willing to ask for.


However, when she stated that Gaius looked like he didn't fit in here, she couldn't stop herself from inserting herself into the conversation.


"Oh, we aren't new here. This place asks nearby Dojos for volunteers all the time. We come here a couple times a month whenever we have the free time. Or whenever Mag says so." 

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Fulgurus finished his job.

"I finished fixing this piece of junk! If you'll need me, I'll be in canteen!

He stood up and walked out.


Now he was on the way to canteen.


After few minutes big figure was at the doorside of canteen, he looked around and calmly sat at the farthest table in there.


"At last..."

He thought and took out his lunch, which he immediately started eating.

Edited by XionicoRX
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Gaius scowled at Nisha. "You called this a waste of time. Need I remind you that you volunteered to do this?" Gaius let out a frustrated sigh. The child still had yet to learn how to control her passions and emotions, and no matter how much he chastised her, she would never learn. Only time would mature the young Tenno.


Gaius turned back towards the regal Zephyr. "Sorry for my friend here, she is still very young. Even for a Tenno. Its a pleasure to meet you Souna. " Gaius shook Souna's hand firmly, gripping her hand tightly, but not bone crushingly tight. A solid handshake. He released her hand and stood straight, though he was unsure as to why he was acting in so formal a manner. Usually he would only act like this if he was trying to impress.


"As the little one here said, we do volunteer here often, but I'm not one of the usual volunteers. That's probably why I look rather unaccustomed, plus this being a Corpus station gives me an uneasy feeling." Gaius took a quick glance around. He knew very well that Perrin spies were practically omnipresent on one of their own stations. Every time he had visited this station he always found someone listening in on his conversations. But he could not blame them, after all he was not only a Maxim for Arbiters of Hexis, but a General for Steel Meridian as well. "If you don't mind me saying Miss Souna, this seems like an odd place to hold a meeting."

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Souna's handshake is pretty ladylike: Not limp, but purposely she leaves it a little weaker than Gaius' hand. On one hand she thinks it befits a woman of elegance to not profile herself by her strength, on the other hand she has found it quite advantageous when people underestimate her because of her noble attitude.


"It is the young ones who will carry our legacy into future generations - provided that they diligently hone their skills and shape themselves into the warriors they are destined to be." Souna answers as Gaius' apologizes on the young one's behalf, and her words are audibly honest and meant the very way they were said: Benevolently trusting, but also demanding to live up to the name of 'Tenno'. 


One bit of information that she suddenly found in her mental pocket of snippets was that apparently there were multiple Dojos nearby, one of which was those two's home. A remark on her star chart would be in order, though she does not bother her Cephalon via remote uplink with that on the spot. It's not that urgent.

"You are mistaken. As neither me nor my partners conduct hideworthy buisness, and especially non-Tenno feel much more at ease when confronted with our kind in somewhat neutral territory, this is quite an excellent place to meet and negotiate. If the participants are Tenno or Corpus, that is." she elaborates her point of view. 

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Gaius looked back to Nisha after Souna's initial comment. He gave a light nod towards Souna, trying to convey with the absence of words 'Listen to what she is saying.'


"You have a point." Gaius said. "Neutral territory can give the illusion of an equal playing field, making it optimal for both parties I would imagine." Analyzing possible situations are one of Gaius's favorite pass times. In such an instance in where a Corpus or other non Tenno meets with a Tenno in neutral territory, it gives each party a possible advantage. To the Tenno, the advantage is the possibility of the other person being under the impression of an even playing field, when the Tenno can tip the odds in their favor easily, as well as exploit the chance of overconfidence from the other person. The other party would have the opportunity however to set things up in a similar manner, and exploit any aggression on the part f the Tenno. The entire thing would be decided by the first few words, the first glance. It would be a thrilling scenario to be in.


Gaius crossed his hands behind his back, pressing his hands against his tailbone. "You mentioned partners. Are you the manager of some business? Or is it on a scale much smaller than that?" Gaius asked.

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"It is the young ones who will carry our legacy into future generations - provided that they diligently hone their skills and shape themselves into the warriors they are destined to be." Souna answers as Gaius' apologizes on the young one's behalf, and her words are audibly honest and meant the very way they were said: Benevolently trusting, but also demanding to live up to the name of 'Tenno'. 

Gaius looked back to Nisha after Souna's initial comment. He gave a light nod towards Souna, trying to convey with the absence of words 'Listen to what she is saying.'




Nisha's echo rolled her digital eyes and chuckled at the irony. Gaius had scolded her for forgetting that she was a Specter, yet he was doing the same thing now. Any experiences she had now wouldn't be transferred to the actual Tenno she represented; she was an independent entity created approximately nine hours, twenty-three minutes, fifty-seven seconds, three hundred and sixty milliseconds ago.


And she already didn't like this new lady. She sounded like Rollo, or at least the copies of the memories of Rollo that she inherited from her charge. While she chocked it up to a gut feeling, that was simply because her thinking was pathed to mimic Nisha's thought process. The psychiatric information that came standard with her programming hypothesized that her regal behavior was rooted in the belief of Tenno superiority standard among most Tenno and a lack of self-confidence manifested in over-confidence. More analysis would be required to find the source of the problem, but there most likely wouldn't be enough time until her form was forced to retreat back into its containment sphere.


Bored of her Warlord and the strange one, the digital clone skipped merrily out of the kitchen, casting a glance at the Grineer woman on her way out. She was covered in scratches of varying depths - most of which still coagulating -, pale from blood loss, and missing her right arm, though the damaged anchor for her prosthetic remained. Her head was down on the counter while her left hand tightly clutched a shot glass filled with a reddish liquid containing traces of alcohol and cinnamon. She had already consumed half of the bottle's contents, likely serving a dual purpose of warming herself from the cold that had set in with blood loss and dulling her emotions.


The little echo wanted to help, but her thinking told her that she feared the woman. Not only that, but she was already emotionally compromised. Grineer easily give in to rage, and trying to help would only create an incident. It was better to leave her be until she passed out; be it from blood loss or alcohol consumption.

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