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[Ic]The Setup, Redux 18+


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Sab caught the credit chit, looked a it, examined it, bit it like an old Earth coin before being satisfied and putting it into her pouch.

Sab did plan to milk him, but not of credits. She was gonna milk him of dopamine. Constant reminders of the fact he wouldn't be around if it weren't for her was one of the ways to fill her high, but why not accept dosh on the side if he was willing to give it up?

As for killing him? Couldn't be bothered. First she had no real reason to, second she couldn't be f*cked with the would be influx of Tenno ripping on her for killing a fellow lizard.

In response to the Zephyr Sab merely rolled her eyes. While not visible beneath her helmet one might pick up on it by the way she rolled her head.

"Mate we all just came back from a gruelling death trap of a mission that I haven't even gotten paid for yet,I'm pretty sure we're all allowed to take the sticks out of our @$$es and unwind for a while."

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The Cephalon had stationed himself in the public foundry, currently working on a pair of Dark Swords made using the new model.

During the hour Nium -SUPER-MEGA-HAPPY-FUN-TIME!!!-


During the hour, Gemini had stuck with her charge like a loyal Kubrow, the computerized, feminine giggles the two-halves made as they horsed about becoming the background of Nium's work. With Nium's help, the Cephalon  was able to tap into the local grid of the foundry, restricting them to a specific radius around the foundry, though it didn't seem to bother them or affect the vigor with which they played.


Most of the errors were still being worked out of her system, but the majority of them were solved at this point. That said, the damage caused by the taxing of her processor was permanent and could not be undone, speeding up her degradation by roughly fifty years. But that was a problem they could deal with in a couple hundred years.


While it could be seen as merely childish boredom that was the root of the Cephalon's goofing around, it actually served a two-fold purpose; boosting morale in the immediate vicinity and a secondary source of energy to speed up her processes. The Tenno and Operatives who entered the work-out area to either exercise, shower, use the simulation, or use the foundry would be hard-pressed not to notice the two child-shaped, jovial Cephalons frolicking together, which also made it rather difficult to brood.


With insufficient solar light and her system already tapped into a direct source, the only other way of generating energy for Gemini was through movement - kinetic energy. This is why she was currently dancing, the red half leading while the blue served as her partner, and a very responsive one at that. Somehow the two were able to make their dancing childish and endearing, yet well executed and fluid. Footwork was agile and perfect, the synergy between the two dancers flawless. And yet, they were tiny and adorable, their playful laughter as endearing as their forms.


-Get up, come on, get down with the sickness~!-


"...Huh?" Aegia finally opened her eyes, them taking a moment to adjust to the sudden shift from darkness to the light inside the station. She took a look to either side of her, making sure she hadn't done anything else while... Elsewhere.


She rubbed one of her hands agaisnt the side of her head, trying to massage away the lingering headache caused by her own actions. Finally she would meet eyes with the Nova specter, a quizzical expression across her own features. "Ah... Who are you?" She pointed to the ground in front of her. "We're... Still at Donn Waystation, correct?" She had to ask, even though as unlikely as it would have been for the She-Rhino to make it free of the lockdown, she couldn't discount any action she took that she didn't remember. Aegia however, had looked like she had gone for days without sleep, eyes bloodshot and face pale, though color was returning to it, albeit quite slowly.

Whoops! My bad about the helmet deal, and thanks for being flexible! :3


The look of concern on the Specter's face transitioned to a warm and infectious smile, pleased that she had been successful in stirring the troubled woman from her troubled thoughts.


"Name's Nisha! Friends call me Nish, Ishi, Ni-ni, or pretty much any form of 'Nisha' you can come up with," she answered in a jovial tone, trying to see if she could get her cheery attitude to infect Aegia and raise her spirits. 


She extended her small hand towards the large woman in front of her, tilting her head to the side as she intensified her smile, but not to a creepy degree. "Oh, and sorry, but you're still here," she added with a small, innocent shrug of her shoulders.

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Volun soon found himself discharged from the Med-bay--with a newly working voice-box, and a few additions to his Warframe. His Volt armrings now constantly emitted small pulses of orange electricity, as well as a new crown of sorts around his helmet, shaped like his armrings and also producing the same effects as well.


He thought they replaced his frame with a primed one at first, when he first looked at the modifications. The people in charge of the modifications said the new parts were indeed from those of damaged Prime Warframes, but they did not elaborate.


These new additions will help regulate your energy output. They explained.


Your warframe has partially fused with your Technocyte body, and now has your own bio-electricity as an additional power source. As a result, your own energy had been empowered. However, your own body has limits on containing such potent energy, and if that limit is exceeded, you get the Tenno equivalent of a lightbulb exploding. The power regulators we have installed constantly expel that energy in small bursts. You can modify them yourself to either increase your own power output, or otherwise.


With those words, they released him from the lab, along with a brand-new interface to talk with. Volun didn't want to take it, but habit dictated his actions, and so he took the thing and left the bay before he became conscious of his actions.


Only thing he had to do now was regroup with the rest of his Tenno, and find out just what the hell had happened while he was incapacitated in vacuum space.

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Kana got ready to take the shot before getting spotted by another guard near the med bay. "Hey! Stop right there!" He shouted as he ran to her, trying to restrain her. She growled and managed to flip him over, knocking his head off a pot of plants and knocking him out. The other guards at the entrance saw her and went to restrain her, tackling her and getting the gun off her before she countered them. 


The other guard managed to put cuffs on her, two shiny metal gauntlets connected with a beam of energy, trapping her wrists effectively. "You're under arrest for attempted assault of a Waystation guard, you will be restrained until a court case can be arranged." The guard said as he carried her to the cells.

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After her grandiose announcement, Souna is open to being adressed by her audience. Two of them take this chance, although the Valkyr has nothing more to say than dismissive excuses. 

"If money is all you seek to gain from your battles, you might do that, yes." Souna does not hide that she thinks low of the ambition Sab is showing - and cleverly ties it to the 'if' to be able to slither her way out of her insult if necessary. It is so typical for her. 


Belrev has a better start. As he steps close and states his overwhelmedness by her presence, she draws the weak turbulence into one of her hands and makes it fade there, until no more energy glow is present and her ability lies dormant again. 

"Oh, I am sorry, it is an old habit of mine." She's not sorry the tiniest bit, and her voice does not sound like it. She knows that not even she could fake that. "And I hope I did not interrupt something... 'important' over there. I just had to state the facts after Gaius got the situation laid out like this. In case things go downhill again soon." Well, this does not sound sneering or gleeful. That's something, right? It basically does not concern her if he lost his nightly affair, but she does not condemn it either. So why not be nice again, for a change. 

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"We all have habits. Don't worry about it anymore." Belrev kindly said. At her comment of the previous situation, Belrev chuckled. Opposite her frustration, he LOVED events like those. To him it was a clear reflection to his own quarrels with his brothers.

And his best friend.

And his rebellious little protege.

'Master, the Warframe is now fully repaired. Able to access freely.'

With a devilish chuckle of his own, his signature Excalibur frame materialized over him. Black and red smoke seethed around his muscled frame, as the last bits of the Warframe covered him. It never failed to intimidate his foes, considering his very well known reputation. Called a demon, a myth, a hellspawn, whatever.

He loved the names anyway.


"Name is Belrev. Recognize me or not, its good to see a Tenno assert authority."

"Over those who need it of course."

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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After a little walk around and no help from here living tenno, Fulgurus went to foundry. Maybe there he will make something useful for a fight, who knows.

When he went in, big guy saw two little Cephalons playing and one bigger one at the foundry doing something.

"Hello, I... I'm sorry, is this foundry?"

Fulgurus got a little surprised by the little ones dancing and smiled at them.

He never seen anything like them, and most of all, cephalons playing or dancing? Now, that's unbelievable!

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"Ah, beg it. I'll wait." The General finally decided. He pulled a thin metal bar out of his coat, unfolded it and revealed it to be a holographic news display, with up-to-date on the moment news from all Corpus journalist corporations and Grineer propagandist sources. There was also an Infested news site, run by a Toxic Ancient in a top-hat, but that was only good for a biased opinion from a swarm of malfunctioning nanobots, but it was good for a laugh.

The Corpus news wasn't always biased. There were one or two newspapers that printed the truth most of the time, but most of them were private newspapers whose opinion was swayed. Hexer decided to read one of those. Maybe do a crossword or two. He could never solve the Corpus ones: all the letters looked like numbers. The Soduku was even worse.

Either way, the General was intent on waiting in the Med-bay until either someone initiated contact, or until Keya woke up.

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After her grandiose announcement, Souna is open to being adressed by her audience. Two of them take this chance, although the Valkyr has nothing more to say than dismissive excuses.

"If money is all you seek to gain from your battles, you might do that, yes." Souna does not hide that she thinks low of the ambition Sab is showing - and cleverly ties it to the 'if' to be able to slither her way out of her insult if necessary. It is so typical for her.

Sab rolled her eyes for even longer this time, crossing her arms yet again.

"Money and a bit of fun, actually."

She knew her type, b!tchy and gold, high and mighty on a glass horse of pride that often shattered with a single poke.

The reason she always carried a vial of laxatives to spike the fancy wine.

Well, one of em anyway.


After a little walk around and no help from here living tenno, Fulgurus went to foundry. Maybe there he will make something useful for a fight, who knows.

When he went in, big guy saw two little Cephalons playing and one bigger one at the foundry doing something.

"Hello, I... I'm sorry, is this foundry?"

Fulgurus got a little surprised by the little ones dancing and smiled at them.

He never seen anything like them, and most of all, cephalons playing or dancing? Now, that's unbelievable!

Nium perked up from his work to spot the big guy gawking at Gemini, finding the scene his equivalent of amusing.

"Yup this is the public foundry, free to use unless those Perrins included some hidden cost between the lines."

With a small chuckle Nium strode over to Fulgurus, extending his hand with a respectful, straight posture, the type he used when introducing himself to new Tenno. Even though the man wasn't wearing a Warframe the glowing eyes were still a telltale sign.

"Cephalon designation Nium at your service, and those two." he nudged his head in the dancer's direction. "are Gemini."

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"Nice to meet you, Nium. I'm Fulgurus."

He shook his hand, as manly as possible. Can't go soft on a cephalon, can you?


"Wait, you mean Gemini, are like two separate individuals in one cephalon or... I don't get it..."

He scratched the back of his head and chuckled nervously.


It was actually Fulgurus's first time, when someone not Tenno talked to him, which was a little strange. But it's possible to get used to that.

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Ivan was done in the simulation chamber, perfect, all the Grineer targets died, and he didn't even suffer any injuries. Still, he could not forget about what happened to Odessa. "If we're going on a death mission again, I should probably get better equipment," he muttered, looking at the foundry. "Let's see what we can do there."

He entered the foundry, seeing Nium and Fulgurus.

"Well never seen you two before, you guys just got here? Maybe you guys did go for the death mission. I don't know, couldn't possibly have noticed," he said. "I'm Ivan, by the way."

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"Fulgurus, pleased to meet ya."

He said to Ivan and chuckled.


"I don't know about Nium, but I just got here."

What the hell is he talking about, that was the question in his mind. He had to ask him anyway. No way Fulgurus was gonna let slide his way outta here.

"What death mission are we talking here?"

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"Ah, beg it. I'll wait." The General finally decided. -What is love? Baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more~!-

Either way, the General was intent on waiting in the Med-bay until either someone initiated contact, or until Keya woke up.

Whoops, my bad, Ghost, meant to address you earlier.


After about twenty minutes or so, one of the nurses noticed the General standing by his lonesome and approached him.


"Excuse me, Sir?" the male Tenno nurse asked as he approached (Yes, nurses can be male, and no, you don't have to be a Trinity or an Oberon to be in the medical field!), "Are you waiting on someone, or perhaps need assistance? And though it may not be my business, why were you unconscious on the floor for so long? One of the doctors checked you and said you were fine, and since we needed the beds, we kinda... shifted you out of the way."


(An awkward explanation is an explanation non-the-less!)

-Do you believe in magic~?-


"Wait, you mean Gemini, are like two separate individuals in one cephalon or... I don't get it..."

He scratched the back of his head and chuckled nervously.


It was actually Fulgurus's first time, when someone not Tenno talked to him, which was a little strange. But it's possible to get used to that.


"We are two entities," Gemini explained as she continued to tango with herself, "However we share a singular consciousness. Two beings - one mind. Kinda like an Equinox, but we can be in the same room with each other."


As her explanation came to an end, the red, leading half twirled her partner, bringing the blue half down into a dramatic dip. The two froze for a moment, then faced each other's face plates and erupted into more delightful giggling.

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"That's what I meant, I think..."

He sighed and continued talking to Gemini.


"Are you the only one, because I don't think I've seen anything like, you Gemini."

He sat on the floor, so the conversation wouldn't be so... Unfair by height between them.


Fulgurus didn't want to look down to them, just because he doesn't know Gemini's possibilities. Who knows, maybe these two little girls could whoop his a**, "without a sweat"?

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-Why you gotta be so cruel house?-


Whoops! My bad about the helmet deal, and thanks for being flexible! :3


The look of concern on the Specter's face transitioned to a warm and infectious smile, pleased that she had been successful in stirring the troubled woman from her troubled thoughts.


"Name's Nisha! Friends call me Nish, Ishi, Ni-ni, or pretty much any form of 'Nisha' you can come up with," she answered in a jovial tone, trying to see if she could get her cheery attitude to infect Aegia and raise her spirits. 


She extended her small hand towards the large woman in front of her, tilting her head to the side as she intensified her smile, but not to a creepy degree. "Oh, and sorry, but you're still here," she added with a small, innocent shrug of her shoulders.

Aegia let out a soft sigh, her heartbeat starting to calm down into what would be considered normal for a Tenno like her, it no longer pounding and aching within her chest as she sat leaned against the wall. Most of the color once drained from her face had returned, and the soft lines upon her face pulsed warmly with their golden energy like normal once again. Aegia cracked a small smile at the specter in front of her and extended her own hand to meet hers, giving it her usual firm, yet feminine handshake.


"A pleasure to meet you Nisha. Sorry to disappoint you, but my name's not Olga, nor is it Helga. My name is Aegia. Carries about the same weight as those other two names though." She giggled softly and took a glance at the familiar surroundings of the Waystation she'd been forced into a prolonged stay at. "Guess that lockdown is still going on then."


A moment of silence fell over the two Tenno, just for a brief moment as Aegia contemplated a question or two for the cheerful Tenno's echo in front of her. "So, are you here with anyone? It just seems strange to me that you'd be projecting a specter here of all places... Not exactly the funnest place to be if you ask me." If that weren't the understatement of the century. "You've got Tenno with sticks so far up their asses you'd figure their weapon of choice was a Bo; drunk, angry Grineer that you can't even join them in on the drunk part, because there's no bar around here..." She tapped her chin for a moment. "And as far as I'm aware, there's no dueling rooms around here to even remotely start relieving stress through, at least not that I've seen." She finished off her mini-rant with a frustrated sigh. "Why'd my ship have to need repairs near the most boring Waystation in the Origin System."


(Yes, I am indeed aware those rooms and such exist on the station. Aegia does not.)

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Souna patiently waits for Belrev to materialize his warframe after she simply nodded at his words. Not that she even worried about him to begin with. Meanwhile, she does not think it necessary - or worth her time? - answering the Valkyr's shortsighted philosophy. No more words, and she will leave soon for sure. People like her tend to do that. 

When the Excalibur-frame was finished, Souna looked down and up again, shrugging her shoulders evenmindedly.

"I do not, but maybe I will another time. It is a pleasure to meet you, Belrev." Although her greeting is set phrase for her, her voice is perfectly neutral, as Belrev has given her no reason for either favor or aversion.

It is a good thing that Vandal joins in right now, as she does not need to introduce herself twice. She tilts her upper body forward mere inches, in a completely stiff, formal and correct manner. 

"My name is Souna. I am, like so many others, a Tenno thriving to achieve the brightest future for the Tenno." Which she, of course, can no longer do if she dies. Many people have accused her of selfishness. For her, it is simple duty. There is no wisdom in a heroic death - but plenty in living to learn and fight another day.

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Souna patiently waits for Belrev to materialize his warframe after she simply nodded at his words. Not that she even worried about him to begin with. Meanwhile, she does not think it necessary - or worth her time? - answering the Valkyr's shortsighted philosophy. No more words, and she will leave soon for sure. People like her tend to do that.

When the Excalibur-frame was finished, Souna looked down and up again, shrugging her shoulders evenmindedly.

"I do not, but maybe I will another time. It is a pleasure to meet you, Belrev." Although her greeting is set phrase for her, her voice is perfectly neutral, as Belrev has given her no reason for either favor or aversion.

It is a good thing that Vandal joins in right now, as she does not need to introduce herself twice. She tilts her upper body forward mere inches, in a completely stiff, formal and correct manner.

"My name is Souna. I am, like so many others, a Tenno thriving to achieve the brightest future for the Tenno." Which she, of course, can no longer do if she dies. Many people have accused her of selfishness. For her, it is simple duty. There is no wisdom in a heroic death - but plenty in living to learn and fight another day.

Belrev just smirked and sighed. So far she was one of the very few Tenno who acted all regal like, and DIDN'T irritate him with it. It came as a surprise really. He already saw a few similarities between him and Souna. Such as the iron will that she gives off with her attitude, or the drive to make the future better for their kind.

But he could also see differences. Whereas Souna SEEMS the type that would never kill a Tenno, he was opposite of that.

"Pleasure to meet you too."

"So how's the station treating you?"

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Vandal had found his way to Belrev and put a hand on his shoulder to rest. "The Saryn got arrested, I saw it on the way here." He said as he saw Souna. "Who's this?" He asked as he gave a small smirk to Souna, nodding his head to her and waving.

"New acquaintance of ours. Her name is Souna, as she just told us." Belrev casually mused, patting Vandal on the back.

And so it seemed, the Saryn who nearly killed his friend is now behind bars.

He wanted to take a look.

"Let's see her later. Want to see the face of the Tenno who nearly killed you." He grunted.

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"That's what I meant, I think..."

He sighed and continued talking to Gemini.


"Are you the only one, because I don't think I've seen anything like, you Gemini."

He sat on the floor, so the conversation wouldn't be so... Unfair by height between them.


Fulgurus didn't want to look down to them, just because he doesn't know Gemini's possibilities. Who knows, maybe these two little girls could whoop his a**, "without a sweat"?


"My uniquity only goes so far," the blue half explained as they transitioned into an energetic waltz, "My chassis is a template offered by Cephalon Suda, my class as Combat Cephalon is the second most common, the first being Ship class, and my sub-class as Companion is moderately common, though most prefer a Kubrow or Kavat instead of an artificial being."


"My appearance is unique, however, adapted in order to suit my designation," the red half chimed in, twirling the blue as she did. "That, and my coding was completely and thoroughly done over the course of four months by my creator."


"Regarding Cephalons in general," the blue continued, "Though we are capable of engaging socially, we often aren't programmed specifically for social settings, which is why there aren't many Cephalons such as myself. Interaction with beings is a requirement, however specialization is seen as an unnecessary waste of energy and resources."


The red one again spoke, "However, there are those who disagree, such as my creator. He isn't very strong in social environments, so I was created in order to assist in such situations; offering an alternative to people as a conversation partner and a welcomed distraction in order to relieve stress, improve mood, and relieve awkward encounters."


Aegia let out a soft sigh, her heartbeat starting to calm down into what would be considered normal for a Tenno like her, it no longer pounding and aching within her chest as she sat leaned against the wall. Most of the color once drained from her face had returned, and the soft lines upon her face pulsed warmly with their golden energy like normal once again. Aegia cracked a small smile at the specter in front of her and extended her own hand to meet hers, giving it her usual firm, yet feminine handshake.


"A pleasure to meet you Nisha. Sorry to disappoint you, but my name's not Olga, nor is it Helga. My name is Aegia. Carries about the same weight as those other two names though." She giggled softly and took a glance at the familiar surroundings of the Waystation she'd been forced into a prolonged stay at. "Guess that lockdown is still going on then."


A moment of silence fell over the two Tenno, just for a brief moment as Aegia contemplated a question or two for the cheerful Tenno's echo in front of her. "So, are you here with anyone? It just seems strange to me that you'd be projecting a specter here of all places... Not exactly the funnest place to be if you ask me." If that weren't the understatement of the century. "You've got Tenno with sticks so far up their asses you'd figure their weapon of choice was a Bo; drunk, angry Grineer that you can't even join them in on the drunk part, because there's no bar around here..." She tapped her chin for a moment. "And as far as I'm aware, there's no dueling rooms around here to even remotely start relieving stress through, at least not that I've seen." She finished off her mini-rant with a frustrated sigh. "Why'd my ship have to need repairs near the most boring Waystation in the Origin System."


(Yes, I am indeed aware those rooms and such exist on the station. Aegia does not.)


"Yeah, you got me; I'm not here of my own volition. Well, I'm not technically here at all, but you get the idea," the specter girl confessed, placing her palms down on the section of floor at the center of her crossed legs, "My home Dojo regularly sends volunteers here, and today just so happened to be the day I was assigned to come here along with one of our Warlords-"


Before she continued, she quickly spun her head about, making sure the Tenno in question was out of range before leaning in close to Aegia in order to whisper to her her poorly hidden secret, "Between you and me, he really is the last person I want to be alone with. He's always getting onto me, and half the time I don't deserve it."


She sat back, resuming her previous, seated position, rubbing the back of her head casually as she continued, "As for the others, I really don't have an excuse for them. The people here are usually real laid back. They let me get away with a lot of stupid stuff." Her smile remained, but her shoulders drooped as she admitted, "I'm not nearly as coordinated in public as I am on the battlefield."


Nisha's Echo then perked up a bit as she remembered that she wanted to correct Aegia on something. "Oh! We have a dueling room! It's over there," she pointed over her shoulder with her thumb, motioning to the exercise area, "We even have a simulation chamber and a foundry."

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Fulgurus was listening to everything from a technic side. It's not as unique as he thought, but it is different from the others anyway. Gemini can talk with people easily, just because her maker did so.


Bombard guy nodded, when it finished talking and asked Gemini with a smile.

"Actually when you started talking about appearance, I have a rude question... Are you always so, small?"

He didn't try to insult or make "her" angry, it was just a simple question out of curiosity. It's not like you see something like Gemini, in the place like this. Even if there was, in hangars Fulgurus didn't notice anything like it.
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"Yeah, you got me; I'm not here of my own volition. Well, I'm not technically here at all, but you get the idea," the specter girl confessed, placing her palms down on the section of floor at the center of her crossed legs, "My home Dojo regularly sends volunteers here, and today just so happened to be the day I was assigned to come here along with one of our Warlords-"


Before she continued, she quickly spun her head about, making sure the Tenno in question was out of range before leaning in close to Aegia in order to whisper to her her poorly hidden secret, "Between you and me, he really is the last person I want to be alone with. He's always getting onto me, and half the time I don't deserve it."


She sat back, resuming her previous, seated position, rubbing the back of her head casually as she continued, "As for the others, I really don't have an excuse for them. The people here are usually real laid back. They let me get away with a lot of stupid stuff." Her smile remained, but her shoulders drooped as she admitted, "I'm not nearly as coordinated in public as I am on the battlefield."


Nisha's Echo then perked up a bit as she remembered that she wanted to correct Aegia on something. "Oh! We have a dueling room! It's over there," she pointed over her shoulder with her thumb, motioning to the exercise area, "We even have a simulation chamber and a foundry."

Aegia let out another giggle, louder this time, more in tune with her usual demeanor. " Hah, you and me both. If I had it my way, I'd have already been out of here an hour ago. But... Unfortunately a glorified shiny tesla coil decided that it was time to lockdown the whole place, and now all the engineers in the hangar are busy working on those crazy ships that came in." She laid her head back on the wall with a soft thunk, it neatly fitting in the head shaped dent from earlier. "Even if they weren't, and they did get my ship all fixed up, I wouldn't be able to leave anyways thanks to the stupid lockdown."


As the young specter leaned in close, Aegia couldn't help but snicker at her statement. "Ahh, come now, he can't be as bad as you say... Or maybe he can if he's anything like the bird lady in there." She emphasized by pointing her thumb over her shoulder to the medbay. One could only wonder who she was referring to. "Can some Tenno just not comprehend the concept of 'downtime'? You know, that time where no one is trying to kill us and we can finally relax a little?" She raised both hands up in a mock surrender gesture. "But noooo~ You accidentally tackle an Ash, do a little playful flirting and suddenly I'm recklessly endangering others."


Aegia sighed, though noticeably brightened and perked up at the mention of the fact that there was indeed dueling and simulation rooms. Though she was more excited about the prospect of being able to duel her fellow Tenno. It'd been quite a while since she'd done so. "Well, that's quite the good news. I could think of a few people that I wouldn't mind giving safe, Waystation sanctioned hurt to." She was giddy just thinking about the prospect of it.

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Souna lifts an eyebrow when the two Tenno, obviously acquainted with each other, talked about a third one being imprisoned. On this stations, as was implied. Too bad her helmet hides the mimics, but she barely notices it, and does not care to elaborate the gesture further. Their talk gives her an idea for the perfect answer. 

"One in which Tenno do not turn on each other in deadly intent, for the start. A weak spirit has no use of a strong body." She intates very clearly that she does not accuse those two present in the conversation, just that she sees herself above that. After all, her mind is what her high opinion of herself is based on. Her body and experiences might not compare to those of many-centuries-old veterans. But in her mind, the foundation is laid to take all the steps it takes to ascend in those heights, and further.


With a calm, inviting arm movement, the Zephyr continues speaking.

"Do not feel forced to stay here because of me if the matter of that Tenno requires your presence. In due time, we might meet again to converse further."

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Vandal nodded and bowed slightly to her. "I'll be pleased to speak to you again ma'am." He said as he looks back up at her, slowly getting to stand in his two feet now. Now he could finally walk all fine now so that's handy... Since he was in a limp position at first, he did look like he was looking at something other than her eyes.

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