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The New Frost Prime/helmet Is Ugly...


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Saying that I don't like the design of an ingame object is absolutely nothing like complaining about getting an Iphone for christmas.


Apart from the fact that I paid my money to contribute to the game, which isn't my point, complaining or disliking a certain design in a game is completely valid. Just because it was a "reward" for an event that doesn't magically make free speech banned. So please think about what you write before calling people "brats".


If tomorrow they released a texture-less, featureless box for an alt helm as a free reward for an event would you call anyone who said that it looked ugly a "brat"?


It never ceases to amaze me how in forums a lot of times, if people disagree with you then they just immediately personally insult you.


I would suggest, in all sincerity, that you consider not doing that. It only does you a disservice as well as cast you in a negative light and/or discredit your idea to others.

Well then, if you actually took offense to a little analogy, I apologize but then please do take into consideration of your language. You have been using a lot of strong words to give off the vibe as I stated above.


If you have seen how does a designing process works, from simple looking logos to complex products being sold or virtual designs, you'd know how extensive the work has been done. Yes I am a designer myself.


You're missing out on my point, if the event rewards does not appeal to you, you can always sell away the Frost prime blueprint if it looks too ugly to be used. Be a little grateful to what you have, although we all DO realize you're trying to make a point that it's ugly, it needs to be changed, but please address it in a more mature manner so as not to incur the wrath of people as we all see here.

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And there you have the answer to how valid the statement is. Frost Prime is, like many other frames, not designed to appeal to contemporary sexualized ideals, and doesn't follow any commonly known/seen design precepts. He fits into the WF design language perfectly, though. The Orokin were, seemingly, a people of splendor and function following form, with an appreciation for outlandish style.


Think of cars of the 50s, or how the earlier decades imagined the future. Style and design perceptions change over time. It is perfectly valid for you to not like the looks. Maybe it isn't even meant to be liked, but supposed to dumbfound and confuse you. :)

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I have to agree with Ced. Rhino's Alt helm looks horrible in the picture, but in game, it's my favorite helmet. While all of these are opinions, I say wait until it's in the game and give it a chance.


I really REALLY hope this is the case. I am desperate to be completely wrong. And if it were just those three headband things that made me think of the helmet as almost a complete failure, I would keep up hope and look to when it's available.


Unfortunately the fact is that they gave him a BEARD. And a GOATEE at that. I'm still doing wtf back flips at that design choice alone. 


And Ced, I understand what you're saying, and I agree with you on the theme of outlandish style etc etc. However I think there's an obvious line that once can cross in making something look good while keeping with the theme. And of course the further we go down that discussion the further it becomes subjective. I personally LOVE frost's current alt helm for example, but I know of people who think it looks absolutely ridiculous.


I just think that they can at least try and strike a happy balance while keeping their originality, for me that balance would have been not giving frost an outlandish ******* goatee holy s**** lol.


But I appreciate your opinion and understand what you're saying. 

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Iphones and tablets make me want to play the Nintendo moment I pick one up I feel like I entered the dark ages... So yes I will complain about it if they did buy me one due to a rough and horrifying childhood I don't like being reminded of. Complaining is ok. That is apart of art. if people want to complain let them its good to complain. It is what makes us human beings. Lux has a strong point about critique. Just let him talk. If he hates it he hates it. If he likes it he likes it. That's his opinion. Every human being was raised different. Different taste. Born with different temperments. That's life. You will go to work meet someone you don't like. Try to avoid them only for your boss to force you to work with them. That's life... When your born your spanked for no reason and it hurts. That's life deal with it. Everyone in life is going to hurt you for no reason. Everyone in life is going to complain, everyone in life is going to point something out they don't like. You cannot please the whole world. That's life.

My problem is that he's trying to say that it's objectively bad, while only stating his opinion.

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My problem is that he's trying to say that it's objectively bad, while only stating his opinion.


You can try and justify your behavior anyway you like, but I explicitly say like a bajillion times in my OP that this is my opinion. Sure to ME it is objectively bad, but that is my OPINION. Therefore, subjective. Honestly, I've even explained this multiple times in this thread.

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I really REALLY hope this is the case. I am desperate to be completely wrong. And if it were just those three headband things that made me think of the helmet as almost a complete failure, I would keep up hope and look to when it's available.


Unfortunately the fact is that they gave him a BEARD. And a GOATEE at that. I'm still doing wtf back flips at that design choice alone. 


And Ced, I understand what you're saying, and I agree with you on the theme of outlandish style etc etc. However I think there's an obvious line that once can cross in making something look good while keeping with the theme. And of course the further we go down that discussion the further it becomes subjective. I personally LOVE frost's current alt helm for example, but I know of people who think it looks absolutely ridiculous.


I just think that they can at least try and strike a happy balance while keeping their originality, for me that balance would have been not giving frost an outlandish ******* goatee holy s**** lol.


But I appreciate your opinion and understand what you're saying. 

Btw, I'm pretty sure that beard you are talking about is actually his tie. It's not on his face but his chest. Is that what you are talking about, I could be wrong? Actually, I think he would look pretty bad &#! if he got a gold Pharaoh's beard. XD

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You can try and justify your behavior anyway you like, but I explicitly say like a bajillion times in my OP that this is my opinion. Sure to ME it is objectively bad, but that is my OPINION. Therefore, subjective. Honestly, I've even explained this multiple times in this thread.

Again, that makes literally no sense. Objectivity is the lack of an opinion. You can't say that something is objective in your opinion, you contradict yourself.

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I like the look, personally. I'd use a different color scheme though (leaving the gold the same of course).


Yeah, you can't be objective and subjective, but I think the point is made that it is his opinion and subjective. Just because he didn't word it right doesn't mean he's saying he's right and everyone else is wrong.


Also -85 downvotes? O_o

Edited by SteamInferno
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Again, that makes literally no sense. Objectivity is the lack of an opinion. You can't say that something is objective in your opinion, you contradict yourself.

omg.... Seriously


For the last time.


My opinion is that it is bad. To me that is an objective lack of style/quality whatever.

However, that is a SUBJECTIVE O-P-I-N-I-O-N.


If you don't like strawberries, that is your OBJECTIVE dislike. Your OPINION that strawberries suck is a SUBJECTIVE assessment of those strawberries.


Unless you're trying to troll even harder by saying that a person's opinion is subjective even to themselves. Seriously, don't you have anything better to do than to try and bait endless arguments based on your interpretation of miniscule details.




No but please, do continue to dissect every letter, comma and starry constellation as to why MY OPINION is WRONG. You're the only one in this formula telling the other person that they are wrong for dislinking the design. I have never once offended anyone, insulted anyone or attacked anyone for liking the Frost Prime.


Good fu**ing grief...who would have known that saying "I don't like something" would have gotten some people apparently as upset as arguing whether g ay marriage or legalizing marijuana is wrong....f***.

Edited by LuxAngel7
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Well then it's a damn good thing you can wear the alt helmets w/ primes.


Yeah of course, it's not even that big of a deal, am I personally disappointed? Sure, because from what I can see I don't like how it looks.

  What I don't understand is people losing their shi* just because I said I don't like the design of the helmet or some of the design choices they've made so far. Holy hell, people need to relax.


"If you don't like strawberries, that is your OBJECTIVE dislike. Your OPINION that strawberries suck is a SUBJECTIVE assessment of those strawberries."



Look, no offense but I'm tired of trying to explain how objective vs. subjective beauty/quality works. If you like you can google it and read all about it, it's one of the most basic principles they teach you in any philosophy 101 class.

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