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Buff Dagger Speed


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How do these 250px-GrnJetPwrPolearm.png250px-PrimeScindo.png have more attack speed than these?250px-KarystDagger.png250px-DEHeatDagger.png????

It makes absolutely no sense at all whatseover; how in the world do massive battle-axes attack faster than light daggers?

I'm not even asking for a damage buff; I don't even want them to be top tier weapons like the Scindo Prime, but all I want is for them to have atleast 1.2 attack rate.

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^what this guy said. 


Comparing regular weapons against high-crit weapons with Berserker. Totally makes sense OP! 


Also, why does OP want to buff daggers? Clearly he must be a fan of daggers. Yet if he actually uses daggers, he won't make this complain thread because he'll know daggers are fast. 

Edited by elele
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The attack speed number is simply a modifier applied to attack animation speed.


Daggers have a very fast attack animation.  Therefore they are much faster with the same speed modifier than a scindo.


That's one of the things that "scindo prime is too OP" people don't quite realize.

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Daggers are useless. They are just worse than every other weapon in stats. I don't actually think they need a huge speed buff (although some do) but more so a critical chance and damage multiplier. The idea is that because a dagger is small and extremely easy to use, you can handle it with easy to hit more critical spots. Also their short range is understandable but all it does is make it near impossible to get stealth damage multiplier as you end up touching the enemy for being too close. Not getting stealth, critical and in some cases even speed when using a dagger is counter intuitive to decades of gaming and basic understanding of weapon balancing.


It's sad because daggers actually feel pretty nice to use and are a nice change to big bulky weapons. Daggers accentuate the warframe more than the weapon... a real nice touch visually imo.

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The attack speed number is simply a modifier applied to attack animation speed.


Daggers have a very fast attack animation.  Therefore they are much faster with the same speed modifier than a scindo.


That's one of the things that "scindo prime is too OP" people don't quite realize.


The reason the listed attack speed is so low on daggers and dual daggers without them actually being slow is because their animation is so fast. This is why a Jat Kittag with a 1.3 attack speed can still be slower than dual Ether Daggers with a 0.8 attack speed. But, this means that any animations that they use that are not that fast are much slower than they should be. This is why it takes forever to perform ground finishers or sheath them.


The best way to fix this would be to slow down their attack animations and increase their listed attack speed. This would make them perform much more consistently, and bring them more in line with other melee weapons.

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