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Are Kubrows Still Used?


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I don't use them for various reasons...


1) They like to die, die a lot. Usually by ignoring the weak mobs and immedietly going after bombards or nullifiers which = one dead dog.

2) Costly maintance...why pay creds to keep them up when a sentinel is for free.

3) No vaccum ability. I can't live with out this.

4) That animation all humanoid mobs do when they wrestle with the kubrow attacking them; the mobs are 100% invincible until that ends which is rather annoying.

5) Last but not least, I don't like dogs at all; I prefer cats when it comes right down to it.


All my kubrows are currently in the fridge. :(

Edited by fizbit
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i love kubrows, they are great, and this update where they now avoid line of fire from player was wonderful as i tested it out earlier.  i still need to use the vacuum of carrier for void survivals since my primary gun i choose always must have rifle ammo mutation and i need to keep resupplying while moving constantly.


one more change is needed for sure with kubrows and that is the wait period while choosing another from stasis.  like with many mission types, sometimes i need a particular frame and weapon for success.  i want to bring a particular kubrow in the same manner and three hours with my limited time doesn't let me enjoy the ones i spent so much time levelling and forma-ing.

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Sunika kubrows are mostly cosmetic accessory, Sahasa ones could be helpful.


Huras and Raksa are better than average PUG teammates, even better than Sentinels with potato'ed and forma'd guns. Some warframes become MUCH more powerful when accompanied by these two kubrow breeds.


I think that Sahasa and Sunika need some rework to match other two breeds in usefulness.


Also DE accomplished an awesome job at making them adorable and very lively.

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They are still a bit pricey yeah, but they are nowhere near the attention needs as  people like to mention tamagotchi's still. If they don't die for good in a mission, you need to pet them perhaps once per play session, sometimes none at all. That is about it in terms of your time giving the kuborw 'attention'. It takes about 6 seconds. Other than that, you have to pay little attention to them until they need a stabilizer. But that's not a sudden 'didn't see it coming' thing either. Once 4-5 days if you keep them out of the freezer. So not much constant attention.


I found my huras has been great. So I keep him out and always have a sentinel ready to switch to if needed. Best of both worlds. No cool downs and a choice.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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