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  1. i am going to miss visiting cyborg Jason Statham each week now, unless they decide to put other new things in there each week
  2. stalky and the acolytes grabbed the blueprints first, no more umbras :/ maybe when these are made part of the eternalism cycling between 1999 and present iteration, there will be a form of some playability chance, like the circuit stalker
  3. i've been guilty of believing i picked up the brilliant, but did not. and i've seen this happen so many times where the shard isn't picked up by others and they claimed some bug not being able to put one in. going back to where eidolon was captured , always seeing the glittering spot in the air and having them return to get it. people play this game intoxicated, others tired from long-play sensory aphasia, and it happens they just make a mistake yes, a logical ~brilliant~ idea that should have been instantiated long long ago.... marking that most important shard should have been done long ago
  4. they know all this and hope the strategy works. everyone in game likes to talk about that time when they will get their 75% off coupon! so people will see just the 75 and get the urge to acquire, regardless. and there is some general transparency, the words of OFF and INCREASE, but it really should state it is money-off or platinum-amount increase by adding an extra word or two all of you who keep condemning this company's business practices, you have to remember....they must always now have a business finance mindset, look at the regal aya introduced and recent heirlooms frames. after they were bought by the chinese company years ago i forget the name of now, they are under pressure now to generate more profit than ever for stockholders and have to keep finding ways. their first intro to the new business model after the ownership handover, btw, were the rivens, and those were hugely successful. then came the regal aya. and next year it will be...
  5. sometimes in the nonendless Fissures where idiots rush at way too quick of a pace and nuke all, same occurs with not enough reactant and spawns for corrupting in almost every incident of this: 1) STAY OFF EXTRACTION -- everybody. can still hang out at the end, but not the part that tells how many are ready to go 2) backtrack and go to every side area. nearly every time, there's a mob or so just lingering doing nothing in a room. killing these will nudge the mission code and --- 3) spawn new instant Corrputed somewhere else in the map, often near the host or people near extraction 4) if all straggler mobs were got, then there should be a new period of spawns, even at the end, enough for maybe 4 more reactants but sometimes screwed is screwed, and usually for those doing the earth exterminates/captures :P rape-nuking fissures of lowest level with group of others is not impressing anybody -..-
  6. the plague star event will have special Mutalist Forma because they feel fully-built is too generous and easy. it will not be so bad, it is just 1000 each of nanospores, ferrite, salvage, and alloy plate with 100 credits cost with a medioce 3 hour build time
  7. rivens are not the best replacement, especially when many folks like myself, are at near max rivens with not much interest in acquiring more. the clamps are a much better idea, but they want to make duviri as evergreen and lasting as possible, so i doubt clamps will come anywhere else. so...let's maybe suggest happy-happy even less common stuff, the kind that should be in Heirloom packs to make the "everybody must be rich" bloat worthwhile ---- items like UMBRA FORMA. Heck, most peoples keep wanting slots for weps, frames, etc, so maybe packs of 3 slots of some inventory type, or special booster one can manually activate (can be started at any time) 24-hour boosters would definitely lure in those who feel they are done collecting incarnons. i may be out of touch with veiled rivens these days, are they still that desired?
  8. i want to play quadrapedal style warframe, or transfer into some cool robo-likes, such as zanuka as for making more sexy male frames. just copy off some of those popular furry art and cover it with some of the warframe material alloys ;v
  9. Nira is the worst of them generally, she tends to make most rage because of her diverse, and ouchy, skillset archons can be done solo without much problem to those experienced. i always play zephyr for everything unless requested by friend to be something else, so nohing special was used of her skills except tornado for quick dispatch of deacons and their groups, and archon summoned pals archons seem to be weak to void damage as sentients tend to be. use Xata Whisper with xaku or as a subsumed ability use weapon with immense radiation damage, critical-based, good multishot too Madurai's Void Strike will buff so so well (btw, i notice when activating this nowadays if not done very early in fight, archons tend to go into a defensive/invulnerable stage most of the time. nice obvious script-activating event for adding more 'difficulty' :P ) i could mention which weps are the best, but try some out, see for yourself. i actually like a particular incarnon-type when charged up the most when i do these solo. i nerf myself to other equipment when i play with the randoms on sundays to make the experience more intense for them
  10. taxon tennocon "X" special skin/ dax sentinel would have been fun, and cute X> they also seemed to not provide a credits/resource/affinity boosted time for their special convention period for all, that seems a little meh (( speaking of missed oportunities, the gay pride June could have been made more fun with some kahl and clem experimentation under the watchful guidance of kressa and maroo
  11. not sure why these have to go, feels somewhat sad as its fond memories of old times. i have kept everything i mastered and most of my mk-1 have potatoes, forma, exilus adapters, etc. it seems like a hassle for everyone involved to bother doing anything with these at all since there seems to be no real issue besides armory standards in a game of tons of weapons
  12. and this hints at the one-of-many requiem sequences we'll be using to "dial in" to future content islands that await; similar to stargate in warframe using tones to achieve the unimaginable, such as the Dwarves of the Elder Scrolls universe are hypothesized as doing, which caused their mass disappearance
  13. the threads of the plot present and past will begin to weave together to show the true fabric of the game, so to speak. here are a few things i'm extrapolating will be included in the content to be revealed soon: 1) Narmer is just a faction from the void, like we have factions of grineer, tenno, infested, etc of the high player groups hoping to become most dominant 2) Man in the wall is leader of one of the factions with incredible influential ability, which is now about to subsume the energy of heavenly Duviri for his resources in his personal endeavors of taking over all dimensions/realities as classic megalomanaics seem to sway towards doing 3) pre-orokin were contacted by another faction that albrecht entrati allied with. factions are known by their classic symbolic golden 'antennae" like you see on narmer warriors, the void corrupted, etc. corrupted may be forced army recruits for the.... 4) NEXT WAR. yep, the next war, or maybe they will more dramatically, and aptly named, The Final War, or something col and terminally ultimate to end warframe as it then will go into soulframe 5) albrecht and then the entrati family on deimos protect and manage the donated void energy heart which has multiple purposes, but the special filtered "magic" that each frame can do, like a prism that allows only one lightwave to pass through. other void "archetypes" of which you know are those entities who become the orowyrms. remember how tenno can "feel" the life-being of their frame's organic host 6) infested strains are biological-links between the other dimensions and serve at times as avatars. and guess where this material comes from? duviri. the landscape stripped away slowly and sent into our timespace for the takeover for one faction, and the links to tenno, their frames, and more, which other void factions are using to combat in the dimensional reality that we are most familiar with. remember the nightwave infested arc and its implications? and the nidus-corpus colony? ever notice on derelicts how so much or the stuff has thevoid-glow? 7) archemdian yonto's been already hinting at what can be done and likely will take place as part of EVERGREEN New Ultimate War missions/efforts ~~~~Time Travel~~~~ you got it, to correct mistakes of the past, and combat the influence of the other factions trying to manipulate time. good chance to make some fun Old War quests and enjoy seeing the lore in action ^,,^ 8) angels, they have halos. Dominus Thrax, there's a halo there. and then look at the hideous af graphic of duviri choice on navigation screen beside the railjack option. that is not Dominus Thrax, it looks like Man in the wall. yep, there they are telling everyone that this is a void species/faction and Dominus Thrax is the One in charge of the Duviri Subsumation efforts for the final war. but this individual cannot maintain his emotional sanity in check at that place, obviously. in the Zariman, the "infested" version of the invading Thrax is that black good which crystallizes around while making their own infested versions as those void angels from the crew we have to fight 9) sentients are so much more than the lore actually explains, especially how they are "weak" to void energy like thrax and overguard and how the eidolon ghostly forms ties into their existences 10) third spider orb on fortuna will take place as an attempt at Narmar doing another takeover. it will be combined grineer, corpus, deacons, etc, and the mission will finally use this beautiful map and chance to directly confront a Narmar Nef Anyo! you guys remember this? my favorite tennocon reveal that got me excited for spaceship pewpews: and if none of what i said comes this Tennocon reveal.... then you are welcome, DE, for another 2-4 years possible content i just opened the bottle up with here i won't sue.... but can i come live with? :} Happy Tennocon to you all. sorry for any bad grammar and typos!
  14. DE cleaning up and verifying the codex to be completable would be sooo nice then eventually you discover...there is probably twice as much more "secret" stuff to scan, such as can be witnessed with this weeks recall: tenzero, scannable things but nowhere to be viewed in codex i know voltage and other folks with OCD and completionism syndrome (have a litt touch of it myself) will ellyou there is likely another 30% more from game start to end not listed in codex, but helios will get it for you passively, probably for instance, the raptor boss, inside its pit are scannable panels with tiniest window of "catchability". and i forget, but there's two scannable ones from normal mission and then i think steel path or sortie one has its own. this can be seen with tons of seemingly exact computer consoles too in varying missions/quests and then don't get me started on the orb vallis call points that seem to get new scannable ones every half year (probably DE making more locations for variety, but why does system see these as new?") the codex and scan things are not wise for those with the psychological tendency to "gotta catch em all", but i think most companies know this and the obsession keeps one coming back and staying around longer than they likely would good luck x,,x
  15. bump this remains as annoying and hideous to view since day 1 release, seriously, arty DE peeps i mean, you really should choose something better to represent the game's version of a Read Dead Redemption opera in a psionic-sourced transdimensional spatial vertex :/
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